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"(Y/N)!" my sister shouted from the living room, making me groan in my sleep. I turned over and pulled the covers up over my head. I wanted to stay in and sulk.

It was quiet for a while until she started pounding on my bedroom door. "(Y/N), get your butt out of bed because there's a certain someone here to talk to you!"

I sat up, setting my feet on the ground. "I'm coming, give me a second."

Shrugging on my robe, and walked out to the living room and was shocked to see Sherlock standing in the entryway. I scowled. "What do you want?"

He was straight to the point. "John made me come. I thought it over, and I'll be your violinist since you're so desperate."

"I don't believe that for a second."

"You don't have too," he forced a smile. "Just accept the fact that I'll play the violin for you."

I was silent for a moment. "Well then, come in and have a seat. I have to look for the song sheets so you can start learning the repertoire."

He took a seat on the couch, and I went to my 'music corner' to dig up Josh's old sheet music. "What made you change your mind?"

"I beg your pardon?" he asked.

"Why are you pitying me?" I questioned. "I'd much rather have someone play with me that doesn't."

Sherlock smirked. "Who said I was pitying you?"

"No one, I just guessed based on the fact that you decided to do it after openly detesting yesterday." I chuckled.

"You're very disorganized." the detective commented. "You're flat's a mess, and you would have found the sheet music by now."

"The mess makes it feel homey," I smirked.

"And yet you miss home." Sherlock continued, leaning forward and placing his hands under his chin, eyes narrowing. "You came here to make it big in music, and that wasn't working. You got a job as a waitress and in your free time wrote music, performing late-night gigs in local pubs.

"That's how you met Josh, your violinist, even though you tell everyone you met him during school. He was a bartender and you were drunk, need I go on?"

"Shut up." I grimaced. "You're not a saint yourself."

"And I wouldn't pride myself to be one."

Sheet music in hand, I clipped them together and handed the stack to Sherlock. "Try your best to be familiarized with the music. Oh, and one condition if you're set on being my violinist."

"What would that be?" he questioned.

"You can't just run off if Lestrade calls you about a murder," I smirk. His eyes widened.

"But Scotland Yard is a bunch of idiots without me!" he protested. "I have to go if I'm called!"

"Then I'd better find someone else to play for me."

"Fine," he handed the sheet music back to me. "I'll be on my way then."

"Sherlock." sounded John's voice from beyond the door. My eyes widened in shock.

"Have you been out there this whole time John?" I asked.

"Sherlock, you are going to abide by (Y/N)'s condition." John finalized. "Take that sheet music."

I held it out and Sherlock grudgingly took it back. I smirked at him again. "I'll see you on Tuesday for our first rehearsal."

He only scowled, leaving the flat. I silently nodded at John in thanks, him giving a wink in return. I sighed. Sherlock certainly has always been an interesting character; his personality was mysterious and so were his mannerisms.

(S/N) slowly crept out from her room. "So? How'd it go?"

"Uh, it went surprisingly well?"

"That sounded like a question." she giggled. I joined in with her laughter.

"What do you say? Downton Abbey marathon?" I offered.

"Yes please!"

I put on the kettle and popped a bag of popcorn. When the kettle whistled, I poured a cup of tea and a cup of hot chocolate. I put the popcorn in a bowl and eagerly grabbed a handful, ready to see what the Grantham-Crawley family drama would bring.

Will you share your soul with me? Unzip your skin and let me have a see.


A.N: Hello everyone! I've just been in the mood to write lately and so that's reflected by publishing two chapters on my Hetalia reader insert and updating this story too. 

I tried hinting that the reader had somewhat romantic thoughts about Sherlock before, but she didn't express them since she was focused on her music/work and since she's had this feud with the Holmes' brothers for so long.

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Until next time,


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