Chap Ten

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Percy POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It was a simple Thursday, you almost kiss a girl almost a week ago and then when you become friends with her she tells you she doesn't have a huge interest in dating.

Just Great. Man, she was so pretty though. Those long blonde curls, tan skin, and grey eyes. She was naturally pretty, unlike Drew, who spent a whole hour this morning picking out an outfit, for me. And she tells me this before the bell rings.

"Oh please Drew, no one cares about your outfit." Percy rolled his eyes and pushed past Drew, and her crew.

That morning in ELA, which I had with Annabeth, Hazel and Jason, oh and my other friend Nico, who showed up yesterday after skipping a huge chunk of school.

Annabeth was kinda near me and she was listening to a song on her phone and snapping her fingers rhythmically to the beat like she was the one who created it. And then, she closed her eyes and started softly singing the song. All eyes turned to her, even the teacher.


Every day, Every day,

It is better than yesterday.

Every day, Every day

I'm closer to wonderful

I'm closer to wonderful-ul.

Annabeth poured out the lyrics, not noticing that everyone was watching her and some taking videos. Finally, as she finished everyone clapped, even the teacher. Her voice was beautiful, smooth and melodious.

She blushed and looked down, I stared right at her, a smile almost touching my eyes. She blushed even harder while the teacher and some students congratulated her. It was awesome, her voice was probably the best compared to Pipers, who was also very good at singing.

At lunch today, word had gotten out about Annabeth's amazing singing, somewhere paying her money for her to sing a short verse of their favorite songs. She kept blushing deep red when someone said her voice was awesome. The only person who didn't seem to like her voice was, well, you can guess. Drew and her Crew. Drew kept scoffing and saying her voice was better,

"I mean my voice is obviously like honey, Annie Ugo's is like trash." Drew wasn't yelling but talking really loud.

"Then why don't you sing," Leo shouted a challenge at Drew. She smiles and said sure and walked up to the middle of the cafeteria, where all eyes were on her.

She started singing some trashy tune, she was offbeat and her voice was dry and constricted. People booed and threw paper at her, their empty milk cartons and such. And then Drew said, "Prissy, oh can I have a kiss." She cooed and ran up to Percy who turned before she could reach him.

"He doesn't like you." Annabeth gasped. She smirked and crossed her arms defiantly.

"Oh yeah!" Drew challenge, Annabeth climbed on top of her table and shouted at full power.

"Percy doesn't NOT like Drew, I repeat!" Annabeth yelled from the table as eyes were still not off Annabeth.

"I do Not like drew!" Percy yelled as well. People started clapping and cheering, yelling insults towards drew and her crew.

I loved Annabeth for this. She wasn't self-controlling like Drew was, she was perfect, little makeup, long curly golden princes hair, and the prettiest grey eyes. I wanted to be with her so bad, my heart was aching, but I wouldn't push her if I did I would lose her. Her voice was smooth like honey, her eyes the color of storms and her hair was an imperfection. Drew's was ugly, her mascara and eyeshadow the color of puke. Her face was puke, her life. It was all puke.

The rest of the day, and the next day everyone was admiring her. For singing and standing up to Drew, the next few weeks were like that. All of them, everyone admired Annabeth, well expect of course Drew and her Crew, who seemed to resent Annabeth more than ever. They kept telling false rumors about her and such, I and her kept growing closer though, she kept smiling when she saw me, and I kept blushing, really hard. Swim team was starting soon, I've been a captain since freshman year, obviously the best one on the team, swimming fast and my strokes long and smooth.

We had a few new tryouts, some dumb kids, a couple of girly girls, trying to pick me up, it didn't work, though one was really trying to kiss me, she was part of the Crew, so it was a bit mean what I did to her, I pushed her into the deep end and almost had to go and save her from drowning.

Annabeth and Piper, and my friends where in the bleachers, watching me swim with the new tryouts, I recruited four new kids, three really strong girls, Reyna included and one small boy named Harley, who somehow was related to Leo.

The next couple of weeks faded from September into October and into November. These past weeks were great, Annabeth as one of my new best friends, everyone kept telling me to ask her out, but I didn't know how to do it. I don't think I wanna push her.

A/N, the song Annie songs is Wonderful by Mackenzie Ziegler, my fav song by her. Sorry if you don't know it. The story is going to cut short, Percabeth will fluff out on chap twelve or after that. It will be wicked.

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