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The last few notes held as the piano quietly faded, the sound from Sherlock's violin doing the same. I opened my eyes and smiled. For only a few weeks of practice, I was really happy with the sound we were making.

Sherlock placed his violin against the wall under the window, stretching his fingers after playing.

"We're pretty much ready for the concert," I said, lifting my hands off the keyboard and walking toward the kitchen. Sherlock followed me.

"You said the concert was next week, correct?" he asked.

"Yes," I looked at him. "Please don't forget we have a mandatory dress rehearsal the night before. You have to be there."

"Dress rehearsals are so boring," he complained.

"We have to do a sound and light check before we perform." I laughed. "Please don't be late, or run off with John on some case Lestrade needs help with."

"I can't promise anything, (Y/N)," his eyes locked onto mine. His expression was the softest I'd ever seen. "But, I will say that if it's lower than an eight, I'll put the case off until your concert is over."

"Thank you," I smiled, walking back into the living room to unplug the keyboard. Sherlock's phone let out a ding.

"Say, (Y/N)," he said, and I looked at him. "You've never actually been with me on a case; why not come with me on this one?"

"Is Sherlock Holmes asking someone to come with him instead of dragging them along?" I teased.

He let a small smile grace his features and I nodded. "Sounds like fun."

"Let's go!" he cheered, heading out the door and down the steps. It was hard to keep his pace. "The game is on!"

He hailed a taxi and before I knew it, we were on our way to Scotland Yard. I studied Sherlock as he was focused on his phone, rapidly texting someone back. I took the opportunity to photograph him. He turned his head to me, a smirk on his face. "Did you just take a picture of me?"

I laughed. "You looked relaxed for once."

He nodded, going back to whatever he was doing. I looked out the window, taking in the passing London streets. The sky was slowly beginning to grey, and I noted to be home before it started raining. The cab came to a stop, and I followed Sherlock into Scotland Yard and to Lestrade's office, where the DI was pacing.

"About time you showed up," he sighed, shutting the door as we took a seat. He pushed the case file toward us. "This one has us all confused. Three teens, all dead at the same time."

"It could be a suicide pact," I suggested.

Sherlock shook his head. "There was supposed to be a fourth."

"A fourth?" Lestrade asked.

"Look, each girl has a coordinating color: red, yellow, and green." he pointed to each present color in the photographs. "There should be a fourth girl; for example, the color blue."

"This is like the musical 'Heathers'," I said, my eyes widening. "So if we're missing the color blue, then most likely the boyfriend did it. Our 'JD'."

Sherlock smiled at me. "Exactly. Find the boyfriend. I'm sure he's committed more murders than just these three."

"Thank you," Lestrade exhaled, reaching for his intercom and instructing Donovan. Sherlock tugged me out of the office and out to the street. I smiled. I had solved a case without meaning to!

"You're very happy," he commented, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Congratulations on solving your first case."

"To be honest, I didn't mean to," I chuckled. "The pieces just fit."

"You asked me a week or so ago to teach you how to think," Sherlock reminded me. I thought he would have forgotten about that. "This is your first lesson."

"Really?" I was shocked. I cleared my throat. "I'm ready to learn."

The detective smirked, walked past the flat, and across the street to Regents Park. He sat on a bench and observed the people walking about. He pointed to a couple having a picnic in the grass.

"What do you notice?"

I studied them for a moment. The woman was wearing a designer dress; I'd seen it on a mannequin in a nearby store. They were obviously rich judging from the various exotic foods the man was pulling out of the basket. "They're a rich couple; she's wearing a designer dress and he's brought expensive food for their picnic. He's probably going to propose since he's wearing a suit."

"Excellent observations, however," Sherlock smirked and leaned towards me, whispering, "she's proposing."

"How do you know?"

He smiled. "The basket is more feminine; it has a checkered blanket inside. Daisies stick out the other end, so it means that she's taking them home later."

"That's incredible," I whispered back. I smiled and turned to look at the sky. It was still slowly turning grey. I swallowed thickly, turning to look back at him. "We should get going. Dress rehearsal is coming up and I want to make sure I'm prepared for the concert."

He nodded. "You go on ahead. I'll be back later."

"Don't stay out too late, Sherlock," I said. "You'll catch a cold."

"I won't, I promise."

I walked off and crossed the street, stepping into the warmth of 221b. I climbed the stairs to my flat, and (S/N) was lazily lying across the couch, the American show 'Once Upon A Time' playing on the television.

"Where have you been?" she asked, sitting up and pausing the show.

"Sherlock asked me to come with him on a case," I replied, putting the kettle on the stove. "I helped solve a case."

"Congrats," she replied, a small smirk on her face. "So, was that the first official date with Sherlock?"

I laughed. "Of course not." I sighed. "Sherlock doesn't date, (S/N). I'm happy he just invited me out for the afternoon."

"You never know, (Y/N), he might change just for you."

Just a touch and a thought and I was gone


A.N: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Keys and Strings. I enjoyed writing it, and I couldn't help but add in a murder that was similar to the musical 'Heathers'. It's been stuck in my head lately.

Also, I want to apologize just in case I triggered anyone with mentioning the suicide pact. If you are in that state of mind, reach out to someone and don't be afraid to ask for help. Just talking to someone can help ease the burden on your shoulders.

Please feel free to comment, share, and vote. I really love reading and responding to your comments- they make my day.

Until next time,


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