Chapter Six

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After finally finding a place to eat, Kong and Art sat across from each other looking throw all the Photos he had taken. Art mentioned that he to was taking photos and pulled his camera out. He held it in front of him and Kong turning it on. The first photo that popped up was the last one he took. It was of Kong taking photos as well. Embarrassed Art pulled the camera away and shoved it back in his bag. Slight pink ran across his cheeks as he looked down at his food and poked at it with his fork.

Kong laughed softly at him and asked to see the photo again. To embarrassed to even touch his camera Art just handed him his bag and started to eat. Shaking his head Kong pulled the camera from the bag and turned it on looking at the photo of himself. It wasn't a bad photo at all. Art had really caught the feel of watching another photographer taking pictures. He liked it and asked for a copy for himself. Art agreed shyly. Just as they where about to finish with there meal a voice came from behind Kong that sent shivers down his spine.

''Yo, Ko and Art'' looking back Kong saw Mak and Bong walking up to them.

Bong moved in next to Art and looked at him then looked at Mak as she sat next to Kong putting his arm on the back of the chair behind Kong.

''What's going on here'' She asked teasingly

''Nothing Bon. Me and Art ran into each other at the park. We happen to be taking photos and choose to go over them together wail eating that's it.''

Kong gave Bong a strong look that told her not to ask anymore, but that didn't stop Mak from teasing him.

''Yeah BonBon you shouldn't be asking. Can't you tell they are on a date right now.'' Mak laughed as he rubbed the back of Kong's head. ''Our Little Ko is all grown up now isn't he'' He said now softly pinching Kong's cheeks. Kong being use to Mak's teasing just laughs it off and tries to stop him. Even Bong has gotten use to their weird ways now.

Art on the other hand, seeing how close they were, started to get a little upset and stood up.

''Can you hand me my bag and camera'' he said looking at Kong whose cheeks where still getting pinched.

Handing him his stuff, Kong looks at him noticing his face and how he looked upset. ''You ok Art'' he asked worried.

''Yeah,I'm fine, I just remembered that I need to get home early tonight that's all. I'll send you the photo later.'' Art said as he wai to Bong and Mak, then walked out after paying his half of the bill.

Unsure of what just really happened Mak finally let go Kong's cheeks and the three of them just watched him leave. Looking at Bong then Kong, Mak asked ''Did we do something wrong?'' Confused they just shrugged at him.

Finally, Mak looked at Kong with a straight face. ''What really happened with you both to end up here all friendly. He isn't one for friends you know that so whats going on?'' Kong gave a soft sigh and started to tell them the whole story and everything. After Kong finished telling, Bong got up to go to the bathroom. Mak watched till she was out of sight then turned to Kong then looked down at the table.

''Tell me something Ko. Do you still have feelings for him after all this time?''

Shocked, and looking at him, Kong didn't say anything for the longest time, then he looked down at his food.

''How long have you known Mak?'' He asked scared to look at his long time friend.

''Long enough, since high school to be honest.''

Silence feel between them both. Mak put his arm around his friend and patted his head softly.

''I wanted to wait till you where ready to say something, but with everything that has happened with Art...I had to know.''

''And what do you think about how I am?'' Kong asked looking at him.

''Truthfully I don't care either way. You are still my best friend Ko that I grew up with. It doesn't change anything between us.'' He smiled at Kong letting him know it was ok. The he turned and saw Bong coming back and said ''You should tell the others too this way they can understand what is going on as well. I'm sure they will feel the same way as I do. Your family and we love you.''

Kong nodded. Once he paid the rest of the bill the three of them left and headed home. Mak was right. Maybe it was time to tell everyone what was going on and everything. How would they react? Would they be ok with it or would they freak? Before that though he thought he should tell his mom and dad first. Once everything was out to everyone he cared for maybe he would feel a lot better about things.

Later that night, Kong choose to Skype with his mom and dad. At first he just asked how things where and they asked how school was. But before they hung up, he told him he had to tell them something important. After a few deep breaths he told them that he was gay and he was scared they wouldn't love him anymore. Silence once again on both ends, then his mother smiled softly and told him it was ok. Just like Mak they had always knew he was different from the others and they didn't care. He was their son and they loved him with all their hearts. They just wanted him to be able to say it himself.

Smiling and shutting his computer, Kong was happy that he was able to tell them. Now he thought how he would tell his friends and when.

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