Chapter Nine

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Writer Notes:

Wail I was writing this, I asked my mom what a group of friends do in a park on then weekend, she suggested I make them play Pokemon go and my son agrees. So to make her happy, made one person play it. NOTE TO SELF: never ask them again. LOL.


All Sunday the group and Toi spent time together, going to the park taking photos and having fun. The girls had made food and brought it along for a picnic later in the afternoon. They spread out a blanket on the ground then sat down. Toi sat next to Kong. Mak sat on the other side of Toi. He picked up a piece of fruit and tries to feed it to Kong. Laughing Kong bites into then smiles at him. Ros was dealing with Mimi and Sinn who were trying to take the whole cake that Ros had made the night before. Arm was leaning against the tree playing Pokemon Go on his phone and battling in a gym. Bong and Liv where playing in the water at the pound.

Leaning back against Toi, Kong closed his eyes and was enjoying the sun. As he did he started to fall asleep. Toi used his hand to cover Kong's face from the sun. Mak watched how Toi was with Kong and couldn't help but smile. Maybe Toi was the kind of guy Kong needed.

''You sure do care for him a lot ' you Toi?'' Mak had to ask wail looking at the food.

Smiling he nodded and said ''well yeah that's the reason I came back, it's all for him'' Toi used his other hair to play with Kong's hair.

Patting Toi's back, Mak just nodded and picked up a sandwich taking a bite out of it. If Kong knew how would he feel about it? Would he give Toi a chance or would he still rather chase after Art? He looked at the sleeping Kong, who Toi had moved to lay on his lap instead.

After a full day of playing, photos and eating it was time for them to go home. Once again everyone spent the night at Kong's place. The moment they opened the door they smelled food being cooked and the tv on. Kong smiled and ran into the kitchen to find his mom there.

''Ok kids, go get changed and washed up, dinner will be ready in 20 mins.'' Kong's mom said.

All the kids gave a wai to his mom and dad before heading upstairs to do as they where told. After, washing and changing clothes they all headed down and sat at the table. Toi stopped Kong at the top of the stairs.

''Hey I need to talk with you'' he said

''Let's talk after dinner, ok.'' Kong was to happy to do anything else right now. This was the first time in a long time both his mom and dad were home and he didn't want anything to ruin it. The fact that all his friends and his parents were here all that mattered to him. He grabbed Toi's wrist and pulled him down the stairs with him, then made him sit next to him.

After dinner, the group gathered in the living room wail Kong's mom and dad went to bed. Laughing and having fun they all knew they had to go to bed early for school the next day. First the girls went to bed, then Arm. Mak, Kong and Toi were the only ones left. Unable to hold it anymore Mak turned in as well. Kong wasn't tired yet, he was still to happy with how this weekend went. First, Toi came back, then his parents where home. If anything else good happened Kong felt he would die.

Hopping up off the couch Kong choose to go outside and sit on the railing. Toi just watched, thinking about how he should tell him.

''Yo, Toi come join its nice out'' Kong smiled and patted the spot next to him.

''Kong, there is something I need to tell you'' Toi said standing up and walks over to in front of him.

''Ok, whats up'' he looked at him

''I didn't really come back to study. The truth is, I called Mak one day and he told me everything that was going on with you and Art.'' Toi looked up at Kong

''Oh I see.''

''The real reason I came back is...'' Toi stopped and stepped to the side to lean against the railing.

''Is what'' Kong asked with a confused look

''Do you remember high school? How I use to act with you back then?''


''Do you remember the night we all went camping and where asking who everyone likes? But I never told.''

''Well yeah'' He laughed thinking about that night and how everyone was drinking secretly.

Toi looked up at Kong for a moment then moved back to in front of him. He grabbed his hand and placed it on his chest over his heart.

''The person I liked then is the same person I like now and he is the reason I came back to Thailand.'' Toi held Kong's hand on his chest tight but softly. ''That person is you, Kong. You are why I choose to come back. You are the one I liked back then, but I was to scared to say so cause I didn't know how you felt or anything.''

Toi let go of his hand and stepped back from him knowing that he was going to shot down.

''I understand you have feelings for Art, like you did back then, but I couldn't keep going like this. I feel I had to tell you.'' Toi couldn't look at Kong anymore he was just waiting for him to get rejected.

Kong just sat there not knowing what to say. Silence feel between them. Neither of them looked at each other. Kong did have to admit though that Toi was good to him. He didn't know how to answer him. It's not like he ever told Art how he felt, so in truth he didn't have the right to reject him.

Kong smiled and jumped off the railing then went over and hugged Toi. ''Just give me some time to think about everything. That's all I ask. The doesn't mean I want you to act any differently. Keep being you cause that's the best part of you.'' He looked up at Toi who has a shocked look on his face when Kong hugged him. Smiling Toi agreed and hugged him back tightly. After a long wail they both deiced to head to bed.

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