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"We've met, haven't we?"

*A few days before the big party

*Senior year

L: Will you make it to the party tomorrow night?

Ch: There's a party, today is literally the first day?

H: Crazy right? Some people just like to start off the year with a little fun you know?

K: Well as much as I'd love to go, that huge gathering party thing is the same night.

Ch: Can't you just get out of it?

K: No sorry, it's a huge deal for the business, but you are welcome to accompany me if you want.

Ch: I'm in.

K: Alright, well my classes start early I'll see you guys later.

L: Meet up after school, we're going shopping.

K: Okay sounds good.

*After school

L: Things are going pretty good with you and Chase I see.

K: Yeah I guess.

L: What do you mean "I guess"?

K: Well I don't know, it's hard to explain.

L: Well we have a long time so start talking.

K: I like him a lot, but and he's a great guy don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel like it isn't going to end up well.

L: Like with every other guy you've ever dated?

K: Pretty much, either that, or we're just going to split up, you know how it is.

L: How come?

K: I don't know, whenever I think of my future and what comes after college, I see my parents and the company, and settling down in a house, visiting you and Hayden, but I don't see Chase, I don't really see myself settling down with anyone for that matter.

L: Well if I know you, You'll find someone, whether it's Chase or not and even if it takes a long time. Hey look at this dress, it's perfect.

K: I like it, let's head out.

*Before the Party

L: When's Chase meeting you?

K: He should be here any minute to pick me up.

L: Well then Hurry up and Get dressed already.

K: Okay fine.

Kenzie's Outfit:

Kenzie's Outfit:

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Ch: Well Hey... You look gorgeous.

K: Thanks.

Ch: You ready to go.

K: Let's do this.

Kenzie's POV

The ride there was kinda awkward, I'm not sure why. Once we arrived, I suddenly got really nervous, I can't blow this for the company, I'm meeting a lot of high end business men and women tonight, this is a huge deal for Ziegler Industries. Chase and I walked into the building, it was colossal. I saw my dad near the center of the room engaging in conversation with many people as he waved me down. Everyone seemed very nice, and very well put together. As nervous as I was, I was also beyond excited.

As the night progressed, I had already met half of the people on the guest list. Engaged in conversation and put some deals together, my dad told me I was a natural. Chase and I walked over to the bar to grab a drink.

Ch: You enjoying yourself?

K: This is amazing, I can't wait til graduation and I can take control of the company.

Ch: Seems like you have your entire future planned out?

K: I do, there's just a lot to think about and I have so many things I want to do.

I noticed he started to lose eye contact with me as I was discussing future plans with him.

Ch: Hey i'll be right back...

K: Okay ye... I'll be here?

I turned around for a moment to get a drink and felt the presence of a tall man standing behind me.

?: Hey, I don't believe we've met, I'm-

I turned around in an instant, I knew it was him. That cologne, his voice, his tall masculine figure standing over me. He looked deep into my eyes before noticing who I was. Everything happened so fast, I was taken by utter surprise. After not seeing him for two years, my head was having troubles processing what was happening. All the memories we ever shared came flooding back all at once, I felt my mind begin to shake and my balance was uneasy.

?: Are you okay?

K: I'm fine it's okay, I just need to go to the restroom.

As I hobbled past the grand room and traveled through the halls making my way to the bathroom, I almost fell sick to my stomach. I can't believe he's here, I can't believe that after two years, Johnny Orlando shows up out of the blue and I run into him on accident, I bet he wasn't expecting me to be here. 

My heart pounced out of my chest. This night really is full of surprises. In front of me, stood Chase making out with another girl. Someone who wasn't me.

Ch: I swear it's not what it looks like.

K: I didn't ask for an explanation, we're done, there's nothing more to it. Bye.

Ch: Wait.

K: Get your grimy hands off me. Now I'm going to leave in a sensible, prestigious fashion without making a scene in front of all these powerful people, and you will not follow me.

*Main hall

Ch: Kenzie wait.

K: Go away.


J: Everything okay?

K: ...

J: I'm sorry.

K: Johnny I don't need your apologies, I don't need anything from you, leave me alone.

J: I can't help it, your upset.

K: I was a lot more upset when you left me for the second time. Trust me, I think I can handle this.

J: I'm so so-

K: I don't need your damn apology, it meant something to me the first time, but I learned it meant nothing to you. You should go, I'm sure you're going to need to run away again.

J: I'm not leaving, not this time.

K: Well you should, I don't want you here, and I don't think anyone else does. 

J: What can I do to make this right?

K: You can make me a promise.

J: Anything, what is it?

K: Promise me you'll stay the hell away from me. *leaves*

To Be Continued...


Publish Date: 1/23/19

1058 Words

*Jenzie* Happier With You COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now