Chapter Three

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A week after everything had happen, Kong, Mak and Bong where sitting at the lunch table talking about the upcoming exams and where they should go to take pictures. As the three of them where talking, out of nowhere someone jumped on Bong from behind.

''HEY! If it isn't BoBo, KoKo, and Mak.'' It was Bong's little sister Liv and her four friends.

Liv loved sneaking up on her sister. Liv loved being in the same Art Collage as her sister. Even though they fought, like siblings normally do, they where still close and Liv looked up to her sister. As Liv sat down next to Bong, the others joined. Liv was shorter then the others. She was also the youngest, in her group of friends. Her sister likes to call her Little Liv. She always wears her hair up in low pig tails.

Ros sat on one side of Mak. Ros had long hair, that reached the middle of her back so she always kept it up in a messy bun, and glasses. From the look of her some would think she only spent all her time studying, but that wasn't true at all. She liked to cause trouble as well as keep others out of trouble. Ros was called Mama by the others in her group.

On the other said of Mak sat a tall and quite boy with a book in one hand as well as wearing headphones. This was Arm. Arm is Ros childhood friend. Being the only gay friend of four girls might seem easy to most but not to him. Only being a few months older then the rest, they all instead on calling him Oppa. Arm is the quite type that never gets involved in trouble unless it had to do with the girls, then its his job to protect them. As well as being quite Arm can be a bit on the wild side, he has to be to keep up with these four.

Sitting on the table arms wrapped around each other where the Twins, or the Troublesome Twins as everyone liked to call them, Sinn & Mimi. Sinn, who sat on the table near Kong, was the oldest of the twins. She had black shoulder lengthen hair with a white streak on the right front side. She was smart and loved playing tricks on people, but she has a kind heart. Her sister Mimi sat near Ros on the table. Mimi's hair was white and shorter then Sinn and a black streak on the left front side. Unlike her sister, Mimi didn't really talk much to anyone unless it was to her group of friends. Mimi loves to cause down right trouble is is normally the first one to start a fight with anyone that messes with her friends. In fact she had a cut on her face from a few nights ago at a bar. Some guy tried to hit on Ros, Mimi wasn't having it and punch the guy without any thought. He came up with knife in hand cutting Mimi on the cheek.

Smiling at this weird but awesome group of friends thinking about how each one of them had their own faults as well as strong points made him feel better about himself. These seven people right here who where laughing and eating together where the family he had always wanted growing up.

''Hey everyone after lets to my house after class and chill out watching shows.'' Kong said with a smile on his face.

The one thing they all had in common other then art was their love for Bl Shows.

Everyone cheered and shouted ''YEAH'' when Kong said that.

''Are we all staying the night as well?'' asked Liv

''Only if you guys want to'' Kong said looking at her.

Sinn patted Kong on the shoulder and laughed ''Yo P'Ko me and Mimi will bring the snacks'' looking around at the others ''Who wants to bring the drinks?''

Ros raised her hand ''I best go with you two, so I will grab the drinks. Everyone write down what you want and we will get it'' She said pulling a piece of paper from her bag.

''Come one Ros you don't trust us? I swear we wont get into any trouble.'' Sinn chuckles patting Mimi now the back. ''Isn't that right sis?''

''Speak for yourself Sinn'' Mimi said as she hopped up from the table and starts to walk away. Shaking her head Sinn follows after her with a ''Oh come on you cant just say yeah for once?''

Laughing and standing Ros took the paper and shoved it in her bag. ''Best make sure they stay out of trouble, come on Arm and Liv its time for class again. See ya P's'' She waved and walked off with the other two following behind her.

Not able to hold it back anymore Mak laughed and whipped a tear from his eye.

''Those Nongs are good to have around, right BonBon?'' he said looking at Bong.

She sighed and throw a piece of food at him ''Will you stop calling me that already and yes your right.''

Laughing the three of them got up and headed off to class.

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