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"Your Majesty, you can't just run off like that!" Magnus scolded. Alec breathed a sigh of relief and Simon smiled. 

"Well I'm back now aren't I?" Clary asked. She'd held Jace's hand the whole way back and smiled when he'd stop and kiss her.

"Your hair! Your Majesty, what happened?" Isabelle asked.

"I wanted it down." Clary said. Isabelle sighed and fixed the wrinkles in the skirt of Clary's dress.

"They're ready for you, Your Majesty." Magnus said. Clary smiled and Jace squeezed her hand before letting her go. A pair of double doors opened and Clary stepped through them. Jace heard people clapping and he smiled.

"Alright mundane, you get to come with us. I'm sure Her Majesty will find you." Alec said. Jace followed Alec, Isabelle, and Simon down the hall and into the ballroom.

"Doesn't Her Majesty look stunning?" Isabelle asked. Jace smiled.

"She does." He said softly. Clary walked towards them followed by Magnus as music started playing softly.

"Your Majesty, can I get you anything?" Magnus asked. Clary smiled.

"If you could get me a glass of champagne, that would be wonderful. Mr Herondale, would you like one as well?" Clary asked.

"Champagne would be great." Jace said.

"Two glasses of champagne then." Clary said smiling. Magnus smiled and disappeared into the crowd.

"Your Majesty!"

Clary spun around and saw a tall man with white blonde hair wearing a navy jacket with gold embellishments on it.

"Oh! Sebastian. What a surprise!" Clary said. He kissed her hand and Clary sighed.

"I'm surprised to see you here." Clary said.

"Oh? Why is that?" Sebastian asked.

"Your receptionist said you weren't sure you'd be available." Clary said.

"Well, here I am. And who's this?" Sebastian asked, looking at Jace.

"Oh! This is my guest, Mr Herondale. Mr Herondale, this is the Baron Verlac." Clary said.

"It's nice to meet you." Jace said. He held out his hand and Sebastian looked at it.

"It is." He said. Clary cleared her throat and turned to Sebastian.

"Have you had any luck finding a potential Baroness?" Clary asked. Sebastian sighed.

"Slow.  And how's your search for your king?" Sebastian asked. Clary sighed.

"It's been delayed. I'm rather busy running a country. I'm not exactly focused on finding someone to rule beside me." Clary said. Sebastian nodded and Magnus walked up to Clary.

"Here you are Mr Herondale." He said, passing a champagne flute to Jace.

"Here you go Your Majesty." Magnus said. Clary took the champagne from Magnus and smiled.

"Magnus, you remember the Baron Verlac, don't you?" Clary asked. Magnus bowed and Sebastian sighed.

"Anyways, I must go speak to some other guests. Enjoy the party!" Clary said, walking away with Jace following her.


"Come Your Majesty, one more dance?" A man asked, chasing after Clary. Clary shook her head.

"I believe I need a moment to recover. Maybe in a bit." Clary said. The man smiled and bowed before disappearing. Clary sat down and saw Jace sitting a few tables away.

She walked over and sat beside him and he smiled.

"You seem tired." He said.

"Well someone has been running me ragged on the dance floor." Clary said, taking a drink of champagne.

Jace chuckled and grabbed her free hand as a slower song came on.

"Would Her Majesty be alright if I stole her for a dance?" Jace asked, standing and holding out his hand for Clary. She smiled and took his hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and she put an arm around on his shoulder and another on his chest.

"How's your plane coming? You must be excited to go home." Clary said. Jace sighed.

"Look, Clary, I-"

He was cut off by a loud blaring sound like an alarm. Clary looked over to Magnus in a panic who nodded. She walked over to Alec and Simon.

"I need you two to start a city wide evacuation. Get everyone out of the city. No one is left behind. Get everyone out of here." Clary ordered. Isabelle walked to her and Clary looked at her.

"Take Magnus and get the palace locked down. Get the guests out safely and then lock it down. No one gets in and no one else gets out after you've all left." Clary said.

"What about you?" Isabelle asked.

"Don't worry about me. I'm right where he wants me. Just get everyone else out." Clary said. Isabelle nodded and followed Magnus towards the sea of panicked people. Clary watched as people were quickly ushered towards the door. She took a deep breath and turned to Jace.

"Is your plane ready?" She asked.

"Is my - what?" Jace asked.

"Is your plane ready to leave?" Clary asked.

"I'm not leaving yet." Jace said.

"This isn't an argument Jace. It's not safe here." Clary said.

"I'm not leaving you here!" He said.

"This isn't me asking you. This is me telling you to go!" Clary snapped.

"And I'm telling you that I'm not leaving you! Not now. Not when your life is crashing down!" Jace said.

People started rushing out of the room.

"Please. It's not safe here and I won't have you get hurt. Go home!" Clary said. Jace pulled her closer and cupped her face in his hand as the ballroom emptied.

"I'm tougher than I look." He said.

"Jace. I can't be worrying about you. Not now. I need to know you'll be safe. And you'll be safe on your plane." Clary said sadly.

Jace kissed her and Clary felt tears sting her eyes.

"Please Jace. I'm begging you." Clary said softly. Jace nodded.

"Clary, I-"

"Don't say it." Clary said.

"What? Why not?" Jace asked.

"Because then it won't be as hard to let you go." Clary said sadly.

"But do you?" Jace asked.


"I'll go. I'll go back to New York. But I have to know."

Clary looked at him and he wiped her tears away. She kissed him softly and nodded.

"I do."

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