Chapter 6- The Football Game

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When I got to Blake's house, Zens car was not in the driveway so I ran inside, locked my bedroom door and started doing homework. I heard the knock my sister uses to get into my room. I opened the door and let Ash in. She sat down on the bed and I jumped on it, lying on my stomach. "You ok?" Ash asked, looking down at me. I nodded my head, still on my phone. "What happened Paige?" she asked with concern in her voice. I sat up, put my phone down and started to explain what happened. She nodded when I was done telling the story. "Why did I think I could ever get with him? He is the quarterback! He has already committed to Alabama!" I said, lying down looking up at the ceiling. Ash laid down next to me and looked at the ceiling too. "Don't say that. Your amazing and if he can't see that, then he isn't the one for you," she said nudging me a little. "Now get up. I am getting you ready," she said excitedly. "Ready for what?" I asked. "The football game silly! There is a football game every Friday!" she said. "But I don't want to go. Zen will be there." I said sitting up. "You won't even see him. He will be on the field the whole time," she said grabbing my arm and pulling her into her room. Blake had already left to get ready for the game, he was the wide receiver. She started working on my makeup and hair. She put my hair up in a high ponytail and left a couple pieces out. She then curled my ponytail and the strands in the front. After finishing my hair, she started on my makeup. She went on and on about how I had clear skin so she only had to put on bronzer, highlight, and mascara. Once she finished with my makeup and hair, she picked out an outfit for me. Our school colors were red and white, so Ash decided to have me wear white ripped jeans and a cropped red t-shirt. Ash let me borrow her red checkered Vans. "Oh my god! I almost for the most important part," she said jumping up and down. I sat down waiting for her and she came back into the room with two bottles of face paint. Next thing I know I am looking in the mirror and I have two stripes across my face. One was red and one was white. I smiled looking into the mirror as Ash looked at her finished work. "Wow you look amazing," she said happily. "Thanks to you," I said smiling. 

We heard James honking his horn. We ran out to his White Jeep Wrangler. I hopped in the back and Ash sat in the front. Soon we were listening to music and after 15 minutes, we were parked and walking toward the ticket booth. We all bought our tickets and went to the student section. Ash's friends had saved us some seats. I ended up sitting between James and Ash. The game was about to start and everyone jumped out of there seats and started to scream. I slowly stood up and James laughed. "Paige it is ok you can stand up." I laughed and stood up just in time to see Zen run through the Eagles Banner and the crowd went nuts. He started to look around as if looking around for someone. He saw me and smiled. I saw my friends look up at me and then look at him and I shrugged and waved. The game started off and Eagles ended up having possession of the ball. I couldn't figure out the game so James started to explain it to me. "There are 4 downs when you have the ball, if you make it a certain distance then it goes back to first do-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence and stood up. I stood up to and saw Zen, running the ball to the end zone. He made it just in time before the opposing team tackled him. "TOUCHDOWN!!"  the announcer screamed. The crowd went wild and the cheerleaders started to dance. We all sat down again. "Anyway, if you make a certain distance then it is first down. Once it is fourth down, you can run, punt, or kick a field goal," he said. He kept explaining it to me and soon I got the hang of it. We started to talk about other things like food, hobbies, school etc. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go get pizza with us. Ash, you can come too. It is always a tradition for us guys to go get pizza after the games." he said. Me and Ash both agreed and soon it was halftime. All the players went back to the locker room, except Blake and Zen. Blake appeared to be getting a microphone. "Can I have everyone's attention please!" he yelled. "I have an important question for an important person in my life! Ashley Stockford, please stand up and make your way to the field," he yelled. I looked over at Ash who has tears in her eyes. She got up and walked down the metal bleachers and stood in front of Blake. Zen then pulled down a string that reviled a sign that says Time's Running Out As You Can See, So Make a Play and Touchdown at Homecoming with me?  Blake then said "Ash, you are amazing and mean the world to me so will you got to homecoming with me?" he asked. She nodded wiping her tears, she grabbed the flower bouquet from him and they hugged and kissed. Blake headed back to the locker room and Ash came back up to the stands, everyone congratulated her. She sat down next to me with a big smile. "Guess we are going dress shopping huh?" she said. I nodded hoping someone would ask me out to homecoming, little did I know I had a big surprise coming.

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