Ch. 40

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A/N Do you guys, the readers think I'm a good writer? Well y'all know by now IM A US GIRLY. And I REALS want to become a writer. At my school, which is a poorer school in our NICE district, everyone at OUR SCHOOL ONLY has iPads, like the big wide ones. Well I HAVE A STORY on there that is amazing! It is something comepeltky different and I think some of you may like it. ask in the comments if you would like to see a PREVEIW! 

Sierras POV. 

My plan was working just fine. In the past first week, I'm already Queen Bee, and made it look like the school hottie was kissin me. Lol. I got his girlfriend to break up with him. My daddy's pretty rich so he's gonna try and get her out of Goode, then she'll have to transferee to Badde. 

But when I came back from the weekend, we took a small trip to the beach and back, I heard that Percy Jackson had gotten back together with Annabeth Chase. That little girl beat me? I have to see it my self. I find them and they have their backs turned, holding hands and talking about cheesy things probally. 

 "How could you Percy!" I didn't know what to do so I screeched at the top of my lungs. He turned around, dang he was scary when he was mad. But also freaking hot. His adorable sea green eyes borred into me and I felt a little self conscious. 

 Half of the school was watching by now and probally wanting Percy to throw his arms around me and kiss me passionately and marry me, and have many children,and then divorce him out of the blue. It would work. I could practically see the future. 

"Move it Sierra." Percy grumbled and Annabeth gripped his hand firmly and they walked away. Ughh. My plan didn't work as planned. The whole day I sat on the sidelines watching them and snickering when they where part for the moment, seeing every chance as to get Percy. One time in science that day I went up from behind, and made his head turn. I went in for the kiss but I failed as he leaned away snd turned back around. I almost got detention for that stupid horribly planned stunt. 

I guess I would just have to wait. Maybe for the Valentines dance? By that was SOOO far away. It was now December and close to Christmas, the winter dance was in later January after Winter Break. Hmmmmm,, maybe there? Here's the thing. I'm not very smart. Only smart at getting boys. But Percy was a challenge and I lurved challenges. 


Ugly my plans suck. The past three months I've been trying to get Percy, but my new target these past few Febuary weeks is Jason Grace who is dating Piper McLean. 

This time. My plan will go well. And the location of my attack? 


Percy's little sister in Annabeths arms

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Percy's little sister in Annabeths arms. Lol. 


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