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Katherine crammed her notebook into her backpack as the bell rang and let out a sigh. Something about math class always left her exhausted. The one upside was that she got to go to lunch afterwards. Of course, she spent her lunch in meetings for the school newspaper instead. This year was her fourth year of writing for the school news section. Her friend Darcy was running it this year. Katherine was offered the position but declined since she knew how busy she'd be this year. Nevertheless she was excited for the first meeting. She got to the English room (where the newspaper staff meets during lunch) and found that she was the first one there. She took off her backpack and sat down, waiting for the others to arrive.

"Youse can't be serious 'bout joining the newspaper," said Crutchie.

"Why not?" Jack shoved his locker door shut. "Until our school gets an art club, drawin' for the paper is all I got."

"Jack why do I feel like this is just another way for you to annoy principal Pulitzer?" Davey asked. Jack rolled his eyes. He wasn't completely wrong.

"Nah annoyin' old man Pulitzer is just a bonus," Jack joked. "Look I'll see ya guys after lunch 'kay?" He walked into the English room. The only one in there was Katherine Pulitzer, the principal's daughter. They'd never officially met, but Jack knew who she was. She looked up from her phone where she appeared to be typing something.

"Oh, I'm sorry, newspaper is meeting here today," she said. Jack smirked at her.

"And what makes ya so sure that's not why I'm here?" Jack asked. Katherine raised her eyebrows and looked up at him, almost mockingly.

"Well are you?" She asked. Her eyes sparkled with amusement. It occurred to Jack how pretty her eyes were.

"As a matter of fact I am" Jack retorted. Katherine smiled and rolled her eyes. "I accept written apologies only" Jack joked. He wasn't sure why she seemed so surprised that he wanted to join.

"If you're still going to meetings after the first few weeks I will personally publish an apology in the newspaper," said Katherine. Jack raised his eyebrows.

"That sounds like a challenge." Katherine ignored his comment and went back to whatever she was doing on her phone. "This seat taken?" Jack asked, approaching the seat next to the annoyed girl.

"Yes, but that seat across the room is wide open. You should go sit there." Jack chuckled. It was rare that he came across someone who had the courage to speak to him that way. It was refreshing.

"Ya know Pulitzer, I'm gettin' the sense that youse are annoyed by me." Sarcasm was a second language for Jack. Scratch that, it was his first language.

"Don't call me Pulitzer," Katherine said, glaring at him. It was kind of cute watching her try to be threatening.

"Then what should I call you?" He asked, sitting in the chair next to her despite her earlier proclamation that it was taken.

"If you must, call me Katherine," she said.

"It's a pleasure, princess Katherine," jack said. He took her hand and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand, mainly attempting to get on her nerves. Her hand was soft and smelled like pumpkin, probably from some dumb scented hand sanitizer or lotion. She yanked her hand away and rolled her eyes again.

"Just go find your own seat. She said, shoving him away. He placed a hand on the desk to avoid falling out of his chair. He stood up and moved one table over.

"The name's Jack by that way," he said to Katherine who was once again engrossed in her phone. The door opened as more people started to enter the room.

"Somewhere out there someone cares," Katherine said in a monotone voice. She did a fake, overenthusiastic gasp. "Go find them." Jack smiled. There was something different about Katherine. Unlike most girls she wasn't falling head over heels for his obviously amazing flirting skills. Not that he cared. He flirted mainly to pass the time, never out of actual interest. Still, jack wondered why she was so opposed to him. He shook his head as if to clear away his thoughts. Her loss. A few more kids entered and the first meeting started. Still, Jack continued to find himself looking over at Katherine. What was it about her that was so intriguing?

Katherine knew Jack. Well, she knew of him. She knew that him and his friends were constantly causing trouble around the school. She knew that her father absolutely despised him. She knew that he had never done newspaper before. Ever. But most of all, she knew that he was the school flirt. He never had a girlfriend longer than a week, and never had real feelings for anyone. She could see why so many girls would fall for him. He wasn't exactly ugly. He was pretty muscular and had a jawline that could draw blood, but the fact was that Katherine was simply too smart to be seduced by him.

After Darcy explained how working with the newspaper would work and gave everyone their first assignments, Katherine pulled out her laptop. She tried to focus but was continuously distracted by the sound of pencil marks on paper. She glared in Jack's direction. He looked up and winked at her. It seems almost routine for him. Katherine looked back to her laptop and began typing. He'll quit by the end of the week.

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