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Katsuki stood in his stand-in suit and grumbled, his hands struggling to fasten the tie. He absolutely hated this uncomfortable thing and ties drove him nuts. It'd be so much easier if Kirishima were here or his mother, but his mother was in the other room helping the girls with their hair. He growled and gripped the stupid tie and flung it across the room, hanging his head.
"Oh! What did I do to deserve a tie to the face!" her voice giggled behind him. He spun around suddenly, her brown eyes glinted up at him.
"I didn't even hear you come in," he said softly, taken aback by the sight.
"You were grumping loudly, but I did knock" her eyes looked at the tie as she bent down to pick it up, Her brown hair was pinned up with decorative pins and her pink stand-in dress was strapless and low cut, exposing a lot of her chest. A piece of hair loosened itself from her hair and fell in front of her face. Her eyes cast down and the whole scene made his heart beat rapidly. She looked up at him and smiled and it only worsened.
"You're pretty red, are you okay?" she asked getting up from the floor and walking close to him, he flushed more and looked away, grabbing the collar of his shirt.
"Yeah well, this thing is too uncomfortable!" he mumbled.
"Well hold still, let me help," she gazed at him. Fuck, she looked sexy, he thought. She lifted the tie over his head and placed it on his shoulders, popping his collar and moving the tie forward. She looked back down and he glanced at her as she focused on the tie. Her hands brushed against him softly as she worked, biting her pink glossed lip while she focused. His hand seemed to move on its own, gripping her chin softly with his thumb and forefinger curled under it. He lifted her head, her eyes still focused on the tie. He dipped his head down and pressed his lips gingerly against hers. Her hands dropped the fabric and froze in place. His eyes fluttered open as he pulled away, her eyes were wide, staring right at him. Her cheeks blushed a darker shade of pink than he'd ever seen.

"Sorry," he breathed, his lips still very close to hers, "I couldn't help myself," he whispered and she surprised him by closing the gap between them. Her one hand on his cheek, the other gripping his waistcoat. He closed his eyes and took in the kiss. His hands gravitated to her waist, gripping her tightly. He could feel himself calming down the longer it went on. He'd concluded not so long ago, she calmed him like nothing else could. That rage that always bubbled under the surface would calm when she was near. He'd gotten better at controlling his anger but she had a whole different effect on him. She took all of it away, completely calming him with a single kiss or touch. They pulled away soon after. "No!" He moaned childishly. "More!"
"No!" she giggled, pushing him away but he tugged back. "You've gotta let me put this tie on you,"
"But kisses!" he protested.
"Fine!" she gave in, "but after the tie, I've gotta make you look at least semi-decent!"
"Much more than a semi right now," he smirked and she looked at him confused before the realisation came.
"Katsuki!" she squealed, giggling.
"What can I say, you're hot!" he winked. She blushed and grabbed the tie. She looked down and fiddled with the tie, eventually getting on the right track.
"Distracted are we?" he teased.
"Because of you!" she pouted, "Idiot," she muttered.
"Now who's the tsundere?"
"Still you," he laughed at her reaction and she finished up the knot and tightened it. "There we go!" she smiled, stepping back.
"Oh no!" he grinned slyly. "you owe me something!" he grabbed her waist and pulled her into him.
"I guess I did," she smiled back and he dipped his head down, kissing her lips again, the playful kiss turning into something more intimate very quickly, her fingers gripping his hair at the back of his neck. The door flew open and someone walked in.
"Awww!" the voice squealed. The two pulled away to see Mina standing in the doorway. Katsuki still held onto Ochaco and her hand was still on his neck. "As cute as you two are, Kasumi and the rest of us are ready to start the rehearsal," she smiled.
"Thanks, Mina, we'll be right out," Ochaco smiled. The girl left and she turned to him. "We should probably get out there," she looked at his lips.
"One more kiss," he breathed, barely finishing before she pulled him down into another steamy kiss.
"We should get out there," she whispered and pulled away. He felt his disappointment set in but if he didn't go his mother would drag him by his ear. He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward him. Her confused eyes looked up at him asking for clarity.
"Together," he smiled down at her and watched her eyes sparkle and her cheeks glow a light shade of pink. They walked out together hand in hand and walked into the big room. Kirishima, Mina and Jirou stood together in a small group. Mina had her hands on Jirou's shoulders while the girl played with her earphone jacks. She wore a black dress with a black choker and her hair was pinned up nicely. Kirishima stood close to Mina, bent over slightly, trying to look the shy girl in her eyes.

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