Chapter 16

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"I'm what?" Gajeel asked in shock and confusion. The Doctor's words not fully understood.

"She's pregnant Mr. Redfox, you are going to be a Dad and she is going to be a Mom. It's really very simple. When you two first mated, did she smell any different? Or were there any changes to her?" The Doctor questioned and he infensized the word smell.

Gajeel had to think back. Even though a Dragon Slayer had a good memory a lot had happened in the last month and a half. It had been a wild ride, he started to experience all kinds of emotions. The more he thought about it the more things started to make since. The day she went to the orphanage, she did seem a little bit different. When she came back he had noticed something very strange to her. Originally he thought it was just because she had a hard mission. She always loved kids and missions that focused around children were always hard on her.

"I guess there were," Gajeel replied. The Doctor smiled as he walked out the door. Her husband walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge. He took her hand and kissed it softly. He was going to be a father, he was unsure if he should tell her or wait until the Doctor could tell her. There was no easy way to bring up this type of major conversation. Gajeel laid down next to her to get some sleep.

Her breath was slow and slightly shallow, he was starting to be considered about her. Even though the Doctor said she was fine each twitch and slight movement he would wake. I don't feel good, what happened to me? Levy's voice was faint. You had a bad reaction to the dragon slayer magic. You should probably hold back on going full rage mode for a while Shrimp, Gajeel opened his eyes and climb on top of her.

Hey sexy what do you think you are doing? Levy opened her eyes to look directly into his. "You know what I'm doing. I know you like it." His growled. She reached up to grab his head and pull it closer to kiss him. Letting her do so, he kissed her back slowly positioning himself more on top of her. The Doctor's words came into his mind. He froze instantly. Levy questioned him "what's wrong? You are the one who started I was really getting into this."

"I know Shorty, but you just woke up and you've had a rough day. You need some rest," he told her. She could tell something was wrong with him but didn't want to question him. Levy knew he was right. The Iron Princess pulled her man closer to him feeling his heartbeat. Though Gajeel was so scared he was going to hurt her by being so close to her, he let her pull him in. Only one slept peacefully, Levy started to have the nightmare again. This time it was worse. It was her who was in the place of Gajeel. She was the one who almost killed him and his whole team.

Phantom Lord ordered her to do so. She followed her orders with no questions, just like a good Guild member. Her and her teammate encountered Gajeel and two others under the tree in the center of town. They were not causing harm.

"Well if it isn't a bunch of Fairy Flies." Levy shouted. The team looked over at her, confused at what they saw. It was the worst member in the darkest Guild in town. Fear flooded them. "Look we don't want any trouble, we can all walk away no problems." Gajeel tried to reason with her. Levy's eyes went red with rage. It was her mission to take them out with no regards to their surroundings.

Levy unleashed hail storm of iron rain powered by all the rage within her. Gajeel released a shield to protect the three of them. It didn't work. The other two were impaled with the iron, they were pinned to the ground. Gajeel was the only one with mild injuries. "Well, looks like one of the Fairy Freaks had some power. Oh well, it will not last long"

She ran and slammed him into the tree lifting him above her head. Her eyes said "time to die." Levy created iron bands staking him to the tree. With both his arms out she created a restraint to hold his legs to the base. "Your a monster" is all the Gajeel said before she knocked him unconscious with one punch to the face.

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