Chapter 54

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"Sophie. Sophie, it's time to get up."

Sophie opened her eyes with a little difficulty. Fitz was gently shaking her awake. Sophie leaned against his chest and breathed out.

"C'mon Soph. We gotta get ready."

"Noooooooooooo." Sophie groaned.

"We need to get ready for the fight."

"Yup. The fight." Sophie slurred. Fitz laughed and stroked her hair.

"C'mon." He urged.

"No." Sophie mumbled like a stubborn child.


"Sleep." Sophie murmured. Her eyes felt like they weighed thousands of pounds.

"C'mon Soph. We gotta get ready to go. The others are already awake." Fitz sighed. Shizzle had woken up from the talking and nibbled on the back of Sophie's neck. Sophie immediately yelped and jumped up, not liking the tickle sensation it gave. Fitz laughed.

Sophie glared at him and sat again, folding her arms across her chest. "Fine. I'm up."

"Good." Fitz smiled and Sophie barley saw it on the dark. Fitz gently led Sophie over to the door and opened it. Sophie was dizzy for a minute but it subsided.

She and Fitz walked to the dinning room and Sophie asked for another bowl of the soup they had last night. Once Sophie got it, she scarfed it all down quickly and set the bowl aside when she finished. She looked over to see Fitz gawking at her.

"What?" Sophie asked. "Do I have some on my face?"

"No, you just ate that really fast." Fitz said. Sophie blushed and gave a small nervous smile.

"Well," Fitz said, standing up. "Let's go get ready."

"Aren't you going to eat?" Sophie asked.

"No, I'm not hungry." Fitz answered.

"Okay." Sophie said. She stood and together, she and Fitz walked over to Dex's room. The room was chaotic.

Everyone seemed to try to squeeze in there. Everyone was trying to grab their clothes and put them on over clothes they already and on. Tam had his on, and it looked pretty cool. Dex at some point had added something that looked like a ski mask. Tam helped Biana get her armour on, which was really sweet, but it was obvious that Fitz thought different.

Sophie managed to go through and grab her armour. She left the room with Fitz close behind her. She walked over to her room and closed the door behind them. Sophie realized that Fitz had at some time put a shirt on. She smiled at him before going into the bathroom to change.

Sophie was surprised to see herself in the mirror. She was very pale, and her eyes were slightly bloodshot. She had bags under her eyes, and she had lost some needed weight. She had the same fire scars on her neck, but she also had a new scar on her chin. It was white and stuck out on her pale face.

Her gold flecks in her eyes stood out like fireworks in a pitch black room. They looked almost violent.

Sophie quickly changed and braided her hair, which would have made Vetrina proud. She walked out to see that Fitz had finished changing too. She could only see his eyes, which were still their gorgeous teal.

Ready? Fitz transmitted.

As I'll ever be.

You sure you can do this?

What do you mean?

With, the thing? It isn't bothering you right now? Right?

Not right now. Sophie answered. She didn't know why Fitz didn't just call the baby, a baby.

It doesn't deserve that name. Fitz growled. Sophie realized that she must've transmitted that.

The baby is not full Alvar, you know. Part of the baby is me.

But part is still Alvar. And I hate it! Fitz slammed his fist against the bed post, making a dent. Fitz suddenly say down and buried his face in his hands.

I want it to be mine. Fitz was barely audible, but Sophie still heard it.

"Guys! Time to go!" Biana yelled through the door. Sophie took in a deep breath and gently took Fitz's hand. He clutched in like it was his life line, and stood. He and Sophie walked out hand in hand.

Everyone was waiting for them. Sophie felt terror grip her. It was finally it. They were going to attack. Someone could get hurt. Well everybody will get hurt. But what if someone dies? What will Sophie do about it?

"So, we will separate once we reach the base. Sophie, you and your group will wait for the signal to attack. Tam, your group will go ahead and try to blend in til you are far enough in! Then, you attack from the inside out. Got it?" Mr. Forkle asked. Everyone nodded.

Mr. Forkle grunted. His disguise was one of their cloaks over battle armour covered in weapons. The same with Granite and Blur. The white eye seemed to burn into Sophie, but Sophie gulped and tried to ignore it. Genzel and Sandor both had black armour on, but it was obvious who they were. Gritzel had a black cloak in her hands, and said she would put it on when they get there. They had several goblin stars attached to straps making a giant X across their chest and back.

Bo and Ro were their giant diapers and Ro, her chest plate thing. They had axs and daggers attached all along their metal diapers. Ro also had a huge black ragged scary looking sword, while Bo had a huge club with spikes embedded in it.

Tarina had the black cloak on already, so Sophie couldn't tell what armour she had underneath.

"Well, let's get going." Mr. Forkle grumbled. He gave everyone a medler, and they started their journey towards the hideout. They were apparently in a cave that had been shined up several times. They climbed up several stairs, before they reached a heavy oak door.

They walked out into a forest, and Sophie knew it was time.

They were about to end the Neverseen's years of terror.

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now