Be Alright

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"It'll be alright."

L: Kenzie? Are you okay?

K: Okay? You see this right, how can I be okay?

L: I'm sorry, should I get someone? I-

K: No, um *Sniffles* I need to call my da-

*Incoming Facetime

M: Hey sweetie, your father wanted to call he has something to say about you know who... Are you okay?

K: Mo-

L: Absolutely not Kenzie, no boys, not dating, especially not him.

M: I don't know what the big deal is, Lucas, you liked him before you found out.

K: Guys?

M: What is it sweetie?

K: *Tearing up*

L: Kenzie... what happened?

K: Someone was here.

La: Someone was in her room.

*Flips Camera

M: What the...

*Flips Camera

K: *Crying* Someone was here, there are pictures of me all over my walls, broken glass, the window was open, everything is a mess... everything is everywhere, my s-stuff it's, it's all broken.

L: Kenzie, I'm on my way, I'll be there in an hour.

*Hangs up

L: *hugs Kenzie* It's okay, it's going to be okay.

*2 hours later

My dad came, he got here in about an hour, and he brought a lot of people with him, my mom came with him too. My dad was talking to the police to set up tape around my room. Everyone heard the racket of noise and was sitting outside their rooms in their pajamas watching everything. The police force was around my room, and surrounded the school. There were investigators questions me, Lauren and our neighbors in case anyone saw or heard anything. The principal brought the security tapes but everything was wiped blank. But I didn't tell them about the tape or the photos of Johnny that he left in the envelope, I just told them everything else. I was genuinely scared, petrified. Someone was in my room, someone I knew, someone who held a grudge and was threatening the ones around me. After all the questions, I finally got to see my mom and dad, I ran up to them and hugged them. I just collapsed and started balling.

Johnny's POV

A few hours passed after we arrived at school. I grabbed Hayden and we went to the girls rooms to pick them up. But when we got upstairs, the entire hallway was swarmed with people. People sitting out their rooms looking down to see what was going on. What was going on? I started to panic. I saw police tape surrounding the area. There were officers and investigators everywhere. The principal was there. Why was there so many people? I ran up and saw Kenzie's mom and dad. Why were they here? What happened? I pushed through all the people and saw her. She looked scared, she looked petrified. I've never seen her like this. She was standing with Lauren. It looked like she was crying. Her eyes were all wet and puffy. Her cheeks were red. And she looked terrified. I hated that. I moved through the crowd.

Police: Sorry sir you can't-

J: I'm her boyfriend.

She looked extremely shocked to see me, she must have forgotten I was coming. I put my hands on her cheeks and she started to tear up. I brushed the hair out of her face and she hugged me. She was upset. She was holding onto me with her life. But then she pushed away.

*Jenzie* Happier With You COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now