chapter 2: School

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I hate school, doesnt everyone? I honestly think school is just a place we go to to learn things we wont need in the future. I mean look at us, its America, everyones lazy and all we do is eat or starve. Most teenage girls at my school are depressed, only a few are actually happy. Im the type that smiles but doesnt really mean it. Some people like me, some dont. Just like everyone else.. I feel like im different though. Im not like everyone else. Im me and I hate it but I also love it at the same time. I love it because im me and no one else has my personality or feelings or body or anything. I hate it because .. I dont know. I just look in the mirror and hate what i see, I stand on the scale and hate the number. I smile but never mean it.. Im different. Anywayy. 1st period. I love my teacher and the people in that class so the beginning of the day starts off pretty good. I stay in that class for homeroom, 1st and 2nd period so like 3 hours with the same teacher and classmates. Then comes 3rd period..ugh. I hate science. Im not good at it so I dont do anything but text people on my phone. Then the rest of the school time goes by. I get off the bus, run home and go straight to my room everyday. I dont like going outside because I usually dont feel like talking after school, I dont know why. Thats just how i am.

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