Chapter 27

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Trigger warning

Alvar grabbed Sophie's wrists as she tried to scramble away.

"Ready?" He laughed. "Watch Fitz!" Alvar laughed. "Watch what I do!"

"Stop!" Sophie cried out, trying to pull out of his vase like grip. 

"Oooooh. What are those?" Alvar asked, placing a finger over Sophie's scars on her neck. Sophie got her feet underneath her and shoved as hard as she could, sending her flying and slamming her head into a thick tree. Sophie hit the ground and pain flashed across her head. Sophie cried out and the hit caused dizziness so fierce to overcome her. Stars danced in her eyes, and she grabbed her head. She felt warm liquid lap at her hands. Sophie pulled her hands away and choked on a scream as she saw the blood on her hands. After a second, she felt someone grab her arms and she was yanked onto her feet. 

"Now hold still Sophie. Don't want you hurting yourself." Alvar snorted, dragging her in front of the forcefield that held Fitz. Sophie was suddenly very tired. Her head hurt like crazy, and her body was telling her to sleep. She was limp and her eyes were half closed. 

"Watch this." Alvar told Fitz. 

"Don't touch her!" Fitz screamed. But, Alvar didn't listen. He shoved Sophie against a tree and she yelped. Her vision was doubling but when Alvar smashed his lips against hers, she knew she had to get out. She screamed and tried to shove him off her. He pinned her wrists against the tree above her head and kissed her harder. He seemed to be more harsh and Sophie cried out as he kneed her hard in the stomach, then slammed her head into the tree she was pinned against. He bit down on her neck and sucked in hard, causing Sophie to thrash and scream.

"GET OFF HER!" Fitz roared.

"Oh! And do you know what the best part is?" Alvar gasped as if he couldn't believe he had forgotten. He held her hands up with one hand, and lead his under hand under her shirt.

"Stop!" Sophie screamed as he lead his hand up the small of her stomach. He slipped under her bra again and Sophie cried out as he gave a very painful squeeze. 

"But, I'm not here for that." Alvar sighed. He slipped his hand back out and Sophie tried to thrash against his hold. "Of course, they didn't say I couldn't have a little bit of fun." He let go of Sophie's wrists and grabbed Sophie's hair. He yanked her head back before slamming her head forward, causing her to stumbled forward and fall into a heap. She gasped and tried to push herself up, but before she could get ready, Alvar had yanked her up by her neck and smashed his lips into hers again before pulling back and throwing her hard against the ground.

Alvar kicked her side hard, causing her to curl and cry out again.

"STOP ALVAR!" Fitz screamed, anger causing him to shake harder. Alvar laughed and grabbed Sophie, picking her up sideways before chucking her into a tree. Sophie's scream erupted out of her and she landed hard on the ground. Black dots danced in her vision. She laid still, the pain too great. She could feel blood flowing down her cheek, over her jaw, and down her neck. Alvar thankfully didn't attack her anymore. Sophie heard yelling, and Sophie forced her eyes to open.

Fitz was out of his forcefield, and Biana, Alden, Elwin, Granite, Gritzel, Sandor, Tarina, Flori, and Bo surrounded Alvar. Fitz had many cuts on his face and her bodyguards were all snarling at Alvar. He looked disappointed. He looked at all of them, eyeing Sophie when he saw her, and winking. Sophie nearly hurled. He had a wicked cut on his cheek starting under his right eye that was gashed open and bleeding. His mouth was bleeding like crazy, and he had many pther bruises and cuts.

"Fine." Alvar sighed. "You leave me no choice. I was hoping I would have more fun. But, cutting it short is okay too, I guess." Before anyone could respond, he whirled on Sophie, throwing a dagger at her.

Sophie screamed as the dagger struck her shoulder. 

Please if you are getting getting triggered, pls don't read. Ur safety is very important

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now