Chapter 17

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Fitz POV

Everything was still very dark. Everything still hurt, and it was getting worse by the minute. But, there was a strange sensation the deeper Fitz went. The feeling was very familiar, and getting stronger by the second. Fitz sank towards the feeling, and it got closer, and closer, and even closer. A searing pain caused a extremely painful throb after, but now, everything was.... warm. The darkness was still there, but the pain was gone, besides the throbbing. He felt extremly weak as he seemed to float around. His eyelids drooped and exhaustion caused him to start shutting down, until a clear, confused voice interrupted his downfall.


Sophie's POV

Everything was quiet. It was strange, but whenever she tried to leave, things seemed to stab her brain, so she would immediately shy back into the safe spot. She couldn't remember anything, no matter how hard she tried. She sighed and relaxed, the darkness acted like a blanket. She was dozing off again when she felt a pressure. It didn't ease, and SOphie found it feeling very familiar. She saw someone floating in the darkness, his hair was a rich brown, and SOphie realized his eyes were closed, but memories surfaced and she stared at the boy.


The boy jerked at her words, his eyes weakly opened, his gorgeous teal eyes looking around til it landed on her, and he gasped, the sound so weak and strained. 


Fitz! Are you okay?!

Sophie! Oh my gosh! Are YOU okay?

Yes, I'm fine. I just,  I can't remember anything, except you when I felt you, then saw you.

Wait.... You can SEE me?

Yes? Is that wrong?

No, I just thought i was hallucinating cause, I can see you! Sophie! I can't believe... I thought i would never hear your voice again.

Why? Fitz what is going on?

Tears filled his eyes as he studied her.

You, your, ummm, your mind..... it... it, it broke, Sophie.

What does that mean?

Well, um, I'll explain, once we get out?

How? I've tried Fitz, but it never works.

We can do it together!

Fitz, you look exhausted. I don't know..

Sophie! please.... i won't leave without you.

o-okay. Well, where do we begin?

Ummmm, well, let's just push through? Okay?


Fitz reached out his hand and SOphie connected hers, though she knew it had to be more mental then physical. Wait... How did she know that? 

Fitz disappeared and Sophie didn't have time to react, a pain spiraled down her body. She felt Fitz's connection tighten on hers and she clutched on to Fitz's concentration. Things seemed to cut her as she was pulled up, but soon Fitz's strength to pull them up weakened, and they slowed. Sophie built up her strength and pushed forward, holding onto Fitz. The shards seemed to attach as she left them behind, and memories started to bombard her brain. With a pained yell, she shoved herself and Fitz back into their physical bodies.

U have supporters. U just need to find them 😘

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now