If I'm Being Honest

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Kyle Finnegan, the manager of the 'Roundhouse', flipped on the lights, bathing the venue in the light. I ran out onto the stage, taking in the empty house seats. Tomorrow, it'd be filled with people who came to see me perform in person, and I was so excited.

This was happening, and I was going on tour next week.

(S/N) came out and stood next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. "I'm proud of you (Y/N)."

"Thanks," I replied, rubbing my hands together. "Now, let's get to work setting up the instruments. Sherlock should be bringing his violin, and he should be here in twenty minutes or so."

The staff set up the stage and Sherlock still hadn't shown up. I shrugged it off; he was probably running late.

(S/N) tapped my shoulder. "Do you want me to text John and see if he knows where he is?"

"It's alright, he's probably late," I commented, finishing tuning my ukulele. "He really doesn't need to be here for another ten minutes. London traffic around this time isn't the best anyway."

"If you say so," she shrugged her shoulders, running back offstage. I sat and spoke into the microphone. "Let's go ahead and start." I nodded to Leah, Mrs. Hudson's great niece, and Josh's little brother James to come out on stage.

Leah sat at the piano and James picked up his violin. "Okay Leah, just play something so we can fix the volume." she nodded and played a few chords. She finished when the sound tech gave us a thumbs up and James did the same thing.

"Leah and James are playing the first song in the set, 'Instrumental'," I said. "They open the show as mini-Sherlock and mini-me. When they finish, I'll come out on stage and talk about the second piece, so on and so forth."

Leah and James did their song, and the few people in the crowd applauded. They bowed and went backstage, smiling from ear to ear. I picked up my ukulele and sang through 'Freckles and Constellations'. So far, so good.

When I finished 'Dear Happy', there was still no sign of Sherlock. I frowned. I told him dress rehearsal was important for sound and lighting checks. "Let's take five," I said. I went backstage and found (S/N), quickly typing on her phone. John was sitting a few feet away.

"John," I called, and he turned to me.

"You're set sounds amazing," he complimented.

"Thank you," I replied. "I have a question though. Do you know where Sherlock is?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "You mean he isn't on stage or anything? Not waiting to go on?"

"He should have been here fifteen minutes ago."

John's eyes widened. "Oh, (Y/N), I'm so sorry." he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Something came up with Irene Adler-"

"You mean, 'the woman'?" I whispered. "The one you wrote about in your blog?"

"Yes," he sighed. "He got a text from her this morning, and he hasn't contacted me since he left."

I took a deep breath. "Oh," I murmured.

"You're falling for him, aren't you?" he asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I replied, walking back onto the stage to unplug my instruments to start packing up. John followed me.

"You should tell him," he suggested. I chuckled.

"So I can have my heart broken?"

"So he knows you feel the same."

I sighed and looked up at John. "This is Sherlock we're talking about, John." I wiped away a stray tear. "He's not going to feel the same."

"He might change just for you."

"Now you're starting to sound like (S/N)."

John picked up one of the instrument cases and helped me carry it out to my car. I thanked him for the help when we were done. I waved to Mr. Finnegan in the distance as he drove off.

"Thank you for helping clean up, John," I said. "If it's not too much trouble, is it possible if you can help set up tomorrow?"

"It's no trouble at all," he said.

"I'll give you a ride over. I'm planning on leaving around six."

He nodded in confirmation. I unlocked my car and strapped in, ready to drive back to the flat. The air was warmer tonight so I rolled down my window to enjoy it. Summer was coming. Before I could back out, there was a figure running toward me in the distance. I glared at the figure and grit my teeth.

It was Sherlock.

He stopped and caught his breath when he reached my car. "I'm here for rehearsal."

"Rehearsals over, Sherlock."

He paused and caught the look in my eye. I continued. "You missed it. We couldn't rehearse the final song, so we packed up and I'm heading back to my flat."

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I-"

"You were caught up with Irene, I know," I whispered. "It's okay."

"No it's not-" he tried.

"Goodnight, Sherlock. I'll see you tomorrow night."

I rolled up my window and backed out of my parking space, taking off down the road. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I knew I'd never get a chance with him. He was in love with Irene; John had written on his blog that no one else had challenged him in the same way she had. I wasn't as smart as she was, nor as pretty.

He'd never fall for me.

I'll just have to keep the memories.

Did you plan to fall? Well, if I'm being honest, I bet it's not that at all.


A.N: hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this update to Keys and Strings. 

To be honest (lol no pun intended), this song wasn't originally in the fanfic 'setlist', but I listened to it on my Spotify list and I couldn't help but put it in, along with a dress rehearsal scene/chapter. I feel like it works. 

Plus, we're slowly getting to the end of this fanfic, and I can't wait to see how I unfold it.

Please feel free to share, comment, and vote! I love reading your comments, they make my day.

Until next time,


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