Chapter 25

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The early morning of funeral came. The sun was bright and their were only a few clouds in the sky. Every member of Fairy Tail was dressed in their finest funeral clothing. A tiny little coffin was custom made for Baby Metalicana. Iron rods were along the side of it so more than one person would carry it. Gray, Natsu, Elfman were all honored with carrying Metalicana with Gajeel towards the tree in the center of town. Levy had on her short black dress with a matching headband. Lucy was wearing something from the Spirit world that Virgo brought her. Erza had requiped into cremonal armor she was already waiting at the base of the tree when everyone arrived. Nothing could prepare the Fairy Tail members for the emotions they were feeling when they laid eyes on Erza. The only time she requiped into this was when a member of Fairy Tail was leaving. It had not felt real to anyone other than Mr. and Mrs. Redfox until now. Levy steeled herself against her emotions. She leaned over to Lucy and asked for the extra sheer black veil that she brought. Lucy knew that she would want it. "Here you go Lev," she attached it to her headband and let it fall in front of her face. Levy reached for it and flipped it up and over her head so it was not covering her face.

The men that were holding Baby Metalicana stopped in front of Erza and Master Makarov, they set him on the funeral alter with a respectful ease. Each of them went back to their respective partners. Gajeel held out his arm for Levy to come to him. The parents stood next to the casket as Levy clutched Scarlett tighter in her arms. Master Makarov raised his hands, "my children. Today is a grievous day, we return our youngest family member to the ground. This sacred ground has been the sight for much of his parent's relationship. The good... bad and the ugly has all taken place here," Makarov choked out the words. Erza stepped up to take over the proceedings. She jabbed her speare into the ground so it stood on its own, "Metalicana G. Redfox might not have been part of our family for long but he will always be in our hearts. He was and will always be the most precious member that Fairy Tail has ever seen." More words were spoken but Levy didn't hear a single one, she walked over to the tiny casket and placed a loving hand on it as if to press all the love she had into it. Gajeel hugged her from behind not only to steady her but to steady himself. Natsu had Lucy wrapped up tight in his arms as he let her cry softly into his shirt.

Gray and Juvia were holding tight to each other still slightly uncomfortable display their feelings in public. Juvia had her ice ring on her right hand and her blue one on her left. Gray didn't have his on but he had an ice bracelet that oddly looked like a larger version of her ring. Levy kissed the glass top of the casket and Gajeel put a hand on her back. Baby Scarlett started to cry again, before Levy could start to comfort her Erza retrieved her. "This is Scarlett E. Redfox, she is now the newest member of Fairy Tail. Does anyone have anything that they wish to say?" Erza questioned. Natsu stepped forward and looked at Baby Metalicana. A red flaming rose appeared from his hand, it burned bright. "During the S-class exams, Gildarts told me something very important. He said that fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is, and once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder. Scarlett this is your fear, you can learn from this. I promise that we will all help you through it." The Fire Dragon Slayer squeezed her tiny hand and walked back to his love. "Though our paths may drift apart, I will always be looking your way. I will be watching you forever and always," Makarov shouted as he raised his hand into the air with reverence.

Each Member of Fairy Tail did the same. Levy slowly moved away from the casket. She started to whisper the three rules of leaving Fairy Tail as the Guild members who carried him in lowered him into the ground. Only Gajeel, Natsu and Wendy were able to hear her. A flood of silent tears streaked down their faces. Nothing could hold it back now. Once the infant was safely in the ground each member of Fairy Tail came and place an object down below. Gray used his Ice Make magic to create a Fairy Tail symbol, Natsu and Lucy placed more red flowers, every one of them had either made an item or gave something that meant the world to them. Each item held a special memory for each member. All hoped that the memories, love and laughter would transfer to his tiny body. It was finally Levy and Gajeel's turn to say their final goodbyes. Levy looked at Erza holding Scarlett and gave them a soft smile as she knelt down to the ground. "Solid Script: Iron," as a tiny little piece of iron dropped into the grave. It was identical to the one that she would always make for her Dragon Slayer heart and all. Gajeel kissed the top of her head and helped her back to her feet.

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