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"Now what?" Clary asked, turning to Jace.

"Now I get you as far away from here as I can." Jace said.

"Perfect, where are we going?" Clary asked.

"I'd prefer not to leave the island." She added as an after thought.

"No. We're going to New York." Jace said.

"New York?" Clary asked.

"Yes. It's about a five hour flight from here to New York. Make sure you're comfortable. The plane is pretty small." Jace said. Clary looked at the plane and then at Jace.

"And you're sure this is safe?" She asked. Jace nodded.

"I built it myself."

"Yes, but you said that about the last plane." Clary said. Jace laughed and put a few things into the plane.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to trust me." He said. Clary laughed.

"Trust you? If you can get me to New York in one piece, I'll never doubt you again." Jace smiled and helped her into the plane.

"Well then Princess, lets hope I get you there in one piece!"


Five hours later, Jace touched down in New York.

"Hey Princess, it's time to wake up." He whispered, gently shaking Clary. Her eyes slowly opened and she yawned and looked around as Jace got out of the plane.

"Are we there?" She questioned, her brain foggy from sleep.

"Yeah, we're here. Come on, Amelia is waiting for us. Let's get you out of here and then you can go back to sleep." Jace soothed. Clary nodded as he helped her out of the plane.

When her feet touched the ground her knees buckled and Jace wrapped an arm around her.

"Jace!" Clary said panicking.

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you." He whispered.

The fluorescent lights grew brighter and Clary squinted to see as Jace picked her up and carried her through the airport. She rested her head on his chest and heard a gasp.

"Jace!" She heard someone yell, followed by footsteps that got closer and closer.

"Shh! She's asleep Lia." Jace whispered.

"Is she okay? She has bruises everywhere, what happened?"

"She's had a very difficult day. I'm bringing her home and letting her sleep." Jace explained.

"So she's staying with us?"

"Yes. She let me stay with her when I needed it and now I'm letting her stay with us as long as she needs." Jace said.

"Okay. Then let's get her home."


Clary felt the sun on her face and groaned softly, nestling deeper into the blankets.

"Your Majesty, it's time to wake up." She heard someone whisper.

"Not yet." Clary said, rolling onto her side. She heard the person chuckle and felt them push red curls out of her face.

"Come on Princess."

Clary opened her eyes slowly and saw Jace crouching beside her.

"Where am I?" Clary asked groggily.

"New York. Specifically mine and Amelia's apartment." Jace explained. Clary rolled over and looked at him.

"How are you feeling? You had a rough day yesterday." Jace asked. Clary shook her head.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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