Days of our Lives

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"And these are the days of our lives."

 I'm not even sure what to say anymore, after all that time, he still always found a way back into  my heart like he never left.

Like he never hurt me. But he did. 

I still find myself revisiting all the moments we shared the times he was here. I guess I never really was over him.

L: How was last night? You came home pretty late.

K: It was a fiasco.

L: I heard about Chase, sorry.

K: How'd you hear?

L: People are talking.

K: Damn, it's like we're back in high school, but no that's not really why last night was crazy, you will not believe who I saw.

L: Who?

K: Johnny.

L: Orlando??!

K: Yeah.

L: Well shit. What happened?

K: Nothing important or anything I want to talk about.

L: Alright then, that's good enough for me.

K: You wanna go out.

L: I'm starving.

After that night, I just tried to forget him, it was getting harder and harder to do that when he would just show up in my life at the worst times. But I needed to move on, I wanted to move on.  It was about damn time the name Johnny Orlando meant nothing to me, so why did his name always mean the world to me? Why was he so damn hard to forget?

L: Hey Hayden just texted.

K: Whats up?

L: There's a party tonight, it's the last huge senior party of the year, you wanna go?

K: Yeah I'm down.

L: Alright, let's head back to our dorms then.

K: It's not one of those early parties is it?

L: Yes, but come on, it lasts from like 4pm till 4am, this is a big deal, you have to go.

K: Alright fine, chill.

L: Let's head back.

K: Damn how long is this gonna take?

L: You can't rush perfection. Even though you're literally already flawless, I hate you for that by the way.

K: Oh shut up I am anything but flawless.

L: Yeah well of course you feel that way.

K: This is not up for debate, let's just go already.

L: Alright fine.

*Kenzie's Apartment

L: You know for someone who's about to go to a huge ass party, graduate, and take over their family company, you don't seem yourself, you know, the usual happy self.

K: There's just been a lot going on lately, you know?

L: I take it this isn't just about Chase?

K: That obvious?

L: Well you're my best friend, you're kinda transparent around me you know.

K: It's Johnny. He kinda wrecked up my head after not seeing him for so damn long. 

*Jenzie* Happier With You COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now