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The second school ended, Jack stormed out of his last class. He rushed down the hall, pushing people out of the way as he went. Finally he saw Oscar Delancey by his locker. Jack was shaking from anger. He stormed up to him and shoved him against the locker.

When Oscar turned around, Jack gripped around his neck and pinned him against the locker.

"Listen Oscar! If youse want to keep your head you will stay away from the people I care about." Oscar tried to speak but was having trouble breathing, being suspended by his neck. Anger stronger than Jack had ever felt surged through him. "If you thinks you're gonna get away with this you're wrong. Going after Katherine was a bad move." Jack heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Jack, calm down." Jack turned around to see Davey. Jack relaxed his grip and watched as Oscar gasped for air. "Just walk away Jack," Davey said, urging him to let the boy go. Jack looked as if he were going to leave when, without warning, he lifted his fist and struck Oscar square in the nose. He heard him cry out in pain as he walked away.

"Mind telling me what that was about!?" Davey questioned, following Jack as he stormed away.

"Delancey is a jerk, he deserved it," Jack said in a low voice.

"What did he do?" Davey asked. He had never seen Jack that mad before.

"That's none of your business."


"I said, that is none of your business. Now leave me alone."

Jack had trouble sleeping that night. Every time he closed his eyes he saw the look of fear on Katherine's face that he had seen when he entered the bathroom. Why would Oscar do something like this? Jack tried to think of an explanation. I bet he did it just to get to me...

Throughout the night jack couldn't  stop thinking that it was all his fault that she got hurt. By the time his alarm went off in the morning he had barely slept at all.

Katherine had an uneventful day at school.  Incredibly uneventful. By the end of the school day she felt as if nothing out of the ordinary was going to happen. After getting in another argument with her father (which had become part of their evening routine) Katherine decided to go on a walk to get some fresh air. It was kind of cold outside, and only got colder as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, but Katherine didn't mind.

One minute Katherine was strolling along the sidewalk peacefully. The next thing she knew, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her off the sidewalk. She expected to see Oscar but instead recognized had attacker as Morris Delancey, Oscar's brother.

"Let me go! Katherine tried to pull away, but he dug his nails into the skin on her arm, causing scratches whenever she struggled. She tried to use her free hand to fight him but he had her right arm and she was right handed. When she tried to free her arm by grabbing his, he used his free hand to strike the right side of her face.  She cried out in pain as he threw her to the ground, kicking her shin.

"Why are you doing this!?" Katherine asked.

"It's nothing personal sweetheart," he said in a condescending tone. "You see, I'm not the best of friends with your boyfriend–"

"He's not my boyfriend."

"–and he seems to care about you so naturally I had no choice." Katherine glared at him.

"So what? You're attacking me because you were too scared to fight Jack himself?" Katherine winced as Morris once again kicked her in the shin.

When Jack got home from school, something felt off. He hadn't heard from Oscar all day, and it was unlike him to not retaliate.

After being home for a couple of hours Jack decided to go to Davey's place. On his way there he heard a voice that he never wanted to hear again.

"Hey Jack hows it going?" Oscar asked, a sickening grin on his face.

"Want do ya want Oscar?" Jack growled.

"I'm just here to deliver a message. You should've thought before you attacked me yesterday. Now you're going to regret it." Jack couldn't help but smile when he saw the bruise his fist left on Oscar's face.

"Do your worst I ain't scared a you." Jack knew he could easily take Oscar in a fight.

"I'm not going to fight you. If Katherine were to get hurt on the other hand, that would send a stronger message." The color drained from Jack's face.

"I swear if you lay one finger on her I will kill you myself."

"Too late."

Jack lunged at Oscar but he was already running away. He quickly grabbed his phone, dialing Katherine's number. It rang four times before a man's voice answered.

"Hello Jack." Jack immediately recognized the voice.

"What'd you do to her Morris," Jack said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Not much... yet. It's a shame you'll be too late to help her." He hung up the phone.

Jack ran to Davey's house, unsure of what to do. Davey opened the door and let him in, immediately knowing that something was wrong.

"Davey it's Morris. He... he got Katherine," Jack said, his voice wavering.

"What? Are you sure?"

"I just called Katherine and he answered her phone."

"It's okay, we're going to find her. Do you know where she is?" Jack shook his head.

"Davey I don't know what to do. If something were to happen to her I would never forgive myself." Jack turned around to hide the tears that were welling up under his eyes.

"You really care about her don't you."

"That's not important right now. I need to find her."

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