Chapter 24

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"I could try." Sophie mumbled. She realized how blind she had been acting. She had been playing games while Tam was out there, the Neverseen doing how knows what to him. 

"It's okay." Fitz whispered, only loud enough for her to hear. He took her hand, and Sophie closed her eyes. She stretched her mind for a while. Fitz sent brain waves when Sophie's still tired mind wanted to give up. Finally, a familiar voice filled her head.

Stupid stupid.


Sophie! Oh, umm, hi?

Is now a good time?

Yea. Yea. I'm good right now.

Are you okay?

Yes. They really are just trying to get me to be their shade and to give them information they want.

What information are they looking for?

They haven't been clear about it. There was like, this big victory a while back they had that they refuse to tell me about.

Sophie gulped when she realized that the big victory must've been her kidnapping. But, weren't they angry for her escape?

You've gone quiet.

I know, it's just, I might know what their victory was.

What was it Sophie! I swear if they hurt anyone.

Please Tam, just try to survive. You see, they, they kidnapped me a while ago.



Sophie! Are you okay!?

I am now. Fitz helped a lot. I don't exactly know how the whole rescue plan happened but.. its been..... busy.

It's been over three weeks.

I know.

What are you not telling me? Is Linh okay?!

Yes Linh is okay. It's just been chaotic since you were forced to join the Neverseen.

Okay. Is everything okay now?

For now.

As if jinxing it, someone screamed upstairs. There was crashing and the adults scrambled up, opening the door and dashing out. Smoke filled the room as the adults dashed through.

"No!" Sophie screamed.

Sophie! What's wrong! What's going on!

Tam, I need to go. I will get back later!

Fitz was hauling her up into his arms and dashing out before Sophie finished transmitting. She cut off the connection and Fitz screamed as it was too late. Fire dumped onto Sophie's chest and she screamed. Several also fell on Fitz's shoulder and arms and he dropped her. Sophie tumbled down the stairs and landed in a heap on the bottom. The wall melted and the adults were nowhere in sight. Sophie whole form trembling as she looked around and gasped for breath. 

Everglen was on fire.

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now