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Katherine opened the door to see Jack holding a few flowers that he no doubt picked from someone's yard.

"Jack!" She whisper screamed, a smile on her face, "If my dad sees that you brought me flowers he'll kill you!" Jack chuckled.

"I ain't scared of 'im," he proclaimed, but still he discarded the flowers into a bush by the doorstep. He obviously brought them as a joke anyway. "Ready to go?" He asked, extending out his hand for Katherine to take.

To be completely honest, the play was terribly boring. But jack wasn't supposed to review the play, he was supposed to draw a scene from it. Still, 15 minutes in he already found himself yawning out of boredom, which gave him an idea. As he yawned stretched his arms up in the air, only to come back down with his arm around Katherine's shoulders. She rolled her eyes at the obvious move.

"Get your arm off me, I'm trying to pay attention," Katherine hissed under her breath. When he didn't follow her request she grabbed his wrist and pulled the arm off of her shoulders.

"Your loss," Jack whispered, causing Katherine to punch him in the shoulder maybe a little too hard. Jack would never admit it but it hurt. A lot.

"I'm bored," Jack whispered a few minutes later.

"You are impossible," Katherine groaned.

"Come with me," Jack whispered.

"What!? Jack what are you doing!" Katherine whisper screamed as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of their seats. He soon dragged her through the back doors of the auditorium and eventually outside.

"Where are we going!?" Katherine said at full volume now that they were away from the play.

"Attemptin' not to die of boredom that's what." Jack looked around. Usually his friends hung out around the school during school events such as the play that they didn't care nearly enough to see.

"Jack I have to write an article and you have to pick a scene to draw!" Katherine protested.

"Relax! We'll go back for the last 15 minutes or so, just focus your review on the end of the play or somethin'" Jack smiled as he saw a group of familiar faces approaching them. "Here, I want ya ta meet a few of my brothers." Katherine soon realized he was talking about his group of friends, not biological brothers.

"Hey look it's Jack!" Les said, running up to Katherine and Jack. The group of boys greeted Jack, quickly noticing who he was with.

"Well if it isn't Katherine Pulitzer herself!" Race commented. "What the heck is ya doin' with him?"

"May I say, miss Pulitzer, you look beautiful tonight," Romeo said, approaching Katherine. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Why thank you," she said, doing a curtsy. When Romeo said that Jack felt his hand clench into a fist. For some unknown reason he was filled with a strong anger. Why am I so bother by Romeo flirting with Katherine? Jack tried to remain calm but he knew that if he stayed he would've punched Romeo square in the nose. Instead he just decided to walk away, leaving Katherine with the boys. He winced as he heard them commenting on her looks as he walked away.

"Jack," Katherine said, grabbing his shoulder to get him to stop walking away. He flinched as she gripped his probably bruised from being punched shoulder. Jack managed to compose himself enough to turn and face her. "Jack are you okay? You just left back there."

"Oh yeah I just uh- I just needed some air," Jack half lied.

"Well your friends seem—"

"Unbearable?" Jack said, cutting her off.

"Your friends seem nice," she said with a half smile.

"Sorry I stormed off like that," Jack muttered. Probably wasn't the smartest move.

"You're fine," she said, "just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Why Katherine Pulitzer were you worried about me?" Jack felt his smile come back to his face.

"Oh shut up!" She said, but she was smiling too.

Katherine and Jack grew closer over the next few weeks. Her father hated it, but Katherine started spending some time with Jack, just as friends. Jack hit on her from time to time, but nothing ever happened between them. Katherine made sure of that. Her school year actually was going pretty conflict free until one day about a month into the school year.

Katherine was walking to class when she felt someone grab her arm. She tried to spin around to see who it was but before she could she was shoved into the boys bathroom. She let out a scream before she felt a hand cover her mouth. She looked to see that Oscar Delancey was the one who had attacked her.

"So I see you've been hangin' around that scumbag Jack," Oscar growled. "Don't you see darling, you could do so much better." Katherine struggled against him and managed to break free of his grasp. She turned around to see him drawing back his arm for a punch, when he was momentarily distracted by someone bursting through the bathroom door. None other than Jack Kelly ran in. He stood protectively in front of Katherine, grabbing Oscar's fist to stop him from hurting her.

"Leave now Delancey," Jack growled. Katherine noticed that he was literally shaking. "Leave before I make you." Sure enough Oscar left, but not without glaring at both of them first. Jack turned to Katherine.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, genuinely seeming concerned.

"I-I'm fine." She said, brushing herself off. Jack breathed a sigh of relief. "Why Jack Kelly were you worried about me?" She said, repeating his line from earlier in hopes of lightening the mood. She had no such luck.

"Oscar Delancey is a jerk," he all but whispered.

"It's fine Jack, I'm fine. You got here in time." Jack nodded, and Katherine thought that was the end of it. Thank god that's over, she thought to herself. She smiled at Jack, but he seemed to he lost in thought.

"You should get to class," he finally said, and left without saying another word.

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