City of Stars

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I smiled. All the emails to secure venues for my first tour was finished. All that was left was designing the setlist and rehearsing with my violinist.

"(Y/N)," my younger sister, (S/N), interrupted my current thought process. "There's a call for you. It's the manager from 'Roundhouse' wanting to ask you about your set."

"Hand me the phone," I said, and she set the phone in my hand. "Hello?"

"Am I speaking to (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"This is she."

"I'm Kyle Finnegan, the owner of 'Roundhouse'." Mr. Finnegan introduced. "I wanted to personally speak to you about your set."

"I'll answer any questions you have to the best of my ability," I replied.

"Great!" he continued, "Did you have a specific way the stage techs need to set up everything?"

"Not at the moment, but if I do I'll personally come by and help."

"Alright, and I only have one other question; did you have a time picked?"

"Uh," I paused. I thought for a moment. I figured eight would be a perfect time to start. "I was thinking about eight o'clock if that's alright with you."

"That's perfect."

"Give me a call if you have any more questions," I said. I was smiling.

"I will. Have a good day Ms. (L/N)." Mr. Finnegan hung up and I set down the phone. I cheered and danced around my office. My dream was finally coming true. I was going on tour to spread my music to people who loved it.

When I was younger, I was defined as a musical genius with how passionate I was. My parents supported me in my journey while other kids didn't. There were two other geniuses in my school that everyone knew quite well; Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes.

I didn't particularly get along with them.

They'd always taunt me and tell me that I should use my genius to solve crimes or become a politician, but I always disagreed. I stuck with music.

(S/N) stood in the doorway and brought me out of my thoughts. "You secured one venue and you're celebrating? You still have a long way to go."

"Celebrate every victory, (S/N). That's my motto."

She laughed and I ruffled her hair. I left my office and entered the kitchen, putting a kettle on the stove. (S/N) takes a seat on the couch, flipping on the television. She settled on 'The Great British Baking Show' and entered the kitchen, putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I hummed in delight at the smell.

"Are you going to share?"


I giggled and she did too. "Fine, no hot cocoa for you."

"You can a small bowl."

"And you can have a small cup of cocoa."

She rolled her eyes and smiled as I pulled down a mug for her cocoa. I made her drink and she took it to the living room, and I picked out a tea bag, making my own mug. (S/N) had left my bowl of popcorn on the counter. I joined her on the couch, engrossed in the show.

When it was over, I sat down at my keyboard and stuck a pencil behind my ear. I needed to finish this song for the tour, plus I needed to rehearse most of the set with Josh, my violinist.

We met at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in their music program. Quickly becoming friends, we wrote music and performed together, often getting gigs to help pay for schooling. After graduation, we stuck together, and he was my violinist for my concert.

"When's Josh coming over?" (S/N) asked. I knew she had a small crush on him.

"Not till tomorrow. We agreed to rehearse around two o'clock."


I laughed and she blushed. Her crush was adorable. "Just tell him you like him already."

"I think I'm good, thanks."

"You'll never get anywhere with that attitude."

"That's okay with me." she giggled.

I shook my head, returning to my music. It still needed another chorus and possibly a bridge, if my creative genius was lucky enough to grant me one. I made it half-way through the second chorus when there was a knock on the door.

"I got it," (S/N) went to answer the door. "Oh, hey Josh. (Y/N) said you weren't coming until tomorrow afternoon."

"I know, but something came up." the brunette explained. He pushed up his glasses. "I can't be your violinist anymore, (Y/N)."

My head immediately shot up. "You can't be serious. We have a concert in a few days and a whole tour planned already."

"I'm sorry, I really am," he said, turning towards the door.

(S/N) shut it after he was down the stairs. I furrowed my brow.

"Why would he just quit like that?" she wondered aloud.

I scratched my cheek. "I don't know," I sighed. "This tour was our dream, and now he quits. What am I supposed to do?"

"Don't lose hope just yet," (S/N) chuckles. "I know someone who can play the violin. They're quite good, too."

"Please don't say yourself."

She rolled her eyes. "You're the musical one, not me." She pointed toward the floor.

My eyes widened. "No." I protested. "No way am I asking him for help."

"Sherlock is a great violinist, plus you two live in the same building! All he has to do is walk upstairs for rehearsal!"

"I'm not asking Sherlock Holmes to be my violinist for my concert."

(S/N) gave me a pointed look. I shot one right back at her, but eventually, I folded under her gaze. "Alright! I'll go ask Sherlock, but if he's constantly missing rehearsal due to murder cases, I'm blaming you."

I tugged on some shoes and headed downstairs to 221b. It was silent as I neared the door, and I prayed they weren't home.

I knocked on the door.

City of stars, are you shining just for me?


A.N: Hey people! I couldn't wait to start posting my second albumfic, and this time I'm using dodie's songs. She inspired me to pick up the ukulele and her songs are really good!

If you haven't read my other albumfic 'Youngblood', I suggest you check it out! It's another Sherlock reader insert.

Thank you for reading 'Keys and Strings' thus far! Feel free to comment, vote, and share with your friends who either like BBC Sherlock, Dodie Clark, or both!

Until next time,


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