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Tuesday came way too quick for my liking.

I groggily sat up out of bed and grabbed a pair of sweats off the floor. I didn't care what I looked like, I just wanted to finally begin rehearsals.

(S/N) was in the living room, holding out a mug for me. "I went ahead brewed (F/H/D) for you. I figured you would need it to get through rehearsal with Sherlock."


I had totally forgotten that Sherlock was my violinist, not Josh.

I frowned slightly, bringing the steaming mug to my lips. (S/N) didn't even notice my silence. I sighed and settled on the couch, wondering when he would decide to show up. I should have given him a meeting time.

(S/N) glanced at me. "Are you going to text Josh?"

I gave her a funny look. "What do you mean?"

"It's a tradition that you text Josh when rehearsals begin." she cocked an eyebrow. "You aren't one to easily let traditions go."

"I only did it because he was my violinist," I replied, taking another sip from my mug.

"Then start it with Sherlock." 

I almost choked on my drink. "You can't be serious!"

(S/N) gave me a pointed look. "Tradition," she argued.

"No!" I insisted. "I'm not going to text Sherlock just because it's the first day of rehearsals!"

(S/N) narrowed her eyes at me. I swallowed thickly. She was right; I didn't give up on tradition. Even when I was six and mom burned the Christmas cookies, I made sure we had them that year.

I groaned. "Fine," I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked on his contact.

Since when have I had his contact?

I dismissed the thought; I'd ask him later. I opened up the message and typed.

Rehearsals begin today. We're starting at two this afternoon, don't be late. -(Y/I)


(S/N) sent me a smile. I smirked. "Happy now?"

"Extremely," she matched my smirk. "Would it be any trouble to give me Josh's number?"

"Not happening."

She groaned. "(Y/N) you're the absolute worst!"

I laughed. "We have time to kill until two, so how about we catch up on John Mulaney and make lunch around noon?"

"Sounds like a plan."

Turning on the TV, I started up John Mulaney's "Kid Gorgeous" comedy special and headed into the kitchen to make toast.


Hours later, I glanced at the clock. It was two-thirty, and I rolled my eyes. Of course, he didn't show on time. My phone dinged a text alert.

Running late. Lestrade called about a level seven case and I couldn't refuse. -SH

"At least he had the decency to text me half an hour later," I complained.

"While you wait, why not just warm up?" (S/N) suggested. "You're going to be the star, remember? Not Sherlock."

I smirked. "You're right."

I plugged in my keyboard and tuned my ukulele, practicing the familiar chords for the show. Time flew by as I warmed up, and I was drawn out of focus by a knock at the door. I didn't even notice (S/N) had retreated into her room. I set down my ukulele and went to answer the door, only to glare at Sherlock.

"It's three-fifteen," I stated, opening the door wider so he could come inside. "We should have started an hour and fifteen minutes ago."

"I'm here now, that's all that matters." he retorted.

"Did you bring your sheet music?" I asked, folding my arms at him.

The consulting detective froze in place. I facepalmed; of course, he'd forget.

The silence was interrupted by another knock at the door. This time, John was panting and bent over, trying to catch his breath. He held out the music. "Sherlock forgot these."

I chuckled. "Thanks, Mama Watson."

He glared at me then shifted his attention to Sherlock. "Behave yourself," he warned.

Sherlock only scoffed. "Let's just get started." he growled.

I waved goodbye to John and headed over to my music corner. I set Sherlock's music on a stand and I sat down at the keyboard, playing a few notes to double check it was on and working.

"Alright, now the opening piece of the concert is 'Instrumental', but that's being played by mini me and a mini you." I explained. "I start with a couple songs, you'll come out and we'll duet 'Dear Happy', and then we'll end with 'When'."

"So I only play one song in the whole set?"

I nodded. "The set is small, but so many people are excited that this is my first tour, and that I'm opening in London. The show is already sold out."

"People really do enjoy your music." he scoffed. I glared at him.

"Let's just get started." I shuffled my music so 'When' was on my stand. "We're gonna practice 'When' today so you get used to it."

Sherlock nodded positioned his violin. I started playing and looked to Sherlock when he was supposed to come in. I started singing the lyrics, and about thirty seconds into the song, Sherlock played a sour note.

"Shake it off," I advised. "Pick up to measure eighteen."

Playing continued smoothly until he hit another sour note. He groaned and stopped playing. "Why did you stop?" I asked.

"I want it to be perfect," he replied, shrugging off his coat. "Can we start from the beginning?"

"Uh, sure," I felt my cheeks get warm. Now is not the time to be admiring my neighbor. "If you mess up, just keep going."

We started again, and when we reached the thirty second mark, Sherlock hit the same sour note from before.

"Why can't I get it?!" he shouted. "I never screw up any piece!"

"Did you even look at the music before we met today?" I asked, folding my arms at him.

"No, I got busy with a case Lestrade called about," he admitted, looking down at his shoes. My heart started pounding. I stood and held the wrist Sherlock used to play the strings. "It's a simple chord if you've rehearsed the piece a million times." I whispered.

The detective nodded, watching as I moved his fingers to the correct placement. "You're overthinking it." I commented. "Now try."

He played the notes leading up to the note and I smiled when he played it correctly. "That's it, now let's take it from the top."

He nodded, smirking at me. I felt myself blush, but passed it off as the room being hot. As we played through 'When' I realized something I hadn't thought of before.

No matter how much I wanted to deny it, I actually liked Sherlock. I bite my lip and continued to sing, the words had meaning now that I knew who they were for, even if he didn't know it.

Besides, he'd never like someone like me.

What if it cost you your heart and your last name?


A.N: Hey everyone! Another update because someone got me motivated to write. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far!

Finally, the reader admits that she's falling for Sherlock, and I think the lyric line is so poetic because the reader thinks she has no chance with him. So it'll cost her her heart and we'll see about her last name.

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Until next time,


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