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"What are you doing here?"
"It's my house too Kasumi," Katsuki spat at her. "More importantly why are you two dimwits here?" he glared at Kaminari and Kirishima.
"We came here to spend time with the better Bakugou," Kaminari said. Katsuki gave him a death glare.
"Kaminari! You're so sweet, but unfortunately, I'm just home for a few minutes, I need to get back to work soon," his mother said, poking her head into the room.
"Damn Mitsuki! We were hoping for some mom time with you!" Kirishima whined.
"Please don't talk anymore," Katsuki groaned sitting down on the floor of his bedroom while Kasumi put something on.
"So Kasumi, how's wedding planning going?" Kirishima asked.
"Good, we've been planning it for a while now, before we got engaged, but we were more spitting ideas, now that I think about it I should've known he was gonna propose, he asked so many questions," she chuckled. "The wedding will be the day after White Day," she smiled.
"Are we invited?" Kaminari asked.
"Only if you bring a date," she winked.
"Katsuki are you gonna bring Uraraka?" Kaminari asked.
"She's invited already so I can't really," Katsuki said. The anime started playing and Katsuki was relieved that it wasn't Highschool DXD.

"I'm thinking of making her a bridesmaid," Kasumi said rather nonchalantly. Katsuki sat up straight out of pure shock that she even thought that.
"Why?" he asked.
"I consider her a friend, and I'm actually relatively close to her," she shrugged.
"When did this happen?" he asked bewildered.
"We talk, and she has a life outside of school and flirting with you," she said rolling her eyes at him. Kirishima and Kaminari sat snickering at the exchange.
"Wait isn't Katsuki one of Yuki's groomsmen?" Kirishima asked.
"He is," Kasumi nodded.
"So does that mean that he has to walk down the aisle with her?" he laughed.
"It does if she's serious," Katsuki grumbled.
"I thought you'd at least be happy about it, why the grump Suki?" she asked.
"Don't call me that!" he shouted. "I didn't say I wasn't happy, it's just really complicated,"
"Anyway, Kiri," Kasumi said. "How's getting Mina to be your girlfriend working out?"
"Slow, I can't work up the courage to speak to her about a date," he sighed.

"You two are going to stay in the city right?" Kasumi asked.
"Yeah, we may even end up working in the same agency,"
"So it's not like you'll never see each other after graduation, so just go for it!" Kasumi said.
"What about Bakugou?" Kaminari asked.
"What about me?" Katsuki asked.
"Are you gonna ask Uraraka out?"
"Why not?"
"I don't know if I'll even get a chance to be with her long, and I don't know if she's going to move away after graduation," he shrugged.
"So it's worth a shot!" Kasumi exclaimed.
"No, it's not,"
"It is," she said,
"Yes! Do you love this girl?"
"Okay, if Kirishima can work up the courage to ask Mina out then you have to ask Ochaco out, no matter what!" Kasumi said.
"Why would I do that?"
"If you do then I'll put in a recommendation at Yuki's agency for her and one at my agency for you," Katsuki's eyes widened. He'd been worrying about an agency for months now, and a recommendation from one of the best heroes in both agencies, well it was bound to get them both accepted.

"But you guys have to do it the day after Valentines Day! Kirishima's already got an agency asking for him when he's done with school, so no bribe for him,"
"Fine I'll do it, you're evil you know that?"
"I do! Oh by the way, what did Deku want that one day?"
"That was three weeks ago Kasumi!" Katsuki exclaimed.
"So? I didn't get a chance to ask,"
"He was just visiting family, his dad was back from work and he wanted to say hi, but he forgot that Katsuki stayed close by. He also tried flirting with Uraraka, but she shot him down quite quickly," Kirishima explained.
"Well that's boring, why'd I even ask," she sighed.


"Ochaco wake up," Katsuki shook the sleeping brunette. She groaned but she didn't open her eyes. The rest of the class tried to clean up the pillow fort they made every Thursday for movie night. It started late because the girls were in the kitchen most of the afternoon making chocolate for the next day. It was already past midnight and All Might gave everyone instructions to clean up and go to bed when they were finished. He had left an hour earlier to sleep and hadn't woken up since. Ochaco had fallen asleep on him again like she always did nowadays, but it meant waking her up was tough. He tried again but she didn't budge. "Kirishima do me a favour," he called his redhaired friend.
"Yeah?" he asked, he was behind the blonde folding blankets.
"Please move her off me, and rest her back against the couch, I'll carry her to her dorm,"
"Gotcha," the redhead lifted the girl off Katsuki's shoulder and moved her to the couch behind them and left her upright. Katsuki got up and crouched next to her, securing an arm under her legs and another around her back. He lifted her up with ease and carried her to the elevator, she had stirred slightly, grabbing his shoulder and his shirt with her hands and snuggling her head inward resting it on his chest, she looked exceptionally sweet like this. He had to wait for Mina to help him with buttons since she was right behind him on the way to the room.
"She's a heavy sleeper," Mina said when they were in the elevator.
"I know," he said exasperatedly.
"She really likes you, you know," Mina said. "She talks about you a lot, I get that you're friends but I wish she'd talk about me and Tsyuu like that," she smiled.
"I don't think its because of anything like that,"
"Then what?" Mina said knowingly. She looked at him and smiled before walking off the elevator. The doors had just opened. He walked out and Mina opened the door to her room for him and closed it behind him. The room was dark but he could see where he was going. He walked to her bed and lay her down, but she wouldn't let go of his shirt.
"Ochaco, let go," he whispered, and she complied and he lay her down, covering her with her duvet. He looked down at her and smiled. She was so beautiful, he put his fingers on her face and moved the hair away from it before leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. He knew he wasn't really allowed to be affectionate like that but he didn't care, he wouldn't kiss her lips, he wouldn't take advantage of her, but he could steal a goodnight kiss on her forehead and touch her face gently. He wanted to show her that he loved her but he couldn't, not while she was awake, so he would steal these moments while she slept, and hopefully one day she'd let him kiss her when she was awake. He turned to leave but a hand gripped his wrist. He froze, terrified that she'd fight with him, he turned his head cautiously to look at her. He gasped when he saw her gorgeous brown eyes staring back at him, not open wide, but drooping.

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