Chapter 10

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Later that day

"Levy you are so perfect for me, I am so happy that I found you. I would never hurt you," Gajeel told her. Levy's eyes flew open. Did he really just say that? I honestly can't believe it. The first time he met me he tried to kill me and my team.

Gajeel heard every word that went through her mind. She must have forgotten that they are both mentally linked now. He moved her off of him and set her down on the bed, he knew where this was going. They had not talked about what happened since they got together. He never thought that they would. He had expected this to happen when they mated, subtitle emotions that have been repressed for a long time would come to the surface. It was only a matter of time, he was just hoping would not be this soon.

Ley's eyes went solid gray, she was beyond pissed. "Did you really just say that to me?" Levy spat out.

"Levy... I'm sorry, let's take a deep breathe, this isn't like you. It's all the Dragon Slayer rage that is inside you," Gajeel said reluctantly placing his hands on her shoulders to steady her and keep her at arm length incase she lashed out at him. A Mage that is new to this form of magic can have a major reaction or none at all, he was hoping for no reaction at all. But he is not that lucky. Levy was getting angry at everything because of the Dragon Slayer magic that was introduced into her system.

Her soft skin started to harden, and Gajeel's did the same involuntary. A fight was about to break out and deep down he knew it was going to be bad. Someone was going to get hurt. She couldn't handle the change that she was going through, it was tearing her apart from the inside out. He promised her that she would not die. The types of reactions that the mates could have were death, unchecked anger, extreme mood swings or nothing at all. How could I have been so stupid, I should have waited until later.

"I heard that you bastard," Levy leaned back and threw a fist straight at his face. She narrowly missed him only grazed him on the side of his chin.

Fear ran through Gajeel's body, he was about to be attacked by the woman that he loved and he could not truely defend himself because if he did she would hurt her or worse kill her. That is the last thing that he wanted to do. The Iron Dragon made it his life's goal never to hurt her again.

Both of them were standing on opposite sides of the bed waiting for the other to make the first move. It was Levy that jumped over and on top of the bed to get a better hight advantage on him. She slammed her left fist into his upper chest quickly followed by a right hook that she learned from him. Mentally cursing himself Gajeel stepped back trying to stay out of her reach, but she was too fast. Levy leaped down from the bed and blocked the doorway. A lamp was on the dresser next to the door. She picked it up and hurtled it towards him. It shattered into tiny bits as he let it hit him. He knew that he had to lose this fight or he was going to lose her.

Lily heard the fighting in the room and started banging on the door, "hey guys is everything alright in their I heard something break." He was considered for his friends.

"Stay out of this cat, this does not concern you," Levy's voice was harsh and Lily back away slowly. He had never heard her sound that mad before, so he knew that something terrible was happening in there. Lily ran out of the house and ran straight towards the Guild hall.

The Iron Dragon Slayer was scared for his life. His Princess had so much untapped power that she did not know to control yet and it was all flowing out of her with no limits at all. He did not fight back, he simply tried his best to block her attacks. Levy knew how to fight she was taught not only by Gajeel but by the guild master himself. It was right after the accident that Markarov took it upon himself to help her out.

Levy used not only her Solid Script magic to fight but her new found speed and strength to amplify her attacks. With each attack she got closer and closer to him. Levy picked up random objects in the room to hurral at him. Their bedroom window shattered onto the ground below. Gajeel was no longer blocking the attacks. He had deflected one and it hit her in the face making her even madder causing her to rage out even more. He was her personal punching bag for the time being. Nothing could change that.

Levy flipped him onto his back so that she could kick him, hoping to create more damage. He might have been stronger than she was but she was much faster. "This is all your fault! Meeting you was the worst! I cannot handle this change, why did you do this to me!" she questioned as she kicked him in the ribs once more.

All Gajeel said was, "I'm sorry" or "I love you."

The only defence that he had was his hardened skin, however it didn't really help when she punched or kicked him since they now had a very similar skin type. It only worked when she threw objects at him such as the night stand, dresser drawers, books and whatever else she could get her hands on.

Lily made it to the Guild hall completely out of breath. "Levy and Gajeel are fighting, its bad. She is going to kill him," he said between breaths.

Natsu, Gray and Erza all stopped fighting the second he said that and rushed out of the hall towards their home. Crashing objects and shouting could be heard from outside. Some of the furniture that was in their room was now sprawled out on the sidewalk below. Levy was screaming in rage when they got into the house. The bedroom door was locked from the inside.

"Stand back I'm going to break it down," Erza said. All moved back a step as she kicked it in with one simple motion. The room was trashed, nothing was intact. Everything was either in pieces or missing completely. They all stood there for a moment trying to figure out what happened. In the middle of the room where the bed should have been, now out the window on the street below, was Levy and Gajeel. She was on top of him throwing punch after punch directly into his face.

It was clear that Gajeel had not been fighting back from all the blood that was coming out of him. Natsu and Gray were the first to get their minds back together, both rushed in. Each grabbed the pissed off Tiny Mage by the arm. She was picked up struggle by the two other Guild member but continued to kick as much as she could hoping to make contact with someone or something.

Fuck, I will end you Gajeel. If it is the last thing that I do. You completely ruined my life. She only thought it, knowing that only he would be the only one able to hear it. Tears started to form in his only eye that was not swollen shut. Erza and Lily ran to Gajeel narrowly dodging Levy's kicks. They helped him up and propped him up on the wall. The Dragon Slayer spit out blood and parts of teeth.

"Damn, she got you good. What happened?" Lily asked.

Erza left to go get a towel and a first aid kit from the kitchen to hopefully stop some of the bleeding. She saw that Natsu and Gray were holding her back and doing a good job at it too, it looked like she was about to pass out. Erza looked at the two and gave them a look that only they understood. "Do it, she will thank you later," Erza calmly said.

Gray let go of her left side on the count of three as Natsu turned to face her. He head butted her so hard that it made his head spin a little, but it worked. She was out cold. Erza nodded her approval. Gray and Natsu picked her up and headed back to the Guild hall to get the medical help that she needed.

Gajeel was talking to Lily, "that's when she lost it. I should have known better. It was too soon for all of this. I should have never said that."

Lily looked at his partner and understood. This was not only a major setback for him but a major setback for their relationship. Lily knew first hand how hard he had worked to win back her trust and love. The cat's heart broke knowing the pain that Gajeel was not only emotionally going through but physically.

"Come on let's get you to the Guild hall I'm sure someone can take a look at you and help you out," Erza said in her softest voice.

"Please look after her first, she needs it more than I do," he barely got the words out before he slipped into a blissful unconsciousness.

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