Chapter 6

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"Hey Shrimp can I see what you picked out?" Gajeel asks crawling across the bed closer to his love. Their closet couldn't truly hold a lot of clothes and her dress was wrapped up in a dress solid white bag with the store logo on the front. The door to the closet was being held together by luck alone. "Um yeah no! You cannot see it until the wedding it's bad luck!" Levy shouted back as she tried to scoot away from him. It always gave her a small sick joy to turn him down for something. It was very rare that she actually did but this was too good to pass up.

Gajeel grabs her around her waist and pulled her closer and slightly under him, "You know Shorty, when have we done anything that is traditional? We even moved in together before we actually started dating," His smile was so mischievous. She loved seeing his face like that. "We make our own luck Levy you know this," he whispered into her ear. Levy thought back to the time she officially moved in. It was right after a really difficult mission. Both Gajeel and Lily were really hurt and didn't want to stay at the hospital so the doctors let them stay home. Levy truly wanted to help the nurse the boys back to full health so she got small training from the nurse and helped both her team members recover. Lily was the first to recover enough to talk and it was him who convinced her to move in to take care of Gajeel of course.

Levy sighed at the sound of his voice, and finally relented and shurged out from under him to head towards the closet. When she exited the closet she did not have on the wedding dress of her dreams but a simple black nightgown that had iron written across the front of it. A cute little heart was in the middle of the "o". The Iron Dragon felt his heart speed up at the sight of her.

"Holy crap, Shrimp... I really hope that is not what you are going to wear walking down the aisle because I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you." he reached out for his fiancee to come closer.

Levy slowly walked towards the bed, stopping just shy of climbing back up. "So what if it is? Are you going to use your tough Dragon Slayer magic and stop me?" Levy put her hands on her hips and leaned in closer to him so he could see just a little of what she had on underneath the nightgown. Gajeel turned bright red noticing that in fact she had nothing on under it. His whole body started to gather heat. The sight of her filled his mind with the dirty things that he would want to do to her this night.

"Levy... please come to me," Gajeel said as he look away from her. Levy blushed at how seemingly innocent their love was as she rewarded his request. They had slept together before but that's all it he's been. She knew that waking up in his arms was the best way to start her day. Levy had woken up in the middle of the night before and has seen Gajeel cuddled up against her. However tonight would be a first for the both of them.

Gajeel could smell her anticipation and excitement, how he loved being able to do that. He was beyond amazed that he could smell her emotions even before she knew them herself. It was clear that Gajeel was just as nervous as she was even though she was handling it alot better than him. He wrapped his arms around the tiny waist mere inches away from him. The Solid Script Mage leaned into his kiss, so soft and strong at the same time. He whispered, "I love you" in between their kiss. She knew that she loved this man with all her heart. Their kiss was not the myths of legends it was a kiss of fear, anticipation and high expectations. Levy ran her hands through his thick black hair pulling him deeper.

She could feel his pulse start to pick up as she let her hands roam freely over his muscular back, feeling each one as they gave a slight twitch at her touch. Gajeel could not believe that he was about to do this, they had talked about waiting until they had gotten married and they were going to perform the mating ritual after the ceremony. His hands were full of her beautiful blue hair, he was unable to fully think straight and he released her from the kiss and started to move to her neck. The more he licked and sucked at her neck the more she would release a sigh or moan of pleasure. Levy could not control herself any longer. She gently pushed him onto the bed as she stratelled her man.

It was obvious how excited he was. Levy could feel him even through his thick jeans. She leaned over and started to take off his shirt as he reached for her hips. Levy grabbed handfuls of fabric as she slide the second most annoying article of clothing off of the toned body beneath her. Each time she new skin was exposed Levy would give it a small kiss a grateful kiss.Those Dragon Slayer senses really made their relationship better. He could tell what she was thinking or feeling just by being close to her.

Just before the Tiny Mage got to the top of his jeans he put his hands on her head "Levy stop, we can't... not yet anyways." Levy froze in place, unsure of what to do with his statement. She looked up at her soon to be husband and saw a mix of fear and excitement in his face. It was the mating ritual that he was worried about. Levy has read about how the ceremony works, it is a very intimate process. Lucy of course told her a few things but not much more than what she had read in books. Wendy was also someone else that knew all about it but Levy did not want to ask a teenager about this particular topic.

"Gajeel, it's ok. I want this, I not only want to be your wife I want to be your mate. For life," her eyes lowered trying not to look at him. She was feeling ashamed for what she was about to do to him. With his shaking hands he started to bring her closer to his face. She didn't resist him, he was not only stronger than she was she really wanted to please him. Her breath was hot against his skin sending tingles along his body.

"Look, I know what you are thinking so please don't beat yourself up about this. I am the one who started this not you, so please just kiss me." She gave a small smile and kissed him softly. "Promise me that when we do get married you will finish what we started here," Gajeel's mischievous smile crossed his face.

Levy punched him in the chest knowing it wouldn't hurt him one bit, even though he played like he was hurt. Rolling off of him, Levy cuddled next to him putting her head on his chest, listening to his beating heart, the heart that only beat for her. Gajeel put his arms around her pulling her into him knowing she could cuddle a little closer and gave her a sweet kiss on the top of her head. There was a certain spot that Levy liked to curl into it was as if she was wrapping his arms around her like a blanket.

The two fell asleep in each other's arms more relaxed than they had ever been in their whole lives. Both knew that they had made the right decision. Levy know that once Gajeel truly got started he would not be able to stop regardless of what was going on. The mating ceremony was a major life altering process. Once it was started it had to be completed. He was grateful that he had a woman who understood him in every way, even if he still didn't fully understand himself.

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