Chapter 11

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A soft breeze floated through the window of the hospital wing, of the Guild hall. Many fights had taken place in the center of the hall and many came back with countless injuries from the S-Class missions for it to be cost effective to instal a hospital wing. Levy shivered at the cold and pulled her blankets up over her face as she curled into a ball. It took a second to realize where she was, when she did her eyes flew open as she sat straight up in bed. Natsu, Gray and Erza all screamed in panic as she work up.

"What happened? Why am I here? Where is Gajeel?" questions were flying out of her mouth faster than the others could keep up. Erza was the first to speak.

She held a hand up to Levy's face to shush her, "you attack him, you are in the hospital wing, he is in the ICU. You kicked his ass pretty bad. The doctors were scared there for a while."

Levy's face dropped. She didn't know what to say to that. So it was Natsu who spoke, "Gray and I were the ones who knocked your ass out. You were pissed off and raging out. I have never seen anything like it. How is your head?"

Levy lifted a hand to her forehead, she felt a small lump "it's fine I have a small headache but it's fine. Can... I go.. Um see him? Or does he want me stay away?" she asked hesitantly.

The three others just smiled, Natsu and Gray left the room while Erza stood up, "I am sure that he would love that. Before we go let's get you out of that hospital clothes and into something more comfortable.

Erza helped Levy change out of the hospital gown and into one of her loser fitting dresses. Levy was stiff and sore from the fight, she had started to remember every detail, every word she said and everything she did. She also remembered how he didn't fight back at all, he simple stood there and took the beating of a lifetime.

It was not long before the girls were out the door followed by Gray, Natsu and Lucy who had just come back form the orphanage. Lucy wanted to see how the renovations were coming along, but intently returned when she heard what happened.

They all made it down the hall to the ICU section of the hospital. Standing at the door, Levy started to tear up not wanting to go in and see what she had done. "It's ok, it's not your fault. He still loves you can't you feel it?" Lucy whispered and hugged her tightly. Levy knew her friend was right, she could still feel Gajeel's love for her.

The scared Mage slowly opened the door to his room. Soft sounds of beeps, woosh and other noises came from the far end. Levy walked in alone shutting the door carefully behind her. Each steep that she took felt like she was taking one backwards. A lifetime later she reached the edge of his bed. Gajeel had never looked this bad, not even after his first S class mission. The tiny Mage made a chair appear next to his bed and she slowly sat down.

Oh Gajeel, I am so sorry for all of this. I didn't know how to handle all of this. I am so sorry, please wake up. I miss you. I love you. She repeated these words out loud and in her mind multiple times. A nurse came into check on him some time later to find that Levy had her head and arms over his body fast asleep. The nurse smiled, she knew everything that had happened, Lily had filled her in on all the details. This nurse was not only good with medicine she was good at transforming different objects. It was a simple tasks that she was about to do. After she checked all of Gajeel's vital signs she made the bed bigger and lifted Levy on to it so they could be closer to each other.

His heart rate spiked for a second when he felt Levy's touch. The nurse got excited but it quickly faded into nothing when it returned to its slow steady beating. After the nurse looked in on her other patients she updated Erza, Natsu, Gray and Lucy on how they were both doing. She told them that they needed to stay a little longer to make sure nothing else is wrong and if Levy did rage out again they would be able to stop it before it got to out of hand. They all left feeling much better about the whole situation.

Night started to descend on the town. Gajeel started to feel a pressure on his chest, it was hard for him to breathe. He tried to open his eyes but only one of them would open, the other was covered by something, but he couldn't figure it out. With the one eye that he could open he did so slowly to make sure that he would not shock himself at what he might see. It was Levy. She was laying next to him with her head on his chest, arms and legs wrapped around him like a teddy bear. A wave of relief washed over the Iron Dragon.

He slowly positioned himself so he could hold her too. Kissing the top of her head always made her wiggle when she was asleep so it was no different when he did it this time. She wiggled towards him. He was still having trouble believing that she was there with him. All of the hateful things that she said to him, he could have sworn that she was being serious. Levy did try to kill him less than 24 hours ago. Was it only 24 hours ago? I guess this is payback for when I tried to do the same. What time is it? He thought to himself.

At the sound of his voice Levy started to stir, she was waking up. When she saw that he was awake and she was tangled up in his arms she quickly moved away from him and sat back in the chair next to the bed. The two just stared at each other not wanting to say the first words, both were afraid to make the other one mad.

"Hey Shrimp, how ya feelin'" Gajeel asked in the softest voice he could.

She started to cry at the sound of his strangled voice, Gajeel turned red and thought that he had said something wrong. That was not true though, Levy threw her arms around him as she cried into his neck. She was babbling something about being sorry, how she loved him and that she didn't mean all the hateful things that she said.

Gajeel started to tear up at this, he wrapped his arms around her to help comfort her as she cried and just let her get it all out. It was sometime before her babbling cries slowed down to a point of understanding.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok my love. I know you didn't mean any of it. You are still trying to control the dragon, it will take some time. I still want to spend the rest of my life with you, as long as you want to. I know that I have hurt you in the past but I promise I will work everyday of my life to make it up to you," Gajeel whispered into her ear.

"Really? You still want to be with someone who is as cruel and violent like me? I am such a horrible person, how can you ever love me."

Gajeel's heart stopped for a second. He held her back so he could look directly into her eyes. "Levy, don't ever say that again. You are not a horrible person, you are the kindest person that I know. If it was not for you I am sure that I would have gone down a very dark path long ago. Of course I love ya."

The two just looked at each other for a long moment before Levy planted a soft tentative kiss on his lips. He returned her kiss with a passion like never had before. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was the one for him. The woman he was destined to be with. A love like that only comes around once in a lifetime and he beyond grateful that she agreed to be with him. It had been a long day, the two were mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. The lovers curled up in each others arms and for the first time in a long time, neither of them dreamt of their first meeting.

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