Chapter Thirteen

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Friday finally rolled around and everyone was happy to be back together at the lunch table. Everyone was excited to once again have a sleep over and spend time together. It had been weeks since they where last together. Sinn clung to Mimi wail sitting on the table swearing she wasn't going to let her out of her sight again. Ros was getting on to Mimi for just running off with the two guys then she turned and started to lay into the guys for running off with Mimi without ever telling anyone why. Even Art, Liv and Bong where upset about it as well. Kong just sat there looking at them.

Kong still was thinking about Art. He had not seen him around in a few weeks let alone at all. Even though he was upset with Art, he still felt the need to talk to him and sort it all out. Kong was lost in thought when Mak snapped his fingers in front of him.

''Yo, Ko, you with us?'' He said teasingly

Snapping out of his daze he looked up and smiled.

''Hmm yeah, whats up?''

''Toi was saying how he would like to host this weeks sleep hang out at his place. Are you cool with that?'' he asked looking a bit worried about Kong.

''Yeah, sure why not.'' He looked at Toi ''Anything I need to bring.''

''Nah jus some clothes and yourself'' Toi said laughing rubbing the top of Kong's head.

Toi looked over at Mak then Mimi for a sec, then started to tell everyone what time to be at his house and where it was. Art told them he would bring some snakes and Ros was going to bring some games. Everyone was talking and loved the idea of what they where going to do. Mak got up and pulled his phone out to send a text, when Mimi joined him.

''Make sure you tell him to come an hour later that way Kong has time to relax before we bring him in.'' She said looking around making sure others didn't notice.

''HEY!'' Sinn yelled at Mimi ''What are you doing?'' she got up and walked over to them.

''Nothing Nothing, chill.'' she turned Sinn around and pushed her back to the table.

Mak turned and looked back at Toi and nodded softly letting him know it was done. Toi nodded back then went back to talking to Kong and the others. Mak stood there a moment worried what Kong would think if he knew all that was going on. Would he be mad at them? He hoped not. Signing a bit and shrugging it off he went back to join the others.

Later at Toi's house, he, Mak, and Kong waited for the others to join. Mak was playing games with Kong, in order to keep him busy, wail Toi was setting everything else up. Toi had a larg downstairs game/hang out room that was one whole floor. On the far left side of the room was arcade games along with a dart bored on the wall. In the middle of the room he had two pool tables and an air hockey table. On the far right side of the room in the corner was a big screen tv hooked up to a few game consoles on their own self that took up half the wall under the tv and a big sectional couch, with a coffee table in between the couch and the game shelf, where Mak and Kong where sitting. In the other corner of the right side was a big full bathroom.

Toi was spreading out blankets into a big pile along with pillows between the back of the couch and the stairs that lead down. After he was done, he sent a text out to the others letting them know that the door was open and to head down stairs. The house keeper, who was about to go home, brought down all the snacks and drinks that Toi had her buy. He thanked her and told her she could go home. Nodding she smiled and told him that the food he wanted to order would be there in an hour and she left a note on the door to tell them they where downstairs then she left for home.

With music playing in the background, Mak and Kong yelling wail playing games, Toi hardly noticed when Bong yelled to let them know they where there.

''Unholy...What the...''Mimi and Sinn said together when they saw the size of the room.

''Shit Toi'' was all Bong could say.

Both Ros and Art looked around then at each other nodding, then they both turned to Toi giving him a thumbs up.

''BoBo look at all this room we can dance in'' Liv said as she pulled on her sister. Toi could only laugh as he watched them move about the room. Hearing foot steps on the stairs he looked up to see the food guy and meet him half way paying him and taking the food. He placed the food on the coffee table then gave a slight nod to Mak then looked at Mimi. The three of them were able to slip away wail everyone was busy. Ros joined Liv and Bong dancing and singing. Arm took Mak's place in the game against Kong. Sinn sat on the back of the couch watching the guys play.

Mimi jumped up to sit on the pool table wail the guys stood in front of her close so the others couldn't hear.

''Did he ever reply when he would be here'' Toi asked looking at Mak

''No, I even sent another message asking him'' he said pulling his phone out showing them the text

''I don't even know if he read it'' Mak added

''Are we sure this was even a good idea. I mean look at him, he looks happy right now'' Mimi nodded to Kong who was laughing and teasing Arm for being bad at games.

''What if he gets upset and hates us after words'' she said with a worry look on her face.

''We already said we would help, plus...'' Mak looked at Kong ''Even if he doesn't say it his face does. He has been thinking about him ever since that day.'' He looked back at Toi and Mimi ''We have to do this even if it leads to nothing.''

Mimi agreed then went back to join everyone else who was having fun. Toi started to walk away when Mak grabbed his arm.

''Are you really sure that YOU want to do this'' he asked him.

Toi let a soft sigh out turning to look at Kong then back at Mak.

''As long as he is happy and smiling, I will do anything for him. Even if that means helping him get the guy he likes.'' Toi patted Mak's shoulder and headed to the others. Mak shook his head not fulling understanding, but knew Toi only wanted to best for Kong just like he did.

Just as Mak was passing by the stairs he heard a noise and looked up to see the door open and someone coming down. Everyone else looked at the stairs to see who it could be. Everyone was already there and looking at each other to make sure. When they looked back at the stairs and saw who it was they all were shocked then looked at Kong who was still playing his game.

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