Chapter 21

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"Guys." Sophie huffed. "Fitz and I just got back! Can we have some fun before, well before THIS?!" Sophie motioned her hands around at the boys, then at the messy bed, then back to Biana and Linh. Keefe huffed and turned away from her. Dex sighed and relaxed, giving Sophie a small, yet apologetic smile. Fitz lowered himself onto the floor.

"Yes," Biana sighed. "Let's play, what was it called Sophie?"

"Truth or Dare." Sophie muttered.

"Truth or Dare!" Sounding like she was auctioning something.

"Okay, let's get in a circle?" Linh suggested. Fitz and Sophie sat next to each other. 

"Okay, so who should go first?" Linh asked.

"ummmm," Sophie looked around, her eyes landing on Linh.

"Linh! Truth or dare?"

"uhhhh." Linh guessed, "Truth!"

"Who is your crush?" Linh's eyes popped and she covered her mouth, before a small smile poked from between her fingers and her eyes smiled.

"Wylie." She barley said it, but Biana burst into squeals.

"Seriously?" Linh shyly nodded, before turning to Dex.

"Dex! Truth or Dare?"

"Truth?" Dex whimpered.

"Ummmm, did you have an imaginary friend growing up??" 


"Who!" Biana demanded.

"umm, well his name was Fuzz. He was, um, a T rex." Dex gave a small smile.

"Ok! Who do you choose Dex!"

"ummm, Keefe?" Keefe looked at him.

"Dare. NO ONE has done dare yet! How!"

"Umm, try to drink a glass of water while standing on your hands!"

"Challenge accepted!" Keefe smirked. He left, then returned with a glass of water. He got into a handstand, and put one foot on the wall to keep balance while he lifted the glass to his mouth. Everyone laughed as water was pooling down his forehead, but he managed to swallow most of it. He got back onto his feet and raised the cup in the air in victory.Everyone was laughing as he sat back down and looked around.

"Fitzter! Truth! Or! Dare!"


"YES! Sniff the armpits of EVERYONE in this room!"

"What!" Fitz shrieked, along with everyone else.

"I pass!"

"What does he have to do if he passes?" Linh asked.

"He has to take off a piece of clothing." Sophie answered. Fitz took off a sock.

"Sophie! Truth or Dare!" Fitz asked.

"Uhhhhh... dare?"

"I dare you to let Biana write something on your arm."

"What!" Sophie squeaked, but Biana was already grabbing something.

Oh, it is sooo on Fitz.

Bring it on.

Fitz smirked and Sophie saw a pillow in arms reach, then grabbed it and flung it at Fitz, and it hit him square in the face.

"Hey!" Fitz complained as everyone burst into laughs. Sophie felt something cool on her arm and she yelped and jumped away.

"Hey! You almost messed it up!" Biana grabbed Sophie's arm and wrote on it with a strange looking pen.

Sophie gasped when she saw wha Biana wrote. I NEED YOUR LULLABIES. 

"BIANA!" Sophie hollered, managing to grab another pillow and chuck it at Biana. It hit her face. 

"okay." Sophie panted. "Biana! TRUTH OR DARE!"

"Truth!" Biana hollered.

"Who is your crush?" Biana's face fell, and she looked away.

"Biana?" Sophie asked. Everyone watched her, silence making the room feel heavy.

"Tam." She whispered. Linh gasped and covered her mouth, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Sophie whispered. No one spoke, unable to gather the courage to break the silence. 

"Kids!" Della's voice caused everyone to look at the door. "It's nearly midnight. You guys should get to bed." She held out some pillows and sleeping bags. Everyone walked up and grabbed their stuff before setting them up. Sophie immediately put hers next to Fitz's. 

Everyone went to sleep in silence.

Sophie kidnapped (again) *finished and editing*Where stories live. Discover now