Tear Me to Pieces

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"Skin and bone."

I took Kenzie to the hospital and called her dad.


L: Thank you for calling me.

J: She's still passed out.

L: What happened.

J: I have no idea. The nurse said she has some bad internal bruising, broken ribs. She got beaten up pretty bad. But I have no idea what happened.

L: And the fire?

J: You're daughter is extremely brave, she pulled the principal and a student out.

L: I know, any idea how it started.

J: No not at all.

L: Thank you Johnny.

J: Of course, I have to get back to teaching classes.

L: Of course, go.


J: Jackson, What are you doing here?

Ja: She's my girlfriend. *Runs past Johnny.

J: What?!

L: Hey Is she okay?

H: We came as soon as we could.

J: Yeah she's down the hall. Hold up, before you go, is, she dating Jackson?

H: Kinda.

L: I mean they used to be.

H: But now they are again.

L: Weird right?

J: Wait, that's Jackson, as in her ex?

L: And her current.

J: Jeez, I guess I really wasn't good enough for her.

*Kenzie's Hospital room.

K: What the hell are you doing here?

Ja: I told you not to mess with me.

K: Your friends jumping me, was too much. But the fire, dear god please tell me you didn't do that.

Ja: I'll admit, the bad beating you took, I started the fire, hoping you would be caught in it.

K: I could have died, other people could have died. 

Ja: But no one did, you came out a hero.

K: Are you even aware of how psychotic you are?

Ja: Just having a little fun, maybe next time it'll be your room.

L: Was that a threat?

Ja: Mr Ziegler!?

L: Answer my question!

Ja: No... of course, not.

L: Get him.

Ja: Wait I didn't do anything. *Handcuffs*

L: it wasn't too hard piecing the pieces together, especially after you joined the school. Don't worry Kenz, we got all of them, his entire team.

Ja: This isn't over. I will take everything from you.

K: *Stands up*

L: You shouldn't be standing up.

K: You already took away everything from me.

Ja: Oh Kenzie, there is so much more I can take from you. Your sleep, your smile. You won't feel safe anywhere, me being locked behind bars won't stop me. I'll take your scholarship. I'll transform you so that none of your friends or family will even recognize you. And I will take what little is left of your relationship with Johnny. 

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