Ch. 34

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Percys POV

"Percy. You know you are supposed to stand up to girls." Annabeth told him for the fourth time that day. 

 "I know but she was freaky. It was like looking at a woman clown, but with a dash of ugliness. I don't like clowns." Percy said. He did feel weird about clowns and girls. Girls were harder to understand. 

 "whatever." She said and kissed him on the cheek before heading to the last class of the day. He was so freaking lucky to have a hot, smart and athletic GF. 

 After school he went to his car and started to warm it up, in this colder November air. He tightened his jacket and sighed as a ugly sight was seen strutting up to him. '

You can guess who it is. 

Sierra Bulstrose. yeah I found out she's pretty rich, has a Camaro but likes public schools because all the 'hotter' boys go there. Slut. 

"Percy, you girlfriend aint here, so lets go to your place. I need to study up for a computer test." She pressed herself against Percy's side. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Annabeth watching him closely, her arms crossed. He smiled a little inside. 

"You know Sierra I do know a cool place outside the city." He said a thought coming to his mind. His plan would work. 

"Oh yes?" She pressed closer and Percy stepped back little. 

"Its amazing for people like you. A most cool amazing place. You'l love it. It'll remind you of yourself." Percy said and her face lit up. Annabeth was clenching her fists and looked ready to charge. 

"Oooh. take me there." She clapped her hands exitededly. 

"You wanna know where it is?" Percy asked. 

"Yes Yes!" Sierra was practically jumping in her heels. 

"Okay its the dumpster. Its just like you. Full. Of. Shit." Percy laughed and pushed her out of the way to Annabeth who had turned her frown upside down. He reached down and kissed her lightly on the lips before grabbing her hand, looking over his shoulder to a confused and shocked looking Sierra and drove off to Percys place. 

"That was a good toast." Annabeth smiled as she held his hand. 

"Thanks. I hate girls like that." Percy smiled. 

When they reached his house his mom was in the babies room singing to his little sister and Paul was still at the school, you know doing after school tutoring and grading papers. 

They sat down and started on their homework. 

"What is this." Percy pointed to the words on the page with a look of disgust on his face. 

"Percy its math." Annabeth could barley control her laugher. 

"I don't get it." He said again. 

"Its simple..." And she led him through the problems which she promised to give him kisses each time he got a question right. He had never studied harder. 

After an hour Annabeth had to go home and wait for her twin brothers to get home and watch them for a few hours until her parents got home. I was sad she was going but I was okay with her doing something unexiting. I am the excitement. 

After awhile my mother came out of Zoes room and looked exhausted and then collapsed on the couch and started to watch The Bachelor. I didn't blame her. I took the night watch a few nights ago and well........I feel guilty for putting my mother through the same process 17 years ago. 

I'd like to say I was a better one......but then again id be lying. 

I was a horrid one. 

The next day Mr. Rosss had a special ancoument. 

I'd like to say I wasn't a part of this. 

But again, Id be lying. 

And it had to do with Annabeth. 

Im gonna start doing pics at the beginning of the page and at the end

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Im gonna start doing pics at the beginning of the page and at the end. 

Short chap and its all leading up to a HUGE plot. 

So im gonna start track at my school and its going to start taking away time. 


iTS desonet start till March 4th. So you peeps are goooood. 


How Did this Happen? (Percabeth AU)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now