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Today was finally the day of the concert. I sighed as I laid in bed. All my hard work was going to be put onstage for everyone. I smiled.

I did it. I proved them wrong.

There was a knock at my bedroom door. (S/N) cracked it open, sticking her head through the gap. "Morning, sleepy-head. Time to rise and shine!"

I sat up and she walked into the room. "Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee, duh." I chuckled. She nodded.

"Also," she paused, a small smile on her face. "We're spending a majority of the day on the couch, painting nails, doing facials; just getting ready for tonight."

"You're the best, (S/N)." I laughed.

She winked and said, "I know." She left my room, softly closing the door behind her.

I stood, walking over to my closet to pick out an outfit for tonight. I planned on wearing my pajamas all day until I had to get ready. A sweet smell drifted into my room. (S/N) must have been making breakfast already.

I went out to the living room, 'The Good Doctor' already queued up on the television. The smell came from what was baking in the oven. (S/N) handed me a cup of coffee and a warm chocolate chip muffin. "Only eight hours until showtime," I commented.

"You got this," (S/N) said, sitting on the couch with her own breakfast. "Don't worry about it."

"I won't," I promised. "Now, let's watch!"


(S/N) and I spent the day lounging on the couch, watching TV and eating snacks. It was ten till five when I turned it off and said, "Time to get ready."

"Need help with anything?" (S/N) asked.

"If you could load my car with my music, that would be really helpful."

She nodded in affirmation and went over to my pile, picking up what needed to go to the venue. I retreated into my bedroom, preparing to get ready. I plugged in my phone, turning on music to listen to while I got ready.

As I was doing my eyebrows, my phone let out a little ding. I picked up my phone, checking the message. It was from Sherlock.

I'm so sorry about last night, (Y/N). Is there any way I can make it up to you? -SH

I rolled my eyes. To be fair, I didn't really care if he liked me at all. Just the fact that I get to spend time with him is enough for me. I'll be gone for three months on tour; plenty of time to get over him. I left him on read and opened John's contact.

Remember to be ready by six. -(Y/I)

I resumed the music and continued to do my eyebrows, carefully trying to fill in the fine (H/C) hairs. My phone let out another ding.

Answer me, (Y/N). Please. -SH

I quickly typed out a message back.

I'm trying to get ready Sherlock. I'll talk to you later. -(Y/I)

"He just doesn't know when to quit, does he?" I thought, carefully outlining a wing on my eyelid. Last night he had sent me so many messages that I had to turn off my phone to stop them from coming. I shook my head.

"No use in having him in my thoughts," I told myself quietly. "Immerse yourself in the music."

Time passed by quickly and I had just slipped my shoes on when there was a knock at the door. (S/N) answered it and greeted whoever it was. "Hey, John. You're right on time."

"Good evening," he replied.

I walked out into the living room, my eyes wide seeing Sherlock there too. "What are you doing here?"

John sighed. "He wouldn't let me leave the flat unless he knew where I was going. I told him you invited me to help set up, and he followed me."

I turned to address the detective. "You didn't have to come early, you know."

He only nodded, keeping his head down. I sighed. John shrugged his shoulders and spoke, "Let's get going, shall we?"

I nodded in agreement, leading the way out of the flat to my car parked on the street. I unlocked the car and said, "Boys in the back."

The drive to the venue was quiet. When I pulled into the parking lot and parked outside the backstage door. I opened the trunk and John got out, heading to start unloading stuff. He gave me a thumbs up when he was done, and I went to park. I joined them again afterward to help move things inside.

"This speaker needs to go on stage for a quick soundcheck," I commented and Sherlock picked up the speaker and nodded, heading out onto the stage.

"Music on the music stand," (S/N) called.

"Thank you!"

She turned to call out to Sherlock. "On deck for your soundcheck, Sherlock. (Y/N), you're on now."

"Roger that!"

Sherlock waited in the wings as I sat at the keyboard, playing random chords that came to mind. I picked up my ukulele and played some chords on that too. I gave a thumbs up and motioned for Sherlock to join me on stage. He picked up his violin. "We're going to play 'When',"

I instructed, turning to face the keyboard. We went through the song smoothly.

"Everything sounds good," (S/N) reported.

"Good," I replied. "You can tell Mr. Finnegan to start letting in guests."

She nodded and left the stage. Sherlock and I went backstage for final touch-ups. Leah and James were chatting and when they noticed me, they hurried over to give a hug. "Are you guys ready?" I asked.

They nodded, but Leah said, "I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited!"

I chuckled. Leah's mom called her over and I waved. She waved back and knelt down to their height, giving them hugs of reassurance. "Stick with (S/N)," I heard her say. "And remember to be quiet when watching from the wings."

I miss the old days. I smiled softly, remembering how my mom would hug me after I told her the things Mycroft and Sherlock used to tell me. She always said that I should do what I wanted to do; to do what made me happy.

From that day on, I didn't let their words get to me. The next day I made a promise to myself that I would prove them wrong.

And here I was, fourteen years later.

Sherlock's figure brought me out of my thoughts. "Are you ready?" he asked.

I nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." I nodded to Leah and James, who went out onstage. Leah sat at the piano and James picked up the violin, beginning the melody of 'Instrumental'. The crowd was quiet and some were in absolute awe at them. They had amazing talents, and I hoped the continued with music in the future.

The last few notes of the song rang out, and they took their bows as the applause filled the venue with noise. It was time to open the concert.


A.N: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Keys and Strings! The concert has begun, which means this story is slowing coming to a close. But don't worry, this isn't the last time you'll see Sherlock. I've got some things planned for the future.

Also, @potatobugx recently had a birthday so consider this a little birthday gift from me (even though we don't know each other lol). Their comments make my day.

Thank you for reading thus far! Feel free to vote, comment, and share with your friends!

Until next time,


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