Chap 2

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Percy POV.

It again was a normal Tuesday. I was talking to my best friends, Jason, Leo, Frank, and Reyna when I tripped over something and fell on top of a girl. 

The prettiest girl I have ever SEEN. Every girl likes me, it's obvious, but Reyna and maybe a couple of low lives, but I hate it. They spend ten hours putting on several layers of mascara, eye shadow, and lip gloss and spend days picking out dresses to impress him! He hated it. 

He had a really nice step father Paul, her mother was having another baby, his father walked out on them when he was two and never knew him. They live in a larger apartment in the city. He used to have an abusive stepfather named Gabe Pooliagno. (a childhood nickname) 

But when I crashed onto the girl I was shocked. She had tan skin, curly blond hair, set up in a ponytail and wore ripped skinny jeans and a white tank top that was clean. Her eyes where the color of storms, and she didn't look like the kind of person who spends hours on makeup, maybe three minutes on mascara and a couple of layers of chapstick. 

She glared right at me, her eyes scary and unnerving. I quickly unglued myself and apologized to her and she did too, her voice soothing and smooth. I stared at her dumbfounded when she walked away and just smiled at me and didn't ask me out as all the other girls did. 

"She's cute." Reyna shrugged and looked in her direction. I nodded vigorously. 

"She has a cute friend named Piper," Jason said dreamily. Of course, his crush since fifth grade, Piper McLean, cute girl with choppy brown hair and darker skin. 

"She also has a friend named Hazel," Frank said in the same dreamy tone as Jason. Hazel, he vaguely remembered Frank pointing out a younger girl, with curly golden brown hair and was African American. 

They headed off, Leo Valdez making fun of him for liking no one but that girl, which he told me, that she scared the little flames out of him. 

"Hey, Percy." A sickly sweet voice called from behind me. Drew Tanaka, the most popular girl in school, who of course likes Percy. Percy just ignored her and kept walking even when she kept calling his name. After lunch, he couldn't stop staring at that girl from the table across from them. He didn't even know her name. But she was very pretty, how had he not noticed her before? 

He had seventh-period chemistry with her. He showed up late and the only spot left was one right next to her. He eagerly sat down and listened to the lesson. He took notes, but couldn't concentrate because that girl smelled really good. Like cherry blossoms and vanilla, no perfume or lotion to make her skin look good, it looked good normal. 

"Hi, I'm Percy." He smiled and introduced himself to her. 

"Annabeth." She returned the smile and kept working on her notes. What a pretty name. Annabeth. 

"You and your friends, Hazel and Piper can sit with us at lunch tomorrow if you like." He kept talking. He was trying to make conversation. 

"Sure, they'd like that." Annabeth smiled and then returned to her but she was clearly deep in thought, her pencil not moving nor her eyes. He was good at reading people. 

After school, he managed to get a picture of her, by pretending to take a selfie. He set the photo as his lock screen and home page, her curls bouncing in the air, she was talking to her friends in the hall, they all burst out laughing and Percy tucked his phone away. 

That night he swore he could have stared right at the picture until the next day until his mother said to go to sleep. 

Most days he hated school because of Drew's Crew but know he was excited. 

How Did this Happen? (Percabeth AU)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now