Chapter 7

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Sophie didn't know how much time past. She kept her eyes closed and lied on the floor, but sleep never came. The uneven stone floor dug roughly against her side, but Sophie didn't have the strength to move. Sophie had thought to reach out to Fitz, but every time she tried, the strength that was used left her with a very painful headache between her eyes. Sophie was trying not to think of what could be in the shadows when a beautiful, accented voice filled her head.

Sophie? Sophie! Sophie!

Fitz... Sophie's voice was so weak, she bet Fitz was straining to make out what she sent.

Sophie! Dex received the cordanants of where you are. We are leaving right now. Are you alone?

For no-

She heard the locks undo, and the door screech open, making her jump out of her skin.

Not. anymore. 

Sophie bet Fitz could hear the strain in her voice.

Okay, Sophie. We will be there in a couple minutes. We will get you out. I will make sure.

The connection cut and Sophie forced her eyes open. She barley stopped a gasp from escaping her lips. Alvar was back. He watched her with a wide smile. "Miss me?" Sophie gave him her best glare. Her head still rested on the cold floor, and she couldn't find the strength to lift it. Alvar ran to her, surprising Sophie so much she scrambled back, which caused her to moan from the pain highlighting her body. He grabbed her wrists in one hand and wrapped his arm around her hips with the other one, forcing her to stand upright. Her hands were forced up, and Sophie felt the cold hard metal cuffs secure over her wrists.

Alvar dropped Sophie, and Sophie screamed when the cuffs snagged on her wrists. She sagged, breathing hard. Sophie flinched and jerked away from Alvar as he rubbed his hand on her burned neck. He frowned, then a slow smile spread over his face. He grabbed Sophie's burned arms and wrenched her towards him. His lips met hers with the same forcefulness. Sophie screamed, and Alvar pulled back to let the scream finish, before coming back for more.

Alvar pressed his body against Sophie's, forcing her back into the wall again. He pushed his hands into her hair, yanking her scalp where the tangles were too much for his fingers to pass. Sophie screamed and thrashed under Alvar's grip. Alvar leaned back again and Sophie screamed louder and thrashed more violently. Adrenaline streamed through her system but before she could do anything else, Alvar was smashing his body and lips into Sophie again. Her back hit the wall harder this time, and Sophie felt tears blur her vision and stream out of her eyes. Alvar tore his fingers down her arms, cutting her burned arms. Blood trickled down her arms, and Sophie screamed when Alvar forced his hand back into her shirt, squeezing her breasts. Sophie screamed and kick and thrashed as Alvar lowered his head into her shirt, his tongue tracing over where his hands held her.

Sophie screamed again, but it was muffled by Alvar yanking his head back up and thrusting his lips into hers again. His mouth muffled her screams, and he removed his hands from her shirt, and they caressed her sides. He brang his lips to her neck and sucked in sharply, pain sharpening over the burns.

"Stop!" Sophie screamed. Alvar dug his body into hers hard, and he kissed her lips harder. His tongue traced the inside of her cheeks. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her closer, his nails digging into her back.

"Shmph!" Sophie sobbed. He pulled her in so tight she had a hard time breathing.

"Stop!" Sophie screamed as loud as she could, managing to yank her head to the side, separating her's and Alvar's lips. A second later, the door slammed open, and Alvar stumbled back from Sophie's body. Sophie felt her body slump and her chin rested on her chest, Sophie's whole form shaking.

Shouts ranged around her and Sophie sobbed, tears cascading down her cheeks. Someone was messing with the cuffs and in a minute, the cuffs released Sophie. She fell forward and was caught by someone. Sophie gasped and more tears formed and slid down her face.

"It's okay Sophie." Fitz's voice filled her head, and she relaxed a little bit. He carried her so she was able to hide in his shirt. Pain blurred Sophie's sight, but she was with Fitz. She was going to be okay. She relaxed her head against the inside Fitz's shoulder. She could feel Fitz running and heard shouts and loud commands that she couldn't make out before exhaustion won over and she finally slipped into unconsciousness. 

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now