Ch. 12 Game Day.

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Piper, POV. 

Today was the volleyball game that Jason was asking of, i was serving first, right back, my whole team sorely depending on the first serve, i jumped served it, being the captain and second best player on the team other than Caylpso, she was the best player, being the one who sets best.

The play flew back and forth all game, the score undyingly close. The other team was really good, but he Griffins where better! We had lots of spirit, their side of the bleachers where quiet, some just waving their LION flags aimlessly, while our side cheered lots, waving flags, cheerleaders doing their thing and shouts came from the bleachers, you could hear Jason and Leo yelling the loudest, Leo for his girlfriend.......but Jason didn't have one........the other team served, Alyysia bumped it, Cal set it but then Tanya was supposed to spike it, it didn't go anywhere, the team making the one point that tied them 20-20. 

It was my serve last, the team wanted it that way, they giggled, knowing I wouldn't make it, everything was a haze around me, The team was depending on me sorley. I jumped served, my hands smacking the ball way over the net, one girl tried to bump hit the floor and the timer buzzed. We WON! It was the greatest game ever.,and got even greater. I shook my hands with the other team captain, she was a big girl with about seven pounds of makeup on her face. 

And then there came a yell from the crowd and a girl with dark hair and lots of visible makeup was calling Piper a whore and a cheater, and yelling all sorts of insults, the coach didn't try and tip Drew, who it obviously was. Then Annabeth stood up from the bleachers and denied it all, I watched from the crowd, I was so proud of her standing up to Drew.....when Drew almost made Annabeth............

"Oh yeah! Why don't ya fight me, right here!" Drew challenged Annabeth, 

"No"  Piper whispered under her breath. But she accepted, 

"No! Don't do it, Annie," Jason, Leo, and Frank yelled at the same time then laughed when they said all together but pulled themselves together. 

But Annabeth jumped down my the bleachers, wearing a tank top, skinny jeans and her hair was pulled back and she was balling her fists. Drew was smirking and swinging her handbag, wearing the sluttiest outfit in the world, basically a bright pink bra and daisy dukes, or shortie shorts. Everyone was tense and Percy had kept saying he would take her place. 

Drew charged, her handbag swinging dangerously. But Annabeth just sidestepped her and Drew fell face-first onto the ground and Annabeth laughed as Drew faked sobbed, but no one came to her aid, 

"Oh sorry, mess with someone else's friend, slutty bitch." Annabeth bent down and shouted really loud. Piper and the whole crowd laughed, even Drew's crew part of the bleachers, which took up most of the top.

"Oh thanks, Annabeth, you're the best friend I could ask for." Piper laughed and Annabeth pulled her into a hug and Annabeth replied, 

"No probs, Drew deserved it." Piper laughed at this, 

"Yeah, she did," 

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