"Chapter 18

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Percy POV. 

I can't believe I won the race, the other captain was moody after I pushed him into the pool all my friends congratulated me. I dried myself off and headed home, the medal shining on my neck, but when I opened the apartment something was wrong, the room felt just plain wrong, the air even seemed different. I heard sobs coming from the other room and mad shouts. I recognized the smell, like old stale beers, cigars and a nasty cologne, I had smelled that scent until I was twelve years old, and then my mother got rid of him. 

Smelly Gabe was back. I dropped my duffel bag and ran into my parent's bedroom, where my mom was, lying on the floor sobbing, her hands caked in blood and cuts all scored across her face, and Gabe was smiling at her, standing over Paul, who was still alive but knocked out cold. 

"Get out of here," Gabe growled and pointed a bloody finger at me. 

"Get off my mother!" I screamed in rage. Gabe just growled and walked to me, stepping over a bloody Paul. 

"Never listened did ya? Well, punk, you're going to learn a lesson this time, never throw me OUT!" Gabe yelled and more sobs came from my mother. 

"Percy! Get out, call the cops, do something!" My mother screamed and limped for her phone. 

"Now, Sally, the kid is going to learn a lesson. " Gabe cracked his knuckles and tried to punch me, I ducked it and walked backward, into the hall wall. 

"Gabe! Don't hurt him!" His mother screamed and tried to pick up the phone but kept dropping it, 

But it dint end, Gabe kept punching and smacking Percy, and he kept dodging it, finally, after being slapped hard, Percy pushed Gabe into a dresser and he crumpled to the floor, 

"Before he gets up, go! To a friend's house, now! For the weekend!" His mother screamed as Gabe started to shift from his spot. Percy didn't stay, he ran out the door, grabbing his duffel bag and running out, hoping his mother would be okay, he thought of a friend to go to. Annabeth. She would be home by now and she was the closest person available. 

He ran into the building and to the sixth floor, and knocked rapidly on the door, only to be opened by the Queen herself, Annabeth Chase.

"Percy? What happened!" She cupped my face down to hers and examined my bloody face, I quickly explained and she led me into the house. 

"My brothers are with my stepmom with my dad in Japan for two more weeks, I'm alone, so make yourself at home Percy," she put ointment on my bloody face, to be honest, it was pleasing as she applied fresh bandages, she was gentle and kind. She blushed and got more paste and rubbed it on my arms. 

"So, how do you get food?" Percy asked, a growing concern for his best friend. 

"Dad orders food for me." She explained and told him about everything, her horrid stepmom and her twin brothers and her father who was rarely home. 

"That sucks." That was all I could say. 

She heated up some burritos and put them on the coffee table, while I sat on the couch watching Bubble Guppies, a kid shows that I loved. 

"Ha, if you need to shower, there's one in my room," she said and points down the hall, where a grey door was, with a silver owl drawing on the front. 

"Thank you so much." I thanked her and shoveled more burrito down my throat, it was pleasing, Annabeth went to her room and was reading for a while. At eight, I was sleepy from watching Nemo and fell asleep on the couch, next to Annabeth. She was falling off the couch at one point in the night and I pulled her up and she snuggled against me. Her blonde hair smelling like lemons and coconuts. I smiled and fell back asleep. 

When I woke that morning, the sun was shining through the windows and it all hit me. Yesterday. Gabe. Mom. Paul. I grabbed my phone and failed my mom's number, and hoped to God she was okay, I should have stayed, not run away like a coward, she picked up!

"Hello?" She said. I almost cried because I heard her voice. 

"Mom! Are you okay!?" I asked.

"Fine, I'm at the hospital Percy, Paul has a concussion and I have a broken arm, but other than that will be fine. I have to go. I'm needed in surgery." She explained quickly. Then she hung up. I breathed a sigh of relief and sank back down onto the couch and relaxed and heard the soft pattern of footsteps.

"They're okay?" A soft voice behind me asked, 

I nodded and turned around to Annabeth who was smiling and holding up a blue waffle. "I made one for you". I smiled and took it from her and wolfed it down quickly. I thanked her and gave her a large hug and went to take a shower. It was nice, I used my own sea salt conditioner though, smelling ocean fresh. 

Annabeth POV! 

"OMG! Percy's in your house!" Piper practically screamed through the phone, Percy heard it and chuckled in the shower, 

"Wait, is the water running! He's in YOUR shower!" Piper screamed louder and kept saying It over and over again. I was thoroughly embarrassed and hung up on her. I changed into a grey tank top, denim shorts and put on fluffy white socks. Percy had gotten out of the shower and changed, into a blue shirt and jeans, but he looked damn good, his muscles showing through his shirt. His hair was dark and messy, wet and still dripping. 

"Hey." He smiled and looked at me. I blushed and turned away and opened my window. He came over to me and I turned around. 

" I want to thank you, for letting me stay, on such short notice." He smiled, why did he have to be so perfect! 

"It's nothing Percy." I blushed and he blushed back. He leaned down and in close. 

"No really thank you." He smiled, I could count all the dimples on his adorable face, we were that close. 

I smiled in your welcome and our eyes locked, our cheeks blushing tomato red and our eyes shining with hope. The air seemed to crackle with electricity, unable to stop ourselves we both instinctively leaned in. It was the most amazing thing In my life. Our lips crashed against each other's, his lips warm and soft, he kissed me deeply and pushed me against the wall, his hands on my hips, my hands running through his wet raven black hair, he kept me upright as I slid again to wall, from pure shock, we kept kissing, our lips moving perfectly with each other's, and finally we broke apart gasping for air. 

"I-" he cut me off and kissed me again, his lips tasted like sea salt, burning my own lips. 

We broke apart again and his eyes were shining with happiness, like a sun on a sea-green beach. 

"Annabeth, can we be together?" He whispered into my ear softly and I almost giggled out loud. 

"Of course," I smiled and we fell, our legs like jelly, and I sat up, right and he pushed me lightly to the wall and kissed me again deeply, our eyes locking, he was more than happy. 

After a long kiss, he pulled me up and hugged me, hard but gently. I was so happy he was mine, after almost a month of being friends, here we are, kissing, making out. I was happy with every second of it. 

We spent the rest of the day, watching movies, eating out and kissing of course. It was the best weekend of my life. 

How Did this Happen? (Percabeth AU)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now