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Katsuki walked through the door, the cool air outside stinging his face. He looked out into his backyard at the people running around the garden. Kirishima was chasing Mina with ice, Kaminari and Sero joked by the tents, and the rest of the girls sat and talked by the fire. The rest of his class had scattered around the garden. He had a big garden, otherwise, things would be rather cramped. His eyes settled on a couple chatting near their tent, he smiled as his sister and Yuki flirted quietly. He always hoped for his future life to be like that. He flicked his eyes over to the girls, his eyes resting on a certain brunette. He smiled more as he hoped it would be like that with her.
"Come on Onii-chan!" Hotaru shoved him forward. He had been standing in the doorway. He moved forward and she walked passed with her plate of food. She walked to the girls by the fire.
"Careful, don't get too close!" he called after her.
"I know I know!" she called back, the sass dripping from her words.
"Aww! So cute!" a voice quipped next to him. He looked over at the pink-haired girl next to him. Mina cooed more in his ear and he grabbed an ice cube as the bucket his mom had carried out passed him. He threw it behind her and Kirishima caught it, shoving it down Mina's shirt. She screamed and turned to chase him. He walked forward to the fire, silver food platter in his hand. It had all typed of food to cook over a fire, sausages, some burgers for the grill his dad was manning and more food. He placed it on the table where the rest of the food was, close to the grill. There was another table closer to the fire with snacks and other sweets, like marshmallows, and another table with refreshments, alcohol and sodas. His parents didn't mind drinking as long as it was supervised, so a lot of his classmates had beers and other alcopops. He walked over to it and grabbed something that had vodka in and opened it. He walked over to the girls who were chatting with a blonde girl Katsuki had only seen once before, Shield, he remembered was her name. The girls stopped chatting and looked at him, he nodded and handed Ochaco the drink. She took it and he walked off, their silent exchange done. He looked over to the other side of the grass where some boys were talking, Icy Hot and Deku stood among them, chatting away. He sighed, grumbling about the uninvited guests. Kirishima had invited them over after Katsuki told him to invite a few people. His whole class showed up with some extras, Shield, Hotaru and the two second years, Chibana and Chiaki. Chibana was invited by Ochaco, Chiaki just showed up and harassed him almost instantly.

"Okay! Grilled food is done! If you wanna roast something grab a rod and grab from this tray!" his mom called out to the group. The students filed to the tables as his mom started handing out buns and plates to those who wanted them. Yuki and Kasumi helped with uncooked food for roasting. Katsuki walked to his sister's table.
"Here," she pushed a plate towards him. His favourite spicy sausages sat in the plate, uncooked, ready to be roasted. He grabbed them and walked over to his seat near the fire and stabbed one of them, holding it near the large fire.
"Onii-chan!" Hotaru said next to him. "What kind of sausages are those?" she asked. His eyes lit up and he smirked.
"Why don't you try a bite?" he smirked.
"Okay!" she grinned and he cut her a small piece of the one he just cooked. He handed it to her and pulled his phone out. She smelled it and someone called him.
"Katsuki?" Ochaco called again, coming closer, her eyes widened as she saw the food in the girl's hand. He pressed record.
"Go ahead," he urged.

"Hotaru no!" Ochaco called but it was too late. The little girl had put the piece in her mouth and began to chew. The colour drained from Ochaco's face as Hotaru realised what she had done. Her eyes flew open and her cheeks flushed. He suppressed a laugh but continued filming. The girl's eyes watered and she squealed, grabbing her face unsure what to do. She couldn't spit it out, but he knew she couldn't swallow it alone. He laughed loudly and reached behind his chair with the hand he held his phone in, pulling a water bottle out. He gave it to the girl and she latched on and gulped the liquid down.
"Katsuki what's in there?" Ochaco yelled.
"It's milk," Hotaru squeaked out, she finished the full bottle. Katsuki was in fits laughing. He ended the video and put his phone away.
"You're not funny!" Ochaco huffed.
"It was a little funny," Hotaru said softly.
"Not to me!" Ochaco huffed more. She lifted the girl and sat on her seat, placing Hotaru on her legs. A clinking noise interrupted her tantrum and they looked over to his sister.

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