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"Do you have to go?" Amelia asked, crossing her arms. Jace laughed and hugged his younger sister.

"Yes 'Lia. I want to do this." Jace said. Amelia sighed and looked at the plane not too far from them.

"You're going to fly that tiny little thing across the world?" Amelia asked, walking towards it.

"Hey! It's a good plane! I built the engine myself!" Jace said.

"You're going to die. What happens when the engine dies halfway across the Atlantic?" Amelia asked. Jace sighed and looked at her.

"It won't! It's a good engine!" Jace said. Amelia scoffed and Jace looked at her.

"Okay fine. So let's just say it does have a good engine. You'll text me or email or call or send me a carrier pigeon whenever you stop?" Amelia asked. Jace nodded.

"Of course I will." He assured her. Amelia hugged him tightly.

"Please be careful. You're all I got." She whispered. Jace smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be fine 'Lia. I will call you whenever I stop. I love you." Jace said. Amelia smiled.

"I love you too! Be safe!" She called as Jace walked towards the plane.

"I always am!" He shouted. Amelia rolled her eyes and watched as Jace took off, his plane climbing higher and higher into the clouds.


"Oh come on." Jace grumbled. His engine chose now to start having an issue. There was no where to land.

"Come on, you can go further." Jace said. He saw lights up in the distance and the engine groaned.

"Don't you die on me now. I'm almost at that landing strip. Then you can do whatever you want. If I die, 'Lia will kill us." Jace said. He climbed higher into the sky before becoming level with the flashing lights.

"Just a bit further. Come on, we're almost there." Jace urged. The engine made a sound that made Jace's eyes widen.

He wasn't going to be making a safe landing.

Whatever those flashing lights were in the distance, Jace hoped they were equipped for a plane to crash land, because that was what was happening.

He was crash landing.


Jace woke up in his plane. There were red and blue flashing lights and it looked like he was in the middle of a field.

"Sir, I don't think he can hear you."

Jace looked up and saw a man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

"There, now he's awake. Cuff him. We're taking him to the palace." The man said.

"But sir-"

"Her Majesty can deal with him." The man said.

Jace was hauled to his feet and then had handcuffs put on his wrists.

"Can someone tell me where I am?" Jace asked.

"Captain Lightwood-"

"What is it?" The man - Captain Lightwood said.

"He's talking."

The captain looked at Jace and crossed his arms.

"What?" He asked.

"Where am I?" Jace asked.

"You're in Atlantis." The Captain said before Jace was pushed away from his plane.

"Wait. Before you take me to the castle or whatever,"

"Palace. Her Majesty lives in her palace." The Captain said.

"Okay cool, I'm going to need someone to take my plane somewhere where it can get fixed. And I'm going to need to call my sister." Jace said.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible. Your plane will stay here and you won't have any connection with the human world until Her Majesty says so." The Captain said.

"The human world? What do you mean, 'the human world'?" Jace asked.

"I'm definitely not the person to answer that." The Captain said.

"Look, Captain-"

"Lightwood. Captain Lightwood."

"Sure, Captain Lightwood. I built that plane from scratch. It's important that it stays safe. And I made a promise to my sister. I have to call her." Jace said.

"Like I said, that won't be possible. And if you built one plane, I'm sure it won't be hard to build another. Now, Her Majesty is waiting. Take him to the palace." Captain Lightwood said. Jace sighed and watched his plane as he was put in the back of a police car.


"Alec! What are you doing here?" A woman asked.

She looked very similar to the police captain, Jace was almost certain she was his sister.

"I have to see Her Majesty. Where is she?" Captain Lightwood asked.

"Not in any place to have visitors. I suggest you take your handcuffed friend back to the station. I can let her know he's here and tell you when she'll see him." The woman said.

"Iz, I need to see her now." Captain Lightwood said.

"I'm sorry Alec, she's not seeing anyone. Not even me." The woman said.

"Isabelle, I need to see her now." Alec said.

"She won't see anyone! I'll let you know when she's out of her bad mood." Isabelle said. Alec frowned at his sister and shoved Jace.

"Let's go." He said.

"What is it Alec?" A voice asked. Jace and Alec looked up and saw a very angry looking woman at the top of the stairs.

"Your Majesty." Alec said, dropping to one knee.

Jace looked around and saw Isabelle in a deep curtesy. The queen locked eyes with Jace, who hesitantly kneeled.

"Who is this?" The queen asked.

"Hi, I'm Jace Herondale." Jace said, standing. The queen glared at him and he kneeled again.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Alec stood and the queen nodded.

"He was found in a plane that crashed not far from the forest." Alec said. The queen looked at Jace and started walking down the stairs. Jace realized that the queen was several inches shorter than him and relaxed a bit.

"Don't think that because I'm short I can't kick your ass. It wouldn't be hard." The queen said, as if she was reading his mind. Isabelle laughed and the queen looked at her.

"Isabelle, do you have something you'd like to say?" The queen asked.

"Not at all Your Majesty." Isabelle said. The queen looked at Jace and sighed.

"Well Mr Herondale. It would appear as though you'll be staying here for a while." The queen said. Jace looked at her.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, was I not clear? You'll be staying here for a while." She said.

"Here? Like the palace? Or the city?" Jace asked.

"The palace. You're in no condition to be staying in my city. Alec, find Simon. Have him deal with this one." The queen said.

"Your Majesty, I have a question." Jace said. The queen raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"I have... my sister... she... I have a sister. She is expecting a call from me. Is there any way to contact her?" Jace asked. The queen looked at him.

"There's a telephone in your bedroom. Do what you'd like. Now go, I am done dealing with this." The queen said before turning and walking away.

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