Chapter 20

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Levy awoke to the sound of Gajeel's snores. His arms were covering her as to keep her safe from something. Good morning Gajeel, how did you sleep? Levy asked sweetly. He barely moved when she spoke, "he must be really tired, I'll go make him and Lilly some breakfast," she said. When she started to get out of bed her body was aching like she had been in a massive battle. Levy brushed the thought away and went to the kitchen. She was not surprised to see Lilly sleeping on a pillow on the countertop he has done that before but what she was surprised about was the three other Fairy Tail members in their home.

"Did a wild party happen last night or something?" she asked herself. Suddenly she was thankful she remembered to put on some decent clothes before she left their room. They weren't too far from the Guild Hall so it wasn't totally uncommon for members to crash at their house instead if trying to make it home. "Guess I'll make more breakfast than," as she shrugged. Smells of bacon, eggs, pancakes and fresh tea and coffee started to fill the house. Natsu was awake with a massive grunting sound, "bacon!" At this the others woke up and ran towards the kitchen. Levy smiled at her guests and said "good morning guys, party too hard last night!" All of them were starting to pile food on their plates and stopped. "You should go ask your baby daddy, you guys have a lot to talk about," Gray said though a mouth full of breakfast. Natsu was the one who beat Gray on the head this time.

Erza calmly nodded in agreement as she sipped her tea. Levy paused as she noticed Erza's uncommon sleepwear and Gray's new ring. She raised her eyebrows in suspicion. "Ok?" Levy said as she poured Gajeel some coffee to wake him up. The Tiny Mage causally entered the room and set the coffee on the nightstand. She leaned down and kissed her drain dragon. Gajeel's open his eyes and looked into his wife's eyes, "Levy you need to get back in this bed and rest. You had an episode we had to call the doctor and that's why the others are here. The Doctor told me to give you these and you can't go on any missions, until the baby is born." The Iron Dragon was scared as to what she was going to say to this new development. Levy way down on the bed next to her husband and put her head on his shoulder. Tears started to fill her eyes, she has never been good at just sitting around doing nothing.

Gajeel put his arm around her because he knew that this was hard for her. He reached for her face but she pulled away, "this is all your fault." The Iron Princess was cracking, steel was in her voice, "I love you Gajeel but you need to leave. I don't want to see your face." He was shocked that she had reacted this badly to the news. "Please don't do this you need to relax and try to stay calm for the baby," Gajeel said. Levy had gotten up and was half way out the door when he told her this. Fire filled her eyes, "relax, you really think I can just relax?" Gajeel went to go comfort his bride but she turned from him and slammed the bedroom door in his face. Levy stomped through the house gathering different items as if she were to leave for a mission. The other three Mages simply stared at her in pure confusion, Levy was muttering to herself the whole time. When Gajeel came out of the bedroom she screamed at him to go back in the room and stay there. He acted as if were a small child being reprimanded for not following his time out schedule.

"Lily do you want to come with me or stay here with Gajeel," Levy asked in a gruff tone. The cat looked at the others for some type of sign on what to do, Erza shook her head yes. "I'll go with you," he replied. Levy picked him up and he let out a surprised squeak as she did and walked out the door without looking back. Natsu waited a moment before he called out to the other dragon slayer. "She's gone man, what did you say to her! I have never seen her that pissed off," Natsu accused. Gajeel opened the door and slumped down on a kitchen chair. "I told her exactly what the Doc told us. Clearly she did not agree with it. She told me that she didn't want to see my face and ovisioly left. Where is Lily?" he mumbled into the table. "He went with her, I think that it would be better if someone went with her. She is still getting used to all this," Erza said putting a hand on his back to help reassure him. "Levy told me that is was all my fault, and she's right. I should never have done anything. If I didn't ask her to marry me she would still be her normal happy self," face still on the table. Gajeel reached over to grab a knife, all the cutlery was pure iron. Levy had made them for him when he got the house. He chomped down on it and just chewed at it.

"Levy isn't wrong Gajeel," Gray countered. Gajeel looked up slightly at this as Gray continued, "You both knew the risks that were at play when all this happened." Erza punched Gray in the arm making him spill his coffee on his boxers and let out a cry of pain as the hot liquid started to burn him. Once again Gray had stripped and had no idea where his clothes were. "Damn man that's harsh! We are supposed to be making him feel better not worse!" Natsu shouted. Gajeel went to the kitchen and grabbed the pan Levy used to cook the bacon and eggs in and started to munch on it. He must be really upset to be eating that, Erza thought. Just than an idea popped into her head. "Hey, why don't we see if we can keep tabs on her without her knowing. You know stalk her to keep her safe," Erza suggested. The three boys looked at her like she had gone crazy. "Yeah ok, who would sign up for that mission, there isn't enough money in the town to make me follow her! She's gone completely mental," Natsu complained. Erza sighed in desperation. "Gajeel will not be the one to follow her, and neither will you two. Both of you are as subtle as a Cana in a liquor store. I think that we need to get some of the other girls to follow her. That way if they do get caught they can always play it off as if they were out shopping or something," Erza informed them.

When they went back to the Guild, Erza pulled a select few number of the Fairy Tail girls and told them a short version of what happened and her plan on how to help Levy. Juvia, Mira, Lucy and Evergreen volunteered to go. Cana was to drunk to understand the plan and wanted to just kidnap her before she left town. Carla and Happy were nowhere to be seen and Bisca was on a mission with Alzack. Lisanna and Wendy were flat out refusing to go for fear that they would mess it up. "Ok it's settled you four need to hurry and go follow her she has Lilly with her now. When you get a chance see if you can get his attention and tell him to keep you informed on how she is doing," Erza commanded. With that the four Mages of Fairy Tail quickly gathered somethings to act as if they were going shopping and ran out the Guild hall.

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