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"No Amelia. No I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine. No, there's an issue with the engine. You were right, it wasn't doing well at the altitude. No. I don't know. Well, I landed pretty hard. No, I'm fine. I'll just be longer than expected." Jace said. The queen appeared at his door and Jace nodded.

"'Lia, I gotta go. I love you. Okay, love you too. Bye." Jace hung up and turned toward her.

"What's up?" Jace asked. The queen exhaled loudly and walked into the room, followed by a man with brown hair and glasses.

"Simon, this is Mr Herondale-"

"Jace." Jace said.

"Don't interrupt. Mr Herondale, this is Simon. He will be giving you a tour. Don't go anywhere near my quarters Simon, or we'll have an issue." The queen said before turning and leaving. Jace looked at Simon who smiled.

"Wow, she's fun." Jace said.

"Her Majesty is under extreme amounts of pressure. Now, come on, there's a lot to see." Simon said. Jace stood and followed Simon.

"So this is your room, there's an en suite just through that door. The double doors over there lead to your closet. Follow me please." Simon said, leaving the room. Jace got up and followed Simon.

"Okay, the only thing worth seeing upstairs is the library. Every other door is bedrooms." Simon said, walking down the hall.

"How many people are living here?" Jace asked.

"Back before everything got very stressful for Her Majesty, she would throw very large parties and guests would end up staying over. But Her Majesty hasn't had the time or the energy to throw a party in a while." Simon explained. They got to a set of double doors and Simon looked at him.

"Ready?" He asked. Jace nodded with a frown and Simon opened the doors. Jace looked around in awe.

Every inch of the wall was covered in shelves that were crammed full of books, except for a large window with a couch beside it.

"Wow. This is a lot of books. Where does she get them?" Jace asked.

"Many places. As gifts, from her brother, from people who want to marry her, sometimes she buys them." Simon said.

"The queen has a brother?" Jace asked. Simon nodded slowly.

"Don't ask her about it. She doesn't like to talk about him." Simon warned. Jace nodded and Simon led him downstairs.

"So this way is the dining room. It's been a while since it was used, Her Majesty tends to eat alone in her room. And if you'll follow me through here, we have the kitchen!" Simon said. Jace looked around and saw a man with spikey hair leaning against a wall.

"Salmon! Who is this?" The man asked. Simon rolled his eyes.

"This is Mr Herondale. He's Her Majesty's guest. Mr Herondale, this is Magnus Bane. He's the royal advisor." Simon said. Jace nodded and the man hugged him tightly.

"It is wonderful to meet you. How exactly did you meet Her Majesty?" Magnus asked.

"It's a long story." Jace said.

"Well we have time! I'll join you on your tour and we'll hear your story!" Magnus said. Isabelle walked into the kitchen and sighed in relief.

"Good! Magnus thank god! She's freaking out. Can you go talk her down. She won't listen to me." Isabelle said.

"Is she alright?" Magnus asked.

"Jonathan." Isabelle said. Magnus's eyes widened and he nodded.

"Yes of course Isabelle. We'll have to hear that story later! Have fun on your tour!" He called before following Isabelle out of the kitchen.

"Who is Jonathan?" Jace asked.

"Don't worry. The sitting room is next!" Simon said. He led Jace back into the main foyer of the palace.

"Is Her Majesty okay?" Jace asked. Simon went to answer but was cut off by a scream of frustration.

"No Magnus! I'm not going to settle down! He is coming back and he won't leave and I can't get rid of him!" The queen yelled, walking down the steps.

"Clary, come on. You have the power of all of Atlantis." Magnus said.

"Magnus! He is back. He's not going to leave! Not until he gets what he wants!" The queen shouted.

"Clary. Take a deep breath. Think about what you're saying!" Magnus said.

"Oh believe me. I am! You haven't seen the letter!" The queen said. Magnus sighed as the queen walked towards Simon.

"Simon! You need to tell Alec, I want security heightened. I want more guards at every door. Every way into the palace is to be guarded." The queen said.

"Clary, Biscuit. We have to think logically!" Magnus said.

"I am!" Clary shouted. Jace looked at her.

"I am thinking as logically as I can and it's so hard!" Clary said. Magnus looked at her.

"Clary. Take a breath. Think about this!" Magnus said.

"I am. Last time we didn't do anything, he came charging in and killed 5 people. I'm not letting this happen again!" Clary said. Magnus looked at Isabelle and Simon shrugged.

"Please. I will not let him hurt anymore of my people." Clary pleaded. Magnus sighed and looked at her.

"Clary. He hasn't tried anything in years. Every few months he sends you something like this. Why are you so worried?" Magnus asked. Clary stopped and looked at him.

"Because he knows. He knows what's going on. I want security heightened. I'm not putting people at risk." Clary said. She turned and stormed halfway up the steps before turning around.

"Simon, finish the mundane's tour and come find me." She said before storming the rest of the way up.


"Left or right?" Jace muttered. Simon had quickly finished the tour and ran off. Jace didn't know which one was his room.

He wandered down a hallway before coming to a set of double doors, he was pretty sure were the library doors. He opened them and saw the queen standing in front of her window. She turned and locked eyes with him.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, I got lost. I thought these were the library doors." Jace said. The queen shook her head and turned back to the window.

"Is everything okay, Your Majesty?" Jace asked. The queen didn't respond.

"There is a threat to my people. As their leader, I need to keep them safe." The queen said.

"Sounds stressful." Jace said. The queen nodded and turned around walking towards the door.

"I'd like to go to bed. So if you don't mind." She said. Jace nodded.

"Is there anyway I could get someone to show me the way to my room?" Jace asked. The queen looked at him.

"Come with me." She said. She led him down a hallway, turning left once, and right twice before stopping at a door.

"Here you are. Goodnight Mr Herondale." She said.

"Night." Jace said. He watched as the queen turned and walked back towards her bedroom.

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