Chapter 30

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Drew was a slut. 

I wasn't at school the day Percy burned her to a crisp but I heard about it and people congratulated me on having such a boyfriend who wouldn't cheat on me with the village whore. I was so happy that on the next day, I kissed him lightly on the lips, everyone watched and everyone applauded, apparently they liked us. 

The school was awarding Percy, anamously though, giving him special servivces to the school. That would do great on his resume. Just saying. 

Piper invited us over to her house this weekend, she chose to live in a run down flat near Percy's house but decided to stay in one of her dads condos for the sleep over. 

I got there after school on Friday and Jason was the first one there.....he was smooching on Pipes, I smirked and walked up to them, they didn't see me and i screamed really loudly. 

"Johnnys Here!" And they broke apart and Jason ran into the wall a little girl. Typical Jason. 

"Not funny." Piper pouted but she was laughing at her boyfriend. 

Once everyone got here, us seven friends, with Leo's girlfriend, nico and Reyna, we decide to make dinner,(order like twelve boxes of pizza, Jason and Percy had problems.) and watch some movies, 

It involved a lot of arguing. 

Leo- Hunger Games

Jason - Cinderella

Percy- Little Mermaid 

Frank- Mulan 

Nico- Halloween 

Piper- The Notebook

Reyna- Romans Verus Greeks( a bloodshed story) 

Annabeth- documentery on architecture in ancient eygypt 

Hazel- some old 1950s comedy

Calypso- I don't like movies(doesn't really know.)

"Uuuh, why don't we just play some games." Leo groaned and we all agreed. 

We ended up playing a couple rounds of Sorry when Piper suggested something better. 

"Truth or dare." She smiled mischievously and we all agreed. 

"Okay, Jason truth or dare?" Leo started and Jason hesitated before saying 


"Ughh, be a daredevil, but okay. Have you, you know, done IT." Leo nudged him and Jason blushed furiously before shaking his head no. I swear Piper breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Percy, truth or dare." Piper giggled and Percy nodded solemnly. "Dare." 

"Take a steaming hot shower, with all your clothes on." She laughed and Percy took the challenge, we all went to the bathroom and turned the shower on the hottest level and then flushed the toilet, making it boiling hot. 

Percy screamed like a girl afterwards. 

"Leo truth or dare," Jason asked Leo after Percy had changed into some dry cool clothes. 

"Dare." He smiled impishly. 

"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, other than Calypso." Jason crosses his arms and smirked, Leo looked dumbfounded, he looked at Calypso and back. She was raising an eyebrow and watching him carefully. 

"Pipes, can I borrow your mirror, real quick." Leo pleaded and Piper handed over her portable mirror. 

He was looking in his reflection and then brushed the curly hair out of his eyes and kissed his reflection. 

Jason looked shocked but shrugged on, Leo obviously had a bit of a problem and that was his girlfriends problem. 

"Hazel truth or dare." Reyna asked. Hazel blushed, "truth." She smiled and Reyna looked happy

 "Are you and Frank, a thing?" She asked and Hazel blushed furiously. 

"Yeah, I guess," she smiled. Frank looked at her curiously and then Hazel seemed to take that as a challenge and kissed his on the lips, surprising him so much it knocked the big guy over, despite his size and weight 

"Annabeth truth or dare." Piper smirked. I blushed. "Dare." I said. She smiled. 

"Seven minutes in heaven with Percy." She smirked and I blushed. 

They all shoved us into a hall closet and Leo set the timer. He was blushing and so was I. We moved closer, so we could feel each other's breathes and then we locked eyes and we crashed against each other and Percy was pinning me to the closet wall, kissing me deeply and hard. His lips where salty and he smelled like the ocean, our lips moved in sync, I ran my hands through his silky messy hair and his hands where running up and down my back. 

Once it started to get serious, Percy was know leaning down with me, almost pulling me to the floor, the door opened and we broke apart gasping for air desperately and Leo and the crew was grinning sheepishly. 

"Lovebirds," He grinned and I pushed him. 

The rest of the night kinda went like this. 

Hazel ended up wearing Reynas socks on her hands. Frank was sitting on a baby chair and he had a moustachd drawn on his face. Leo had blue hair now, Reyna was wearing Leo's tool belt snd let's just say we pranked called about fifty kids and teachers at school. 

The night ended with us falling asleep, Percy was keeping me warm, wrapping his long arms around me and pulling me close to his heart. I loved it and we fell asleep, listening to our hearts beat together, almost as if one. 

How Did this Happen? (Percabeth AU)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now