5- The Clam Before the Storm

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Walking into Lincoln's room I set my outfit on his bed and plug in Nova's curling iron. I can't curl my hair to save my life, that's why I force Nova to do it. The whole time she worked on my hair she didn't shut up about Niall, at one point I pretended I saw him walk in and she completely flipped out. She almost burnt my ear off, after she did my hair I changed into my outfit. Black skinnies, a white blouse with black polka dots and black stilettos heels.

Finishing up I threw my hair in a messy bun and put on red lipstick. Nova insisted on a couple of selfies before we headed downstairs to help.

Once downstairs the place was completely transformed, it actually looked better than before, which didn't seem possible.

Lincoln was running around making sure the last-minute things were all taken care of, all the boys showed except for Jai. I sent out a simple text in our group chat asking if everyone was free at 11 to talk. I got a bunch of "yes" and "yeah's" back but I was ghosted by Jai, that little shit has to come back sooner or later, he lives here.

"Z think you can go to the liquor store and get some ice? I'd send one of our morons but people are going to start getting here any minute and they're going to take forever...." Link rants on, he has a sort of wild look in his eye, "...that's the one thing I forget, who the heck forgets ice to their own party?"

"Link, chill you're okay. I'll go get it, I'll be back in five" I reassure him as he signs and looks down at his outfit.

"I should go change" he says as he kisses me on the forehead "...you're the best sister in the world!"

I chuckle and watch him go up the stairs, this is going to change his whole life I just know it. Searching for Nova I have no luck in finding her, so I decide to go real fast before the people started showing up.

Who knew Hollywood people are punctual? I took a total of ten minutes and when I arrived the house was full of strangers, panic started to set in. What if I ran into a certain crazy someone? I rebuked the idea and got off, my heels making a clanking sound as I hop off Lincoln's truck. Walking around it I opened the trunk to get out the bags of ice.

"Need some help with that love?" I furrow my eyebrows and peak around the truck. There in the drive way stood Liam Payne. My heart twisted, he's so much more handsome in person.

"Uh, if it's no trouble" I call out as he smiles and makes his way to me.

"No problem at all. Haven't seen you around, one of Lincoln Mendoza's friends?"

"Sister actually" I say closing the trunk, Liam grabbing all the ice bags.

"Ah sister" he says waiting for me to open the front door.

Once inside Nova whisked me away as I barely got to direct Liam where to put the ice.

"Nova what did you do?"

"What!? No listen I got the scoop" she explained as we hid away in the hallway, the only part semi empty.

"So, Niall is trying to sign someone, so they can tour with him for his tour in a couple of months. Everyone is really interested in Link he's got a couple of people trying to sign him on, Louis is on his tour, so he wasn't able to make it and Zayn wasn't invited because of obvious reasons" she says all in one breath.

"Nova who did you get all that out of?!" I asked fearful of the answer.

"Niall, he opened right up to me" she says, her eyes sparkling.

"Seeing you in that dress, I'm sure he did hun" I say laughing as I hear Link calling for me, "Gotta go, please don't scare Niall off."

I found Lincoln in a sea of people, he looked frantic and I knew he was about to go up in a bit. Their backyard was transformed so that there was a little stage right in front of the pool, and twinkly lights hung all around it, it was such a cute set up.

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