Chapter 8

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Gajeel ran passed Levy to pick up Lily and swing him around wildly. Levy just stood there with the same confused face as she always did when this happening. Lucy watched Natsu run to Happy screaming "Little buddy I missed you!" At the top of his lungs. The two girls just high fived at a job well done and went back to their regular places in the hall. Lucy at the bar and Levy went to the library.

Some time later Gajeel knocked on the library door, Levy didn't respond she was too absorbed into her book. It was a favorite of hers that she has read countless times. Gajeel plopped down into a seat next to his soon to be wife. "Heard you gave all the money back to the orphanage," he said to her. Love filled his voice. The Iron Dragon was so proud of his soon to be wife.

"Well technically we did, we are using it to help make some major repairs to the place and update it. We also hired some people to help take a majority of the load off of that sweet old couple. They deserve to be happy too you know?" Levy said not even looking up from her book. This was one of the many reasons as to why Gajeel was so in love with her. She was so kind and giving of everything that she was. If she saw a little kid on the street begging for food or money she would take them to the nearest food stand get them fed and a new pair of clean clothes. He loved how she cared with all her heart for everyone, he was also so scared of her getting hurt by those she cared for.

The Dragon Slayer put his hand over the book pages so she could not read any more. When she looked up at him he could see why she was not willing to look at him earlier, she had been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and her face had splotches all along it. Her classic sign of not wanting to cry even though she couldn't hold it in. He should have guessed, she would be like this, he knew how much Levy wanted kids and not just one kid she wanted a large family. Neither of them had a large family, Gajeel was raised by a dragon and Levy never talked about her childhood. No one really knew anything about her until she joined Fairy Tail.

"I'm sorry baby, one day we will have a family I promise we will have the biggest family that you could ever want," he reassured her giving her the awkward sideways hug. "Come on you've had a long day let's go home." He didn't even wait for her to respond he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as he walked out the library. The books that Levy had out over the table were still scattered everywhere. Leaving her books a mess was one of her pet-peeves but when Gajeel picked her up there was no fighting it.


Lily was curled up in his basket by the fireplace that he refused to very say thank you for, clearly he was in love with it since he hardly left it. The heating pad in it made him melt into a fluffy ball happiness. In the summer he would often carry it to the window letting the rays of light warm the cushion.

Gajeel placed Levy on the bed while he got her a fancy relaxing bath ready. He lit some candles and put what he thought was gross smelling bubbles in the water. It was one of her favorites so he tried not to make a deal about it. The smell of flowers and oils filled the small bathroom. He also turned on the music to her favorite music station. When he was done he helped Levy get off the bed. Slowly undressed her, the Iron Dragon started to show his softer side. He placed delicate kissed all along her body just to get her heart racing.

A shiver ran along her entire body. Tonight was going to be a great night. Levy was placed gently into the bath. Gajeel pulled his long hair back with one of Levy's old scrunchies. She loved the way he looked when he did that but she would never tell him. She watched as he took off his shirt. Just in his jeans he bent down and slowly, with gentle practice, started to massage her sore muscles, starting with he neck moving to her shoulders. Levy closed her eyes and tried to enjoy every touch and movement of his strong hands. He made his way down to her arms, legs and feet. She had never been more relaxed in her entire life. The man she loved was making her feel more wanted than she ever had. This simple act made her whole world stop. Time stood still when she was with him.

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