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"Promise me you won't fall for him Kath. He just wants to get in your pants. Besides, you are way out his league." Katherine chuckled at her friend reiterated her very thoughts.

"Believe me, Sarah, I know. He'll give up eventually. I just don't think he's ever had a girl say no to him before." Sarah's brother was a friend of Jack's, so she had to put up with him all of the time. Sarah walked with Katherine to her locker.

"I don't know, he doesn't seem the type to give up easily," Sarah said.

"Well it certainly will be interesting to watch him try." Katherine fumbled with the lock on her locker. Her thoughts wandered to Jack. She knew that nothing was ever going to happen between them. She would make sure of that. Either way, even if she did give in Jack never cares enough about someone to stay with them for more than a week. Katherine finally yanked her lock open. As she opened her locker a piece of paper fell out. She opened it up and unfolded it. Sarah looked over Katherine's shoulder.

"I'm telling you, he's very persistent," she said before walking away. Katherine stared at the picture in awe. It was an incredibly detailed sketch of her. In messy letters she saw that Jack had signed his name at the bottom of the page. She carefully folded the sketch back up and placed it in her backpack. He certainly was one of a kind.

But not in a good way

But not necessarily in a bad way either.

Jack and his group of friends were hanging out at Davey's after school.

"So how was lunch with the nerd crew?" Race asked.

"'Bout what you'd expect," jack shrugged. He had honestly been distracted throughout most of the meeting. I wonder if she found the drawing. Oh god it was a mistake wasn't it.

"You serious 'bout the whole newspaper thing? Or does you just want to stare at Pulitzer all lunch?" Romeo jokingly asked.

Jack laughed and threw a pillow at Romeo. "Yup that's totally it," he said in a sarcastic voice. He didn't know why, but the question made him feel uneasy.

"All I'm saying, she ain't exactly bad to look at." Romeo put up his hands as if to say "I'm just saying." He wasn't exactly wrong. Katherine had a great smile and the most beautiful eyes, but what may have been most infatuating about her was the fact that all of Jack's old tricks didn't work on her.

"It sounds like Romeo has a little crush on the principals daughter," Jack joked. The group immediately erupted into making jokes at Romeo's expense. Jack forced a half smile. Something felt off, he just couldn't place it.

"Don't gets your hopes up," Albert said, punching Romeo in the arm. "She's out a all of ours league." Jack forced a small smile. He was right. Katherine was a principals daughter, an upper class citizen, and Jack was penniless.


Katherine sighed as she walked to lunch. The English room was closed, so newspaper couldn't meet. As she was walking to the lunchroom to meet up with her friends she heard a voice from behind her.

"Hey! Pulitzer!" Jack's voice called out to her. She ignored him and kept walking. "Katherine!" Jack tried again. Katherine groaned and turned around.

"What do you want. And make it fast." Katherine wasn't in the mood for his games at the moment.

"Ya know if I didn't know better I'd say youse isn't too thrilled to see me," he said, his characteristic smirk spreading across his face.

"If you don't have anything important to say I really should be going." Katherine started to turn around but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She tensed up at his touch.

"Look Darcy said you're reviewin' the play and I'm supposed to do a sketch to go along with it so I thought maybe we's should get seats together." Katherine thought about his offer.

"I'm good, thanks," she said, pulling away from his grasp and walking away.

Jack was slightly stunned as he watched Katherine walk away. I really thought that'd work. He brushed himself off and went to join his friend group. They were of course the loudest group in the cafeteria, but everyone was kind of used to that by now. They seemed to be arguing over something. When Jack got to the table he found them in an intense debate about the difference between sleet and slush. Jack sighed, sitting down and picking at his food.

Jack was lost in thought for about half of the lunch period before Davey's voice broke his train of thought. "Jack can I talk to you for a minute?" Jack looked up from his food.

"Sure. What about?" The rest of the boys looked at him expectingly.

"I-I meant alone," he said. It seemed to be something serious so Jack got up to leave the table. He leaned down as if he were delivering an important message to his friends.

"If i isn't back in ten minutes Davey has killed me," Jack joked before following Davey out of the cafeteria.

"What's up?" Jack asked, semi-concerned for his friend.

"I was going to ask you the same question," Davey said.

"What? You're the one who dragged me out here."

"Jack, seriously, what's up with you?" Davey asked. "Something's clearly been bothering you, I can tell."

"There ain't nothin' wrong with me, you is worryin' for nothing," Jack said. I don't know what he could possibly be talking about.

"Jack I'm serious," Davey said. There was a pause of silence between the two. "Is this about Katherine?" Davey asked rather abruptly.

"What!?" If Jack had water in his mouth he sure as hell would've spit it out.

"Sarah told me that—"

"Sarah ain't know what she's talkin' about. I flirt with a dozen girls every day. Katherine ain't special." Jack reminded himself how true this statement was. If Katherine didn't like him there were plenty of girls at the school who did.

"Well do you draw a dozen girls a day?" Davey asked. Jack felt a knot in his stomach as the drawing was mentioned.

"I drew that as a joke—"

"You never draw anything as a joke, Jack."

"Davey just drop it." Jack immediately regretted how harsh he sounded.

"Fine. But I thought you might want this," Davey said, handing him a slip of paper, "I got it off Sarah's phone." Jack rolled his eyes, pocketing the paper and the pair went back to their lunch table.

"You're not dead!" Crutchie said with fake excitement.

"Yup I managed to get away this time," Jack joked. Davey doesn't know what he's talking about.

Later that night

Unknown number: Hey I'm getting the feeling I didn't make the best first impression. How about we's start over.

Princess Katherine: I'm sorry, who is this?

Unknown number: this is your date to the school play this Saturday 😉

Princess Katherine: oh my god Jack!? Seriously!? How'd you get my number? My answer is still no by the way.

Idiot: come on Kath! I'll buy your ticket.

Princess Katherine: no.

Idiot: please?

Princess Katherine: if I say yes will you stop texting me?

Read 8:06 pm

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