Chapter 1

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The characters in this story are not mine they are property of Hiro Mashima.

Once upon a time.... There was a dragon that fell in love with a princess.....

Outside the library, Gajeel fiddled with the ring that he spent countless hours making for his love. He knew she would love it and that she would say yes; it was only a matter of getting up the courage to ask the life changing question. He knew that once someone fell for a Dragon Slayer, it was a tricky business. Levy would not just be his wife. She would be his mate, and being a Dragon Slayer's mate meant they were together for life and beyond. It was a big moment for both of them, and he wanted it to be absolutely perfect. She would never be the same again, so he wanted her to remember it fondly. If he just randomly asked her she would not have a wonderful story to tell their children. They had talked about children before, but it was never a conversation that went anywhere other than both wanting a large family.

Gajeel slowly opened the library door without knocking. He knew exactly where she was. He could smell her it was a sweet mix of old books, ink and flowers. The Dragon Slayer loved to watch her work. She had just received a new book; he could tell by the way she was carefully turning its pages, so carefully; making sure not to damage any of the edges received. All the books in the library technically belonged to the Guild, but she was the only one who ever really read them or even went into the library. The only time she would use her Gale Force Glasses is when she was gathering information for ShadowGear or one of the other teams in Fairy Tail. Gajeel just watched her work for a moment. She has on her favorite orange dress and matching headband with the little white flower on the side. Gajeel always thought that she looked like an innocent child in that outfit. It was one that she would wear when she wasn't going on missions or researching things. Her slow movements were making Gajeel remember why he fell so hard for this tiny mage. He had never loved or even liked himself until he met her.

Levy walked across the library to put away her new book away next to the other editions of Solid Script magic. She was lost in her own thoughts, so she was unaware of the Dragon Slayer creeping up behind her. As she climbed on the step stool to put the book on the top shelf, he grabbed her around her waist and pulled her in for a backwards hug. "AHH!" Levy screamed, but she quickly relaxed when she realized who it was. Even though it has been many years since their first painful encounter, she still was unable to fully let her guard down when she was around him. When he would sneak up behind her she would have flashback to that fateful day. She still had scares that she attempted to hide with chunky bracelets on both arms and a cloth necklace that would match her outfit for that day. Lucy gave her fashion advice and she took it to heart. Lucy had many scares from her missions with Happy and Natsu, some she was proud of others she prefered to have hidden.

"Hey there Shrimp, what ya reading?" Gajeel started to question as he slowly spins her around in his arms to face him. Levy wrapped her legs around him. His face was full of love and life. He had never felt as wonderful as he did when she was in his arms. After all these years, he knew he would never forgive himself for what he did to her. They had bonded just before the Tenrou Island incident during the S-Class exams. Levy didn't participate in during the Grand Magic games seven years later, but Gajeel did and it was Levy who helped take care of him after each battle. He knew that if being a Solid Script Mage didn't work out for her he knew that she would make a great nurse for him. The past ten years were still challenging for both of them. If he had known how he would feel about her later, he would not have done such cruel things to her or her tea. He shook his head slightly as if to erase the past.

"I just got the latest edition of Solid Script Magic in! Want to read it?" she responded, even though she that he would say no. Gajeel confirmed her suspicion by raising his eyebrows in a gesture of 'are you kidding me'. He was still holding her when he start to shake just a only slightly. Levy could tell that something was bothering him, so she kissed him lovingly on the cheek. The only time that he would shake if something major was about to happen. She was thankful that he still had his arms around on account of her legs started to feel like noodles. There was nothing in the world that could make her feel the way he made her feel. When he held her tight and close to his body all her fear, pain and anxiety went away with the one simple act. It always amazed her as how he could make her feel like a strong princess and so fragile at the same time.

"Levy, I was wondering... Um..." The words came out in a tremble. Levy's heart started to race, this was the moment she had been waiting for. She thought she knew what he is about to say. The Tiny Mage didn't ever admit, even to herself that she wanted this questioned asked to her. She was shaking with anticipation and excitement, she was on the verge of kissing him and screaming her answer. "... if you would go to the parade with me tonight?" he finished the question. Not the words she wanted to here.

Levy pushed back from her Dragon Slayer, trying to figure out what had just happened. She knew that he was working on making her ring out of some of the Solid Script Iron that she made him during the games. How could she have been wrong about what he was asking? She didn't want to show her confusion or her frustration to the man she loved, so she simply leaned back into his strong arms and whispered yes.

Gajeel saw her confusion, though, and mentally kicked himself for not asking the real question. He could feel her disappointment before he even looked at her. He tightened his arms around her in an unspoken apology, hoping to make her feel safe. He was only inches away from Levy, and the two blushed madly. They each knew what the other was thinking, even without creating a bond between mate and Dragon Slayer. The love they felt for each other was real yet unspoken, so words could quickly be forgiven.

Levy put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to plant a gentle, loving kiss on his rough lips. She noticed the smell of iron on him. It was a smell that once sent fear running through her when he first joined the guild. Now, it is a smell that can bring comfort to her in the darkest of moments. Gajeel had proved himself to her and the whole Guild on countless occasions. Levy loved him with all her heart but could not get over the small fear of if he was only doing things to get close to the Guild to destroy it, again.

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