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"You cannot be serious!" Katherine all but screamed at her father who was trying to control her life, once again.

"Katherine I just want what's best for you. I don't want you going on a date with someone who I see in detention twice a week!" Pulitzer tried to explain to her.

"For the last time it's not a date! We're going to the play together because we're working on an article together for the school newspaper."

"Katherine I'm telling you that kid is trouble. You're not allowed to go with him."

"You can't tell me what to do!" Katherine shouted, storming out of the house.

Jack walked into school with a smile spread across his face.

"What're you so happy about?" Crutchie asked, noticing that something had clearly lifted Jack's mood.

"Ah nothin'" Jack said nonchalantly as he tried to find the what he needed in his incredibly messy locker. He slammed the locker door closed and scanned the hallway. His eyes caught on Katherine who was currently alone at her locker.

"I'll see ya guys later I gotta do somethin' before class," Jack said. He strutted over to Katherine and leaned up against the locker next to hers. She was putting away a bath and body works pumpkins scented lotion. Called it. "Hello miss Pulitzer," he said to the beautiful girl. She rolled her eyes but a small smile creeped onto her lips.

"I thought I told you not to call me that," she said, although she didn't seem too annoyed. Jack followed her as she walked away from her locker.

"I was thinkin' we could grab a bite to eat before the play on Saturday. What does ya say?" Jack asked, walking alongside Katherine who had a surprisingly fast walking pace.

"Don't push it. You're lucky I agreed to the play," Katherine chuckled.

"Fine," Jack fake pouted. He hadn't expected her to say yes. "I'll see you at lunch."

"I'll see you at lunch," Katherine replied. As she walked into class she looked back and Jack blew her a kiss. She smiled and shook her head, trying not to laugh. God that smile... Jack headed to class, the look of her smile lingering in his head.

During science, Jack found himself sketching. It was a habit when he was bored. Usually he sketched landscapes from Santa Fe, but this time he found himself sketching Katherine in his science notebook. Unlike the serious look she was wearing in his first sketch of her where she had been concentrating on her work, in this sketch she was wearing the bright smile from earlier that day.

When Katherine got to the English room at lunch Jack was already there. He was sketching in a notebook which he quickly closed upon seeing Katherine enter. That's weird. he doesn't seem the type to be private about his drawings.

"Jack if you keep drawing pictures of people without their permission you might seem a little stalkerish," Katherine joked. It's probably just a landscape or something.

"Ah but when I have someone as beautiful as you in my presence how can I resist?" A half smile crept onto Jack's face as he saw her blush. In response she picked up the notebook he had been drawing in and hit him with it.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, rubbing his arm. Katherine could tell from his smile that it didn't actually hurt. Katherine thought back to the fight with her dad that morning. I don't know what he's so worried about. Jack seems like a nice guy. Even if it was a date he has no right to tell me who to spend time with.

"This seat taken?" Katherine asked. Jack looked up at her and raised his eyebrows.

"You serious Pulitz— Katherine?" He said, correcting himself after Katherine glared at him for using her last name.

"I'll take that as a no," Katherine said, sitting down next to him.

• • •

Bestie: Are you serious Katherine! You're going on a date with this dude?

Weirdo: for the last time it's not a date, stop calling it that. I'm holding to my promise I won't get romantically involved with him.

Bestie: be careful Katherine. Remember, he doesn't have any real feelings for you. If you fall for him you'll only get hurt.

Weirdo: oh please I will not "fall for him." Look the second things start to move past harmless flirting I'll break it off.

Bestie: okay. As long as you know what you're doing.

Weirdo: I do. I've gtg now he'll be here soon.

Bestie: okay bye

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